Chapter 17

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We were heading towards the main house, its been three days and no matter how many times I asked him to take me there or atleast tell me something but all he does is to make me quiet by using his antics. But today finally we are there, seems like something has happened as the number of guards and security is increased.

"Babe, wait."


"One thing I want you to remember before going in, don't get swayed no matter how much he tries, try to seek what you haven't seen before, their is always a hidden betrayal dressed as a close relation."

His words were confusing me more, I just nodded and headed in with him, the same basement and the same guy sitting over there.

"Did he utter anything?"

"Not yet, seems like we have to go on with your method."

"Pretty cool, its been a while since I did something exciting."

Vegas went inside, and closed the see through windows, their was an unsettling silence for a while until loud screams could be heard, I panicked at the sound and tried to go inside but Porsche held my hands and signaled me not to go, I didn't want to lose anyone now, after all their are only limited people left in my world.

"What the heck is he doing?"

"Just wait for a few more minutes, you will see the real deal now." 

And their was silence again, the door unlocked and Vegas came out, he was sweating a bit and his hands were covered in blood, I rushed inside to see, but found Ken wincing in pain, his feet stained in blood, the scene was so disgusting that even I felt nauseous, tears brimmed on the edges, it was all because of me.


He didn't answered, his head swaying and writhing in pain, Porsche and Kinn came along with Vegas who has now changed his shirt.

"Want to hear something good Babe?"


"Nothing, just a nail in his feet, as he is so desperate to stay here, but now he is ready to disclose everything."

"So, I won't ask twice, the moment you won't answer, the next nail will be hammered inside your other feet and so on till I dig it in your head. Am I clear?"

Porsche came and took me to the side, I shifted my gaze to somewhere else, the monster in Vegas is never gonna fade away, just hidden inside him.

" Is Sean alive?"


"How did he survived?"

"That day, when....when you burned his brother, no one poured kerosene over him, and he was just acting to be faint as he wanted to escape the situation, as you left the house, he rushed outside from the back door he has discovered while his stay at that place, but because the fire has spread all over, he got major burns at his face and right hand, the first person he called was me, I went there to fetch him up and got him treated in secret, he has to get a plastic surgery for that, he went into hiding after knowing that his father had died."

"My Uncle? Who killed him?"

"The target was you, the bouquet was meant for you but that bastard friend of him gave it to his uncle instead, as you left the party so nothing happened to you."

" Where are they now?"

"I don't know. Sean used to plan everything and I was just the one who provided him with resources."

" Why did you approach Pete?"

"Sean wanted me to."

"What does he wanted to do with him as if you wanted to kill him, you would have tried to attack him atleast once."

"That even I don't know, he just wanted me to befriend him and get all the information about his whereabouts and whatever going on in his life along with the people he meets and things he likes and dislikes."

"Why were you doing that? He was your boyfriend, still?"

"The only thing he used to say that he has something old to settle with him."

"Where is Sean now?"

"I don't know."

"Where is he?" Vegas moved towards him, every step he took and Ken was shivering, I was shocked enough after knowing whatever he said, I trusted a wrong man.

"The day he attacked you, was the last time I met him, he might be hiding somewhere, but  he sent me a message when Pete asked me on a dinner, he wanted me  to not to go."

"What do you think will happen to you?"

"Let me go otherwise you all are gonna get in trouble."

"You are in no position to give all of us a threat, asswipe."

" Do you really think he is that weak to not to do anything, he might have already began his plan."

"What do you mean by that, huh?"

"He was planning something behind my back but whatever it was, their was a large sum of money invested in it, all you can do is sit and see your world collapsing."

A silence in the room, I went out of the room, their was nothing else I want to hear, a stinging pain in my chest so I dropped on the sofa, not much later gunshots were heard, multiple gunshots and everything went silent again, I was still not used to of the sound of these gunshots, people betraying and being killed later on, Arm and Pol's image was in front of my eyes, what wrong have they done? Just that they were related to me? 

Porsche came to me and took me upstairs, I was not in the mood to talk anything, my head was hurting and I was so annoyed at myself, again.

"It isn't your fault, you are just too pure and gentle. Don't take it to heart, okay?"

"It is, its all my fault, Arm and Pol are their because of me, how can I live like this when they are suffering there."

"Be calm. we will try everything we can to bring them back, as we know that they are still alive."

Porsche hugged me and I cried, he was quiet and just being there listening to me, he was much stronger than I was.

"Vegas is busy with Kinn, they might  be late, you are staying with me for today."

I slept  for sometime after taking some medicine, Vegas was still outside and Porsche was sleeping on the couch there, he might also be exhausted from today's events.

My phone buzzed the next moment and a message from an unknown number popped up.

"If you want your friends to be released safe and sound, then arrive at the location I will send you, at tomorrow evening."

To be continued.....

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