Chapter 4

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Note : Sexual content ahead.

I was thrown on the bed with a force, he quickly rode over me, I was scared cause if he knew I am being  a detective behind his back, he might lock me in this room from now, I can't even fight back, he looks so intimidating that every argument stops from the deathly stares.

" You know how dangerous it is outside, you are only safe with me, get that in your mind." His eyes were staring deep into my soul, fetching the lies.

" I wasn't feeling well today, so I went to the doctor, I even got an IV." I said, the only thing that get in my mind.

"What?" He checked the bandage on my hand and the expression on his face changed in a swift of seconds.

"You should have told me before, my baby, I am sorry for being harsh. You don't have a fever now? Are you feeling down again? Lets go to the hospital again..."

"I am fine now, completely fine, its just I was tired, so got the IV just in case, but I didn't wanna worry you." I told you I am an Oscar level actor.

"I am being very careless with you, forgive me for that, I should get my office shifted here and from now on I will get you a caretaker and doctor here just in case..."

"Vegas, I am fine, see, completely are being worried for nothing." 

"Am I? Then what was my baby doing at the hotel?"

I froze for a second,  He was looking at me with the slyest smile, but that was soon surfaced over.

" How do you know?"

"You think the only purpose of the card was to let others know my people? it has a GPS to track them, no one knows it except  the family, but look my little kitty being so oversmart, haven't you heard that curiosity killed the cat?"


"Say it I am waiting, I will be gentle cause so aren't that well but it doesn't mean I am not gonna do anything." He took of his jacket, and his shirt soon, unhooked his pants but left them like that, I was just being stuck cause my luck fucks me up every single time.

" Hurry up Munchkin, we have a lot to do..." 

No way I am gonna tell him, but what to say as one more lie and I am over. But actions are more louder than words. So I jumped and kissed him deeply and he fall backwards by my sudden jump and I just had to make him forget the question.

He didn't even try to budge, I trailed down to his neck, my hands roaming on his chest, my favorite part of his body. I touched his abs, electric sensations all over my body, how can he be this much sexy? I went down to his unhooked pants and took them off, he was watching intently with a smirk, I rubbed over his clothed hard on and he groaned at the single touch.

I can also do things to him which can make him lose his mind, but only under such situations to get out of trouble. We didn't had enough time for ourselves often as he is super busy these days. And on top of it If I became this much of a slut who can be sane? I planted tiny kisses all over and took off the boxers, I had a tight grip but slowly moving my hands, I grazed my thumb over the tip and he moaned, I was getting heat up too, although my body was numb it was still responding to the sight. 

I did it slowly until he almost lost his mind, and soon I was under him, beneath his mercy, he was devouring me like a hungry wolf, who has tasted blood. I shut my eyes, but his kisses around my neck were still showing me fireworks around me, I tugged my fingers in his hair, pulling them lightly but enough to stirr him up, we were literally so into each other until the last part of breath was over and I was huffing to catch up on them. I quickly took off my shirt and he didn't left an inch untouched, my sensitivity rises 5 times higher whenever he touches me. Like every single thing makes me feel so many emotions.

I turned and about to reach his dick but he guided me and he was facing my ass, I was confused until his tongue reached the rim, the sudden pleasure made me moan, I too got to my job, and took him at once, I sucked and licked his manhood, but the more I did his tongue was being more wilder, until his fingers made a way inside me. I didn't know their was a way like this, the time his second finger penetrated I was too taken over that I forgot what I was doing, my head swing back and just enjoying the pleasure he was giving me.

He got up and his tip grazing at my rim, he was just rubbing it, and that was driving me crazy as fuck. The anticipation of the upcoming events were making it too hard to control, until he pushed it in, the pain made me moan louder, and I grabbed the sheets beneath me. He paced himself and it was only him for me, nothing else. 


"Patience babe, you won't be lasting long then.." he angled his legs and went deeper, I almost fell if not for his grip around my waist, he thrusted deeper, hitting my prostate every time. Words from my mouth didn't made sense anymore, they were like a way to keep the hang of things that I was still conscious.

I was reaching my limit and his pace went animalistic until we both came over and he lied beside me, no strength was left in me to get up and wash myself.

"I won't go for another, you seem unwell."


"You did good today. Lets take a shower now, come on." He carried me to the shower and washed me up, I was too lazy to even bother, and we slept like that, although I did this to save myself but I was missing this warmth so much, I left all my worries for tomorrow and moved closer to him.

"You still have to give me answers tomorrow honey....I won't be fooled like this." He whispered but I was almost half asleep to think about it.

Note: I know the story might be confusing many of you, I have told the future in chapter 1 that they have broken up and after that  in these chapters from 2nd to upcoming ones the flashback from Pete's memories from the moment the season 1 ended

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Note: I know the story might be confusing many of you, I have told the future in chapter 1 that they have broken up and after that  in these chapters from 2nd to upcoming ones the flashback from Pete's memories from the moment the season 1 ended. Hope you like it and if you did do tell me and vote it...

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