Chapter 30

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Honeymoon Special🖤🖤

We reached Phuket, the pleasant weather was making it seem so mesmerizing along, the breath of fresh sea air made my soul relax after such hectic wedding events that it seemed more like a relaxation week for us, only us.

"Lets hurry to the hotel, I can't wait to come to the sea."

" If we went to the hotel you won't be coming back here for two or three days."


" Its our honeymoon, a week meant for only one thing so atleast two to three days are needed to satisfy myself, and then we can come here for sometime and go back to our activities in the room."

" But honeymoon doesn't only meant to be all about sex, we have to travel together, sightseeing together, and play in the sea together, taste new food and buy souvenirs too."

"Babe, lets go to the hotel first."

He slid his hand on my waist, the hand with his wedding ring, it gave me butterflies whenever I see our rings, it still feels like a dream. The hotel was half an hour away from the place we landed, but it was quieter and very empty than I had imagined. The staff welcomed us with the flower garlands, and took us for a special lunch with them, it was indeed tasty, I took my time to devour every single dish that was in front of me.

" You like it babe?"

"Its indeed the best seafood I had ever tasted in my whole life."

"I am glad you liked it."

"But why is this place so empty, I mean aren't there other tourist here?"

"I booked the whole place for us, for the whole week."

"Why did you do that? Its such a wastage of money, I would have a bought a ton of ice cream with that much amount."

" Its one of our hotels, the one I was planning to open when I stayed at your home."

" But why the whole?"

" I want some privacy, for us."

He said, his face had a proud smile, indeed he has planned many things here, and I was also excited for each one of them. After having our lunch I just flew to my room and dropped straight on the bed like a starfish, I was tired from the flight and the last days which were hectic as ever. Vegas shut the door and went to the washroom, I didn't paid much attention, and he came back, and lied down near me, his hands over me and his lips planting kisses over my cheeks.

" I want to sleep now, honey, don't get your hopes high."

"You can sleep all you want, I am just gonna watch you like that."

"You know you can't keep your hands to yourself when you are with me."

"You know me better my cinnamon roll." He squished my cheeks and kissed my forehead as I turned to him.

Our faces grew closer and he kissed me, slowly his hands trailed on my hips, pulling me closer, I was lost in his touch, it was feeling so gentle and caressing that I too wanted to stay there. 

"Lets stop or it will end up me being fucked again till dinner." We chuckled and I slept there, my head resting on his arm, for two hours we slept being all cozied up, I woke up and went to change my clothes, my shorts and the shirt Porsche gifted me for the sea. 

I hovered over Vegas and kissed him, and then I woke him up." Wake up, its the perfect weather to go to the sea." 

The sea was indeed beautiful and calming, I don't know for how many hours we were there, lost in each other, Vegas was looking so good with his abs flashed like that, I gulped thrice in the whole time at the view.

We returned to the hotel,  I was showering when he barged in, and it took almost an hour to finish it, the night view was also mesmerizing. 

The room was changed when we went for a supper outside, it was all dark, until the lights slowly glowed, the moonlight  toned in the room and it was decorated with flowers, I was speechless for a while. Vegas approached me from behind and his hands hold me closer to his chest. His chin resting on my shoulder.

"Its our first night as husband and wife, I wanted it to be special."

"Everything I had with you is special for me anyway."

I turned around and looked in his eyes, filled with love and desire, we kissed slow and but the passion was indeed eminent. He picked me up in his arms, and headed to bed, lying me down as gentle as he could, I held on his neck, kissing me till he turns on as hell. His lips trailed down to my neck, sucking at the spot which drives me to the edge, In one go he slid off my shirt, I took off his, he was devouring my chest, till my hands gripped on his hairs, I sat up unzipping his shorts and sliding them, his manhood stood proud, I don't even took a second and my mouth reached to its tip, as slow as I could, I let him dip in pleasure which only I can give him.

He took off my shorts, leaning to finger my rim, our tounges lapping over each other, and he was ready to enter me, the moans of pleasure and pain, he went inside at once, I rolled my eyes, he thrusted in and out, and with each thrust I was near my limit, we came together and he lied over me.

" I still can't believe, this handsome man is mine, all mine and only I can do this to him." His words were honey to my ears, he pecked me again and his unquenched thirst was still trying to satisfy himself with me as source.

Note:  This chapter is written like this as I am very busy these days , but as a compensation and an apology, their will be epilogues too for the future where their married life after years will be depicted along with Venice, but it will take me sometime as I am shifting to a new place, and its really hectic these days, hope I didn't disappoint you.

After this is over I am going to post my most favorite work, Vegaspete: The College Universe, and I had been waiting for long to post it, hope you are gonna like it as I liked  creating it.

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