Chapter 27

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Note: Sexual content ahead.

"I am all yours." 

The words even sounded so foreign to me, his gaze flickers and the lust in his eyes apparent, the gaze which makes me feel shameless to let him do anything to me. I took his hands around my bare waist, they grasp their hold, his cold touch over my burning skin was electrifying. His thumbs drawing circles over them. 

I pushed him down on the bed, hovering over him, I sat exactly over the bulge which was so apparent even from the pants. He groaned as I adjusted my hips over them, he raised to kiss me but I pushed him down again, he was about to say something but I bent down and smacked my lips over his soft but firm, my fingers running to unbutton the silk shirt, his bare chest unveiled and I run my hands over them, feeling the cold skin, I kissed right above his heart, and to his chiseled body, down to his abs, I took my time in pleasuring them.

He was too impatient and pulled me down, straddling me, our groins pressing against each other, he held my hands above my hand and his lips over mine, I was more than accepting, and  his tongue lets it way inside, and I let him, without any denial. He was literally eating my mouth, my lungs scream for breath but he was still so persistent that I also didn't bother.  Our lips parted and I panted for breath, my lungs quenching the most they could.

"Don't get weak like that, its only the beginning, I might wreck you all up tonight." He said in a serious tone that gave me shivers. 

He stood up, unbuckled his belt, I got up and made my way to him, unhooking his pants and I took them off him, and slid down his boxers, he was so hard, that I gulped at the sight, along with his sex addict nature, his was larger than any man you ...

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He stood up, unbuckled his belt, I got up and made my way to him, unhooking his pants and I took them off him, and slid down his boxers, he was so hard, that I gulped at the sight, along with his sex addict nature, his was larger than any man you call large. 

"Like what you see?" He said, noticing my gaze lingered over there for more than the amount required. He made his way to me, pushing me down, I fall on the bed, and he pulled off my pants, with the force he used, they went down at once. 

" I am about to go crazy now, babe I don't think you are walking on your own out of here." 

He said as he saw the strap underwear's I was wearing, it took me a lot of courage to  legit buy them and wear them, he got on top of me, kissing me roughly again, and his lips trailed to my earlobe, nibbling on them until goosebumps were all over me, my hands can't control themselves and made their way to his dick, the slightest touch and he groaned in pleasure, biting my ear in response.

I became more confident and held his length in my palm, pumping him slowly and occasionally grazing my thumb  over its tip, he closed his eyes and moaned, because of me, I held it more tight and paced up, he has almost lost his control, and I left him before he came, a gasp escaped his mouth, and his look was so serious that he looks like a Greek god, sexy and ethereal.

" Seems like someone wants to be fucked up badly."

He flipped me the second and bucked my hips in the air, he groped them and his tongue slightly grazed over my entrance, I groaned at the slightest touch, he sucked and licked without any shame, his tongue literally fucking me that even my mouth wasn't stopping it self, I touched myself and tried to jerk but he held my hands away.

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