Chapter 10

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Note: Sexual content ahead and I want you to read it, as I had written it to be read😅😅.

"You will regret this tomorrow and blame me..."

"I won't.." The firmness in his voice and the direct eye contact was luring me to the troubles and I was following his lead.

"Promise me.."

"I DO."

" Say it again now." I took of video of him being the troublemaker, yes, cause he won't trust me the next morning, so, just taking precautions. 

" How many times do I have to say, I told you I want you so bad, take these off now..." His hands trying to take off my jacket but he was unable to undo the chain, I put my phone aside and helped him, seeing him in heat is a different type of intoxication to me, making my mind cloudy and lust rise over my head, it didn't took me a second to get hot all over.

" His hands trying to take off my jacket but he was unable to undo the chain, I put my phone aside and helped him, seeing him in heat is a different type of intoxication to me, making my mind cloudy and lust rise over my head, it didn't took me a ...

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I pulled him closer, and claimed his lips, those lips that I was addicted to, I had been dying to taste them again, and it was like I had been blessed by heavens again. His lips were soft and plump against mine, he bit my upper lip, the fire inside me igniting and my tongue flipping over his, their was not a single part of his mouth that I didn't taste, for how long, I don't know and I don't care, it was him, who I can pleasure for the rest of my life.

I flipped him over, the sneer on his face visible, as if he won something, but the winner was me here, the neck was inviting me, for how many nights I dreamed to be there, I kissed his earlobe and a soft moan escaped from his mouth, the sound I love the most. I licked down to his neck and sucked at every inch, I wanna pleasure and cherish him, like aged wine. Peppering tiny kisses all over his chest, my tongue trailed down to his nipples, the buds were already sensitive, I licked it lightly and he gasped for breath. The moment he wasn't ready and I sucked his left bud, flicking the other one, he was wreathing under me, his back was arched and his hips were moving, he sure was enjoying this too. I sucked and licked those buds until he literally went insane, his face was blushing red, eyes shut and mouth parted, he was a mess under me, ever since the first time. 

I took off my jeans and he rode over me, getting a hold of my shaft tightly, a sudden groan left my mouth, he was teasing me, moving it as slowly as he could, until I was pushing my hips up to pace it, and then very fast that I may cum anytime, an...

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I took off my jeans and he rode over me, getting a hold of my shaft tightly, a sudden groan left my mouth, he was teasing me, moving it as slowly as he could, until I was pushing my hips up to pace it, and then very fast that I may cum anytime, and I did. He was proud of his skills, and he took it all in his mouth the next very moment, bobbling up and down his head, he was looking directly in my eyes, the innocence and the lust, a rare combo, I was indeed lucky to have such a destiny to meet him.

I hovered over him and flipped him on his stomach, raising his hips up, I groped them and kissed him, it was passionate as fuck, he was so in need that he was rubbing his ass on my member, Jesus, I wanna fuck him so bad that he can't walk for weeks. I pushed him down and sucked his rim, he panted, whins and moans were the only sounds that could be heard. I kissed his back, planting kisses in every part of his body, my middle finger entered and he moaned aloud, I added one more finger everytime he our eyes met.

" Vegass...just...ahhhh....fuck me now....its uneasy down there...." His face was the sexiest thing that I have ever seen in my life, his eyes were begging only one thing, that was me. He had the pleasure visible written on his face, he too was longing for me as much as I was.

I was aching down, and it was so hard to stop, I positioned his hips, he was slowly anticipating, I rubbed my tip and slowly entered him, a painful moan came out of him, I stayed there and kissed him until he got used to it.

"FUCK." He cursed loudly, I moved slowly because he was having a hard time, he hadn't been fucked for so long, as I trust him, he will never. We didn't have a lube here and my saliva was the only friction, and my size wasn't a normal one for anyone, seeing the size of his hole, he is gonna curse me tomorrow.

" IT....IT...HURTS...SO...MUCH...HMMM....AHH....AHHH...AHHH..."

" Should I take it back? Leave you like this?" I wasn't goin' to anyway, I just wanna ask him, how can he control his own urges.


It was hard holding back my pace and urge, it took over my mind and I was thrusting him harder, the feeble moans became louder, the sound of slapping and him wreathing and moaning was the best feeling ever. I came over after a thrusting wildly, he shuddered and released too, he was shaking for a while, I stood until he was over, he was breathing forcefully, and as I was hard again, I angled my hips and hit him, straight at his prostrate, and he squealed out loud, he turned to look at me, I saw deep into him and just like that thrusted hard and faster, he was fighting back and trying to keep the noises minimum but even his throat was ditching him. He came over the second time like that and collapsed on the bed, I need more, I want him more, and I took him over me, kissing him slowly and caressing his back and ass and  pumping his dick soon he was hard again.

He started humping slowly and soon fucking himself up, I was teasing and twisting his nipples, he was gasping, his mouth wide open, I don't know why I took of video of him, such that he will never forget how he literally throw himself at me and how he was behaving like such a sexy slut. I held him and dig deeper until we both came over, it was satisfying, being inside him after so long. I had my best time. He was lying over me, sweaty and tired, he was smelling like a mix of musky grass and faint citrus, the perfume he had before.

I carried him and took him in my lap while bathing together in the bathtub, I was utilizing the opportunity the best as who knows when it will come again. I was kissing his nape and ears slowly while applying soap all over him, he was enjoying all this, and  his body was surrendering him to me. Soon we bathed and had him his clothes, I took him to the guest room and pulled him closer, his arms around me, tightly hugging me, he was looking so small beside me and adorable that I wanna live in this moment forever. I kissed his forehead and snuggled him more closer.  I was gonna have the best sleep in a year.

Note: I put all the patience and love in it, and I wanna know how you like this gentle Vegas and Sexy Pete, if you like it then vote it and do tell me in the comments.

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