Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Because I've kept my heart under control

Oh but lately all this time has taken its toll

"Mum do you think it'll be okay if I went out with Oliver tonight?" I asked, poking my head into Mums office as he looked up from his computer. After Jaiden and Aiden started school, Mum went and got a job at the elementary school. He was currently teaching first graders.

"That should be fine. Just be home before curfew." He smiled at me before going back to his computer. I let out a little cheer before leaving the office, almost running into Dad as I did.

"Your mum in there?" He asked. I nodded before walking away from him.

"Alexander." I cringed when he said my name before turning around to look at him.

"Yeah..."I said slowly, biting my bottom lip as I waited for him to bring up the hickey.

"You're old enough to make your own decisions... just be careful okay?" He said, surprising me a little. I had expected him to make a big deal about this...

"Always am Dad." I gave him a reassuring smile before walking away. I went straight to my room, sighing as I saw I had a few hours till Oliver would pick me up. I decided that I should probably take a shower and what not... there's no knowing where he was taking me.

He liked to keep things a mystery. One of the many things that drove me crazy most of the time.

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 3:22 pm

So... where are we going? Do I need to dress fancy?

From: Oliver 😍😘 Received: 3:22 pm

It's like fancy casual. So don't get dressed in like shorts and a t-shirt... a nice button down and some jeans will be okay.

You should wear those nice black skinny jeans... you know the ones that make your ass look fantastic.

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 3:23 pm


From: Oliver 😍😘 Received: 3:24 pm

Only for you. Besides... they might increase the chance of you getting laid one last time before I go. Just saying. 😉😜

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 3:24 pm

Your offer is in consideration. Now leave me alone. I need to shower.

From: Oliver 😍😘 Received: 3:25 pm

Can I join? 😏😏😏

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 3:25 pm

Lol. No.

I didn't look at his reply to that, instead I locked my phone and placed it on my bed.


Six came a lot slower than I expected. I was probably ready to go for a good hour before Oliver showed up. He walked right in, greeting my family with a smile and a wave. Dad gave the whole curfew speech and then we were on our way.

"You look stunning." Oliver said as soon as we were in the car, smiling at me brightly before climbing in.


"What? Am I not allowed to compliment my gorgeous boyfriend?"

"You're just hoping to get laid tonight." I retorted, rolling my eyes as Oliver chuckled.

"Well now that you mention it..."

"We'll see. Where are we going?"

"Just a small restaurant. Nothing too big." Oliver shrugged, already turning into the parking lot of some fancy place I didn't go to often. He got out of the car before jogging over to my side, opening the door for me. He grabbed my hand as we walked into the place. We were greeted by a hostess, her eyes going wide when she saw Oliver. I tried not to get annoyed, knowing full well this was going to happen.

Oliver was kind of famous. People were starting to notice him.

"Reservation for Malik." Oliver gives her that billion dollar smile, one that could make anyone swoon at his very feet. I was starting to get annoyed.

"R-Right this way." She stuttered, picking up two menus before leading us to our table. Oliver still held my hand though, which I guess made it so I wasn't too annoyed. She left as soon as we sat down and I couldn't help but glare at her as she scurried away.

"You alright there Alex?" Oliver asked, arching his eyebrows at me once i looked back at him.

"I'm perfectly fine." I said, picking up my menu so that I wouldn't have to look at him for a minute.

"You sure?"

"Yup. So you're leaving tomorrow?" I asked, wanting the conversation to no longer be about me. He wanted to say something about what just happened with the hostess, but I wasn't in the mood.

"Yeah... Tomorrow morning. You sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine Olly. When are you coming back?" Oliver let out a sigh, pulling the menu down as he looked me in the eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." I muttered, looking away from him.

"Alex... I know when you're upset. Is it because I smiled at the hostess? If so that's kind of a stupid reason to be mad."

"No... it wasn't you... I guess I'm just not used to people looking at you like you're their sun or something. I just got annoyed. Nothing big." Oliver grabbed my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I looked at him again, and he gave me a smile.

"I love you. Only you."

"I know that."

"Good. Now stop being jealous. You're cute when you are, don't get me wrong. But baby, we've only got tonight and then I'm gone again for God knows how long. So let's enjoy it. Alright?" I smiled softly before nodding.



Jelly A.J. hahaha.

Anyways, Audrey is in the multimedia. I can't remember her name atm and I'm too lazy to look her up.

But basically she's the chick from Supernatural. She plays Claire.




Connie xx

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