Chapter 13

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"AHMM...AHMMM...We should leave or stay?" Kinn said and was nudged by Porsche, who chuckled, he was also happy to see him back.

" NO, He is yours first, we may come back later."

"You have interrupted already, now just meet me, and leave later, we can catch up then." Vegas said, his voice was weaker than it used to be.

" How are you feeling? Huh?" 

"Better but I feel like I reek of medicines, and look at Pete, he is so thin, what have you been doing to him?"

"I told you na, He will blame us for sure when it was you who was being like that." Porsche chuckled before saying that. 

"Okay, we can talk about other things when he feels better, let's go Porsche." Kinn and Porsche both went and Noi too, we were left alone and I was just staring intently at him, his voice, his face, his blinking eyes.

"Did you missed me? And what you did to yourself? You even have dark circles now."

" Promise me first, you won't hide anything from me, how could you even lie to me, make me hate you and then getting hurt like this, you don't even care how much it affects me, how much it pains inside, what guilt I have been facing everyday."

" knew all this...about..Tawan and..."

"Porsche told me, everything, how you faked it to let me be angry on you, when you knew that I had been going to hotel, and you set it up, why?"

"Its too complicated, I will tell you many things later, right now, all I want is you, okay."

He moved forward and caressed my nape and leaned in to kiss, he moved and pecked me again, it was chaste and full of love and patience that we had for each other.

"One thing I forgot to say, Happy birthday Pete.....oh...that escalated quickly...." Porsche's voice came abruptly. We parted soon, as Porsche barged in the room, and was teasing us now.

"You just woke up and started, take a break man, and I should be going now...bye..."

"Its better for you..." Vegas chuckled and I was shy, it was feeling like everything changed 180 degrees.

"Wait, its your birthday? How long was I in coma? Look how lucky you are for me, you saved me, and on your birthday I woke up."

" I am, indeed I am."

"Happy birthday babe, and I didn't have any gift for you but the only thing I can ask you is, can you be my fiancé again, like everything we had?"

"Forever..." I leaned in and pecked him, the doctor arrived after we catch up on so many things, he took his medicines and fell asleep, I too just near him, it was a relief, he is with me then everything is okay.

" I leaned in and pecked him, the doctor arrived after we catch up on so many things, he took his medicines and fell asleep, I too just near him, it was a relief, he is with me then everything is okay

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The next two weeks spent so fast, he was healing very quickly and we were again better, as if nothing has ever happened. 

"No, I won't agree to it Vegas, I can't let you work, you still need a week full worth of rest, either you are resting or you are not talking to me."

"Can you stay without talking to me?" He looked at me with those puppy eyes that I was melting, I can't resist him now, after almost loosing him he was more precious to me.

"No, that's why you are not working, Kinn and Porsche are there na, and I am not listening anything now."

" Its not like I am going out, just bringing a laptop and then, along with the other stuff, please, Pete, please na...."

" You never listen to me, then why should I stay here, stay with your laptop and marry him instead."

"Wait Pete, Ouch....It  hurts..."

"What happened? Where does it hurt?"

"In my heart, can't you stay here for a while and I can do my work too, otherwise it hurts."

"I can, okay, but it will strain you, oh, what do I do with you?" I giggled and pecked his lips, he smiled wider and leaned in for more deeper kiss, his hands around my waist and he was kissing but I tapped on his chest, reminding him that we can't do anything now as anyone can come in.

And within seconds Porsche and Kinn came inside, " Speak of the devil and he is here." Vegas chuckled, and we sat around him. 

" Pete, can you...." Kinn looked at me and said.

"No, I am staying here only, you all have fooled me enough and now I want to know every single thing and Vegas, you especially, you have to take my permission before even thinking about putting yourself in anything, is that clear?"

"Ay Ay Captain." Porsche joked and Vegas also nodded, we sat and he started showing the video footages of that day, my apartment inside and the gallery where I have bumped into him.

" I forgot to tell you earlier, but the thing is, the guy, his voice, I think about it over and over and I definitely remember it, and also it sounded familiar, but who I didn't remember that."

" What about you Vegas? You had the most closest encounter with him, can you tell anything?" I said.

" Well, I haven't told you about it Pete before but Kinn and Porsche had an idea about it."

"So it was him, you 100% sure?"

"Yes, I went there as a bait myself, and the camera was a proof for you guys, I knew he was trying to attack Pete as the tracker saw me with him in the bar, so I stayed at home and as he came my goal was to see his face but unfortunately I was so involved that I got stabbed."

" Bastard you should have told me, we could have catch that guy." Porsche scolded Vegas.

" But the question is how does that guy survived the fire and remained underground, and even had this much support to do such a big blast."

"His dad might have done all for him but forgot that he could die too, or maybe he didn't know about it at all."

"Who are you talking about? Do I know him?" I asked dumbfounded.

"You know him very well, as you helped them escape, yes, he is the elder son, SEAN, and I am sure about it."

"But he was dead!"

"Apparently, he might have escaped, we burnt the younger one, he didn't came in attention."

"So we knew who our enemy is so it would be less difficult now."

"No, not at all. He had hidden his identity, even had surgery, his face has burnt marks, but don't take him lightly. We need a fullproof plan to catch him and the people who are helping him. Its going to be fun." I don't know but whenever Vegas say such things he scare the shit out of me.

Note: Okay so the villain is out, what do you think would have happened that day? Tell me how you think about it and if you like it then vote it.

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