Chapter 8

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" What are you doin' here?"

" Such a nice and calm kitten, isn't he?" 

"Coco, come here." But coco wasn't the one to listen, the little jerk was enjoying being patted by Vegas and isn't even batting an eye towards me.

" Cute living stuffs like me a lot, don't they?"

" I am calling the security now, get out of my house."

" First of all calm down and get changed, I am not doing anything wrong here, okay? I don't even have anything to scare you with, you can check if you want, well I don't need a weapon to scare you but anyways, I am a peace preacher nowadays."

" Stop playing cool and get to the point you are here for, and if that shit is again then get out of here."

"Cool, so sit down first, you might get a shock from it."

" What is it now?" I was scared what he is here for, he is not a good news anyway ever since.

" I am here for two things. First is to repent whatever I did to you."

" That's call  redemption for a devil like you."

"You can say so and second, I need your help."

" I  decline."

"Listen to me atleast, its really important for me."

" Say it."

" I quit being a mafia."

"Good for you, now can you leave. Mr. Ex- mafia."

" I am starting my own hotel business so I had to get the capital for that, I sold all my properties and share I got from the business, so in total I implied it all to it, and now I still need investors."

"Go to your boyfriend, ask him for some."

"He is not my boyfriend Pete, he never was."

" Stop it here now and fuck off before I kick you out."

" I have nowhere to go now, I told you I sold even my house."

"What the hell am I responsible for all this?"

" I am too prideful to ask for help to anyone except you, so I am just gonna live here until I get my own."

" Oh, you think I will say you are more than welcome, its not a PG, its my damn house, I own it, you can't live here."

" But you also shared my house with me, I was more than happy for that."

"I never shared, I was forced to."

"Whatever, just help me thinking about that time, I swear I won't bother you, even help you in many ways."

"You will be the last person I trust."

"I swear, I just need a room to sleep, even the sofa will work, and I can cook food for you and clean the house too, its a bit messy but I can help and super important, I can take care of your cat too, it will be cost efficient for you too."

" Me and Coco are better on our own, you should ask your other boyfriends, there are many."

"Pete.." He seemed pissed off, I forgot that he is Vegas, he is a born Mafia, you can't stop being a satan if you are.

"What?" A meek yet repulsive voice came out from my mouth as a counter response.

" Please, I will go forever then, and while I am here , I won't even touch you or do anything that you feel bad and won't bother you if you are with someone else."

"All that can happen if you aren't here at first place."

" You can curse me, beat me whenever you are angry and can make me your househelp and personal servant whenever you want, I deserve all that."

The earnest shine in his eyes and the strength in his words were bewitching me, If I agree then I would be repaying for my stay at his house and also getting my revenge for everything, but if things take bad turn then what will happen?

" I will think about it and tell you few days later, now go."

"It means I am staying here, thanks, I liked the guest room, so I will be living there, good night for today."

" Wait who said you can...."

"Thanks a lot for helping me, I will never forget about this and will replay you once my business is set up for good."

" No, keep it with you, hey where do you think you are going?" He had brought his luggage with him, that too for months, how does he believe that I will let him be, he took all of it in the guest room, I was just watching all this but he wasn't even listening.

" Wait, Coco is my cat, I won't share him."

" He is with me on his own will, you can take him  back if you want."

But coco didn't even looked at me and clung to him like a glue, what does he fed to my cat that he is behaving like that? He went in and locked his door, wait, locked? What does he think of himself? That I will be trying to enter his room? Bastard. Angrily I went to change and had a shower, warm water flowing down my body, relaxing every part of me, I was regretting agreeing to keep him right now, and what the future holds is more irritating.

" Why the hell did I do that?" I cursed and went to have a bottle of water, in my way I eavesdropped on his door, the sound of low snores could be heard, he was really here for living like that? I am being tricked? Even if I am I will make him regret his decisions of coming here, and make him suffer the things I did, just you wait for it Vegas. While sleeping, I locked my door and kept my taser under my pillow, I always kept it ever since I moved out of dorm. Soon heaviness came over and I drowsed off.

Note: Things will be taking turns and reaching the questions still in your mind, who killed uncle Korn? Why did Arm did that and where are they now? And why did Vegas cheated? Everything will be answered as the story unfolds. Tell me if you like it and vote if you did, I am really in a doubt about what you think about this story? I do wish if you tell me about your views, your pov's and feedbacks helps a lot to me and even effect the story positively.

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