Chapter 11

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The banging headache lead me to wake up, It was a struggle to open my eyes as I was having a really bad hangover, but there was something else that was stinging, my ass and it was damn definite that the reason was not so hidden. I jumped up on the bed, but surprisingly it was my home, means the culprit is Vegas, I knew he will take benefit of me whenever he got a chance, I rose up and was on my way to murder him but he was having a shower, so I just went back to wait for him to come out, I took my phone to check but it has two messages from Vegas, why the hell he messaged me when I am right here.

I opened the videos and I choked on air, my face getting red when I watched them. In one I was fussing over him and stretching and pulling his clothes and asking him to take them off, I myself was only in my boxers, and in another one where it was so damn embarrassing, I was riding his dick so shamelessly, my face was looking so slutty, Holy shit! He has kept them as proof to blackmail me.

No way I could beg or force him to have sex, did I force myself on him? I can't believe me, never had I done such thing before, oh lord why the fuck did I drink? I was the one who was pretending as hard one and I was also the one who end up hooking up with him first, he was clearly warning me in the video, how am I gonna face him now? 

I hit my face on the pillow, I had to get out of here before he comes but that's impossible, should I pretend to sleep? I will be getting late to practice then, so I too went to wash up and when I came out no one was there, but a smell of hot soup surrounded the hall. I went and pour some for me, and had my first sip, it was so damn relieving.  I took the next and then came Vegas out of his room and I choked on my soup, it felt stingy in my throat and I coughed up, he poured me a glass of water and I had a relief.

  Why didn't I was engulfed by the ground or got vanished in air before he came?

" You woke up early, I thought you need more sleep, well this soup will help your hangover."

"It did."

" Well seeing you being this polite means you already know everything that happened."

"WELL....*cough* I don't....what are you taking about?"

"So you only watched the video..."I was staring at him, this guy just reads through my mind, does he know telepathy?

"You were a mess last night, stumbling and bumping to things, creating drama in the parking lot, running like a unleashed puppy in the building and not going to shower, and...being horny...and clinging to me for fucking you..." He was enjoying teasing me and it made me more shameful.

"You might have provoked me, and why the hell do you took a video of such a situation?"

"Such that you won't come at me in the morning, tell me as you came to know you had slept with me you thought it was me who did that and was coming to fight off? Didn't you? I was the one who was literally taken by force.....I mean forced to take you.... or whatever."

"Its your fault still..."

" Wait...I didn't tell you to drink."

" You should have been more careful and you are talking as if you never really forced yourself on me, huh, that too so many times."

"Okay, then you can do that to me anytime you want, I won't mind."

" You don't you have to work, aren't you living here ideally?"

"I am going to work from home today." He is knowingly staying here so he can make fun of me all day.

"I have to go to work, I am going."

"Okay, but take care, rape charges are very strict for everyone."

I throw a spoon at him and then rushed to hit him, he was running around the whole house with me chasing him, after running around like that for nearly 5 minutes I finally succeeded in cornering him, I hit him with the cushions on the soda, and it was worth it.

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