Chapter 20

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Note: Sexual content ahead.

The room was filled with silence, I walked to sofa and just sprawled over it, I was feeling drunk now, I already had a low alcohol tolerance, but Porsche said it was low alcohol, but from his standard, and on top of it I had 4-5 drinks. 

Vegas came and stayed there for a while, but I was so mad that I didn't said anything, so he kept standing there which irritated me more.

" Why the hell are you standing there?" I glared at him.

" Well... let me explain what.."

" Don't." I spat and walked upstairs, thumping my feet angrily at the floor, I banged the door shut, removed my shirt, I was feeling hot. A knock on the door made me flinch.

"Since when did you became such a gentleman to knock, huh? Did the guy back there taught you some manners?"

"It wasn't me Pete, it was Tankhun, he planned that, I am innocent."

" Indeed you were, you are so innocent that you didn't even fucking complain when he brought them in."

"I...Listen to me babe, don't turn around like that."

" Why did you went to a stripping club alone?"

"Alone....Wait...Stripping club? It was a stripping club?"

"You don't even know that? Oh, you were busy with those fags."

"How do you know that it was a stripping club?"

"I saw them there, okay."

"Exactly, I forgot for a while. You were also at the bar, and in the public part, I mean the performance part, what were you doing there?"

"We just had some drinks it wasn't meant for the show.....I mean Porsche had some drinks." 

"Wait a second...." Vegas came closer, smelling me, his expressions changing like a chameleon.

" You also had them, didn't you."

"No, I don't I just got the smell on me as Porsche spilled one at me."

"Really, look at me now." He took a hold of my chin and kissed me, he bit on my lower lip that had me wince in pain and he slid his tongue, his tongue invading and got me turned on, he stopped and looked at me, his expressions firmer.

"You did." He said, but the other thing was, I was getting a boner just by him kissing me, as I am more sensitive because of that damn alcohol. He was now the one glaring at me.

" Such a hypocrite babe, you yourself went to a stripping show and you are looking drunk, see your cheeks are pinkish, and being mad at me for those guys who that bastard shoved in, I was sitting at the corner and was about to leave anytime....." His eyes followed the way and noticed my hard on, a smirk formed over his lips, and his demeanor turned the opposite of what it was a few minutes ago.

He came closer, and rubbed my hard on, the jeans acting as a barrier between my pleasure, the strong urge to throw them out was popping in my head.

"Such a slut, you got hard on by just this, seems like you like it even more than me." His seductive whispers stirring everything inside me, I closed my eyes, just feeling his presence around me.

He brushed his hand on my bare chest, my whole body set on fire, his eyes filled with lust, drawing me in the heap of burning desire.

" Say you want me."

His hands drawing circles on my chest, his gaze on my lips, fetching me on the edge of my sanity, the barrier I placed for him today, I seem to break it myself.

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