Chapter 24

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The brightness over my face made me flinch to wake up, the sunrays lit up the whole room, I picked up my phone to check the time, it was 1 pm, My goodness, how much did I sleep, but anyways we slept really late. Vegas was still sleeping next to me, I got off the bed and had a glass of ice water, it felt better, I went to have a shower upstairs, if he wakes up then I will have no reason to cancel that. 

I came down taking my time and it was nearly 2 pm, he was still sleeping, and that gave me a funny idea. I brought water and sprinkled over him lightly, he didn't even bothered to even move a bit.

"Vegas, wake up..." I said quietly.

"Wake up now or regret later." I said in a lower tone.

" Don't blame me then." I whispered near his ear and was about to pour water over him but I don't even know how, I was pulled over and my back hit the bed, he hovered over me, and held both my wrists.

" Good Morning." I said sweetly, I have to be obedient if I need to survive him.

" You are one naughty little kid." He said, although his face looks so swollen because of the booze, but still the look in his eyes was mildly amusing.

" You are the one to talk, who told you to drink that much that you can't even walk on your own? I had to drag you here and I helped you in having a shower." The last words seems to have their effect and he sneered at them.

"Wasn't it your personal temptation more than a anything you were obliged for."  I was trying not to blush but his words made me shy, I looked away and he kissed my cheeks, and sniffed them.

"You smell good, but why don't you have a shower with me?"

"You were sleeping..."

"You could have woke me up." He was still planting kisses over my cheek, I turned my face but he made me to face the side again such that he can continue his pleasure-some work.

" Its ticklish, stop now, get up and have a bath, I ordered brunch for us."

" Your cheeks, they are so....I don't know how to explain, they are so fluffy and soft, and chubby too, I just want to bite them every single time I see them."

"When do you not? You always want to bite, now get up."

"I don't want to, my head is hurting so bad, but it feels good like this." He buried his face in the crook of my neck, although his hands still locked my wrists, he was just sniffing me, I don't know what type of fetish is that.

" So you should get up and have something hot and soothing like a hangover soup, get up now, please."

"Can't I have you instead, we skipped that part last night."

"No, I have work to do and so do you, I will be mad if you don't let me go now."

"You need to give something to have something."

"I will give you a strong push, want it?"

He was just staring, why does his mood changes so fast, one second he is a goofball, other he is cute adorable man and suddenly this dominant alpha male, seems like I am living with three in one pack.

"Okay, whatever, but leave my hands now." He released them and I cupped his face, kissing him gently and caressing his nape, his arms held over both of my sides and he pulled me up, I was sitting over his lap and kissing him, after a minute or two, I pulled back and hugged him, he walked to the living room, placing me on the couch and he went to have a shower, the brunch arrived soon and I was waiting for him to come.

I picked my phone, two missed calls from Porsche, I called him back and he picked up as if waiting for me.

" Hey." 

"Leave hey, is the tattoo still intact? I mean are we still in?"

"Yes we are, It was a mess last night but I just worked it up all."

"Tell me what exactly happened."

I told him the whole situation that happened, he was really proud of me that finally I am becoming more courageous and smart, well all thanks to Vegas and Porsche, their company is having its effect on me. 

"So, what next?"

"I don't know, but I am trying to keep things cool."

"Why don't you come here for some days, like you can tell him we are having a little get together with Arm and pol."

" That's a nice idea, I will talk to him about it."

"Well even if he doesn't agree I will just kidnap you from the house or will have the get together there only."

" You are a one true friend. Well what about the other arrangements?"

"I had contacted the guy, he will be  manage the things at that place, you just have to show up with him. You two can celebrate together on Saturday, and as for us, I talked to Kinn and he arranged a club for us only, so that will be double fun for us. I am hella excited for tomorrow evening, I mean what will be his reaction?"

" I am excited too, well I think he could be coming any second now, Bye."

"Bye and all the best."

I cut the call  and in less than a minute Vegas arrived, my timing was indeed awesome, I served the food and he was eating quietly, I was talking about stuff but he was silent.

"Vegas, are you even listening?"

"No, I am not."

"Why? What happened?"

"Finish your meal,  then we will talk."

" No tell me now."

" Finish it first." He said with a frown and his voice low but firm, It was hard to chew down the food, but I just managed to finish mine. He was still having it and after finishing he was still quiet, I just followed him when he was going over to the couch and he picked up my phone.

" Why did you do that?"

"What did I do?"

"You knowingly planned everything to make me drunk, and that guy was just a mere bartender, and you are hiding something on top of it."

"I..I...didn't do yourself got drunk."

"STOP LYING, I heard you talking on the phone to Porsche about how you managed to fool me, and what are you planning now?"

"I am not hiding anything nor I am planning, its a misunderstanding."

He sighed and run his hand through his well styled hair, he looked at me with a death glare, I was turned suddenly cold as I am not at all a good liar, and a total failure in front of Vegas, I can hear the air screaming danger in my ears, how I wish to runaway from here right now.

"You know I hate it the most when you hide something from me and even lie about it, I am barely managing my temper, and asking you nicely one last time, tell me the truth Pete."

I was silent, I don't even know what to lie or even say, I can't do anything now, one more lie and the red room will be open for me , and no way I am gonna tell the truth. 

"Pete, 1...2....." 

To be continued...

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