Chapter 23

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"We have something important to discuss, make sure no one enters."

 He ordered the guard who went out of the room and closed the doors behind, and the sudden silence in the room hinted me something fishy. He shifted his chair next to me and sat close to me, very close. I was just watching him while a playful smirk was forming on his face.

His face leaned in just an inch away from my neck, his  warm breath fanning over me, the wood scented cologne was his signature smell, my breath hitched and I forgot to chew the food I had in my mouth.

"Eat babe, or you will choke." He said whispering breathily in my ear, and I had goosebumps all over, I gulped down the bite and took a sip of water.

" How can one look so tempting while eating?"

"You are just hungry, order some more for you." I said while wiping my mouth.

"I am hungry, but for you."

I coughed, its not only been 3 hours since I had this tattoo, I don't want it to be revealed today only, but this Vegas is not easy to resist.

He kissed behind my ear and licked down till the neck, sucking on the neck he bit me hard, I bit my lip to stay in senses, he pulled back and kissed on the new bite mark he gave me.

"Now you look better, you look mine." His gaze stopped at my lips, they might be bleeding now by the way I bit harshly. He kissed my lower lip, tugging at it, it was feeling more painful now, but the way he does, pleasure is equivalent to it. 

" Look like you were anticipating a lot, well you can, I will fulfill everything tonight." He got my breath hitched, I should do something before or all my efforts won't be worth it.

"Then why don't we have drinks together today, we haven't had it together in a while, and their is a driver with us so you can also have."

"Sure." He smiled in assurance, he doesn't know what I am planning, I think I can survive an apocalypse if I continue to stay with Vegas, he improves my survival instincts every now and then.

Reaching the bar, I met the familiar bartender, it was the same place where I got drunk, its my favorite but the fact is he can help  me out here. 

" A Grenache for him." I said.

" Why red wine, you should have something light?" Vegas asked.

"I thought you have high tolerance so I just ordered one for you."

"I have that, okay, I won't mind."

The bartender poured us drinks and I knowingly spilled mine at his pants, he stood and tried to clear it.

"I am so sorry Vegas, I wasn't paying attention."

"Its okay, I will just clean it, where is the washroom?"

"That side sir, take a left at the end."

Vegas left and I immediately asked the bartender out.

"Listen, you have to help me get him drunk, I won't be drinking so help me out."

"Sir, Its wrong, I can't do that."

"He is my fiancée and I have a surprise for him, if you won't help me it will all be spoiled, you know me since so long,  won't you help me out?"

" Only because I have known you since so long, but if things go downhill, I won't be in it." He said after thinking for a while.

"Don't take tension about that, and tell me something to get him drunk and he shouldn't be suspicious about it, not even a bit."

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