The 9 months

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"Vegas... I can walk on my own, you don't need to carry me everywhere. "

"You will get tired honey, you are already being taking so much efforts atleast let me help you here. "

"Put me down or I am gonna bite you. "

"You can bite me all you want but I am gonna still do this. "

We came to know that I was 2 weeks pregnant,  and it's been 6 weeks since that, I was 2 months pregnant and Vegas has been so cautious and caring since then, although I find everything he does sweet but sometimes it annoys me to my nerves. He carries me everywhere and never let's me go on the stairs, he doesn't even let me work and is been obsessed with what I eat like he has got 5 doctors for me each one specialist of something, he was gonna keep a permanent doctor in our home but I have to drag him from there. He has brought his office to home and works when I sleep or watch TV, and never leaves me alone for more than 10 minutes, it all felt good and sweet having all the attraction but now I am starting to get fed up and irritated, Porsche calls it pregnancy mood swings but this isn't that.

"Where is my curry?"

" We have all the healthy and nutrient balanced food your pediatrician prescribed for you. "

"I am asking about my curry. "

"The doctor said too much spice is not good for you and the baby so we aren't having curry. "

"I want to eat that, I don't know, either I will eat curry or nothing at all. "

" No, you are having it all, no curry for you. "


"I know you hate it but think when you will meet our healthy baby, do it for him. "

"But there is nothing wrong with a curry. "

"I am also eating what you are eating,  I can't share the pain you will go through but I will be with you. "

"I so hate you for this, don't even talk to me. "

"That's like a good boy. " He smiled as I ate the literal tasteless and plain food in front of me, I was cursing him all I want but seeing him this excited for something that is ours gave me a new warmth.

"We are going for walks since tomorrow and you will have daily checkups, the doctor will come here only, I will blacklist the people whom I don't want any influence on my baby like Khun, and Porsche, and we won't be having sex for the time pending. "

"Wait... Why?... No, I mean it's safe, you don't have to do that. "

"I am not taking any chances with my baby, as I know my tendency can hurt him. "

"Why? Even doctors said it's safe. "

"I was joking but it Seems like someone can't survive without me and my dick. " He blushed while saying that and I also felt awkward like it's generally Vegas but it's indeed his first time saying no to sex.

"You are the one who can't survive. "

"I don't agree to that. "

"Let's see... "

I walked towards him sat over his lap, grinding my hips slightly over him and I kissed him vulgarly, my tongue entered his mouth, trying to reach all the places there, he held my waist to be safe that I don't fall, and I increased my pace, tracing down to his neck I left the marks over him, that gave me a weird fire inside, my hands reached my dick and I was pumping myself, he breathed out and closed his eyes, and whispered,
"Fuck it. "

He grasped my butt and I moaned at the moment, pulling me in he held my dick and stroked it faster, I was moaning louder and grinding harder, he grunted and he stood up from the chair placed me on the kitchen island, undoing his pants, he went down and sucked my rim,  I grasped my hair, the way his tongue was working my mind was clouded,  I pulled him more in, my body craving for more even of it can't handle it.

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