Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

And even if it's dark at least we'll be together

From: Oliver 😘😍 Received: 12:20 pm

Hope you're having a good day at school. Love you 😘😘

To: Oliver 😘😍 Sent: 12:22 pm

It's been good so far. How's your day going?

Love you more 😘😘😘

"Will you stop texting your boyfriend for like two minutes and listen to my life story?" Brenna sighed, glaring at me as I looked up from my phone. We were sitting at the lunch table, waiting for Rayden to get here already.

He was always late

"What's up?" I asked, placing my phone on my lap. I tried to ignore the want to look at it as soon as it vibrated.

"You'll think it's stupid." Brenna sighs, shaking her head. I tried not to roll my eyes but it as a lot harder than you would think.

"Well obviously it's important. What is bothering you?" I asked, even though I really didn't care. I would much rather be texting my boyfriend but Brenna was obviously upset about something.

"I think I might like Rayden." She whispered, looking around the lunch room as if Ray was going to walk in magically at the mere mention of his name.

"You act like I don't already know this." This time I didn't resist the urge to roll my eyes. Brenna and Ray had this on and off thing going on, had been since probably the beginning of last year. It was quite annoying, mainly due to the fact I was always thrown into the middle of it all.

They always asked me to pick a side.

I never really did.

"Don't be an ass. It's different this time Alex." Brenna sighed, running a hand through her hair. I arched my eyebrow as I leaned back in my chair.


"I don't think he likes me back this time. I'm scared that he's finally moved on past whatever the hell it is we have.... or I guess had."

"Good for him." I shrugged, not really caring if Brenna got mad at me. She knew that what she was doing wasn't exactly the nicest of things.

"Shut up."

"B, you've been holding the poor kid on a leash for God knows how long. Haven't you ever thought that maybe it would be best if you... I don't know, let him go?" I said honestly, knowing full well that this was probably what she needed to hear.

She might not think so right now, but she'd thank me later.

"It's not that easy. Ray and I aren't like you and Oliver, we haven't been in love with each other since we were kids. We don't know each other like the back of our hands."

"I never said you guys were like Oliver and I. I'm just saying that you guys have been on and off since last year, you keep breaking up and you keep getting back together. Just pick one and stick with it." I shrugged, glancing down at my phone as Brenna glared at me.

From: Oliver 😘😍 Received: 12:23 pm

Tracy is still out to get me. She keeps staring at me. like damn, I know I'm hot and stuff.... but I'm already taken.

No. I love you more. 😘😘😘😘

To: Oliver 😘😍 Sent: 12:31 pm

Damn, who's the lucky guy who gets to call you his? 😉

Liar. I love you the most 😘😘😘😘😘

"Alex! I'm having a serious problem here!" Brenna nearly screams. I sighed before putting my phone back down, folding my arms over my chest as I arched my eyebrows.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I asked, knowing full well that's probably what she wanted to hear.

Did I care?


"Talk to him about it? You have P.E. with him don't you?"

"Why do I have to talk to him?"

"Because it would be weird if I did. You're like his best friend Alex. Talk to him? Please? For me?" Brenna practically begs, her eyes wide and pleading. I gave a very dramatic sigh before nodding.

"Thank you! You're my favorite!" She squealed before running over to my side of the table. She threw her arms around me and I tried my hardest not to grimace.

"Am I allowed to text my boyfriend now?" I asked after she sat back down. Brenna rolled her eyes before nodding.

From: Oliver 😘😍 Received: 12:32 pm

His name is Alexander Jace. He's absolutely beautiful and amazing. You might of heard of him actually, he looks exactly like you.

I love you more than food. 😘😘😘😘😘😘

To: Oliver 😘😍 Sent: 12:38 pm

Hmm.... can't say I have. You say he looks like me?

Shit just got real... I love you more than you love me. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

From: Oliver 😘😍 Received: 12:39 pm

Exactly like you. He's got these beautiful blue-green eyes that I always find myself getting lost in... they light up every time he smiles... and my god every time he does smile I fall in love with him all over again.

Just admit that I love you more! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

To: Oliver 😘😍 Sent: 12:41 pm

He's really lucky to have you.

NEVER. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

From: Oliver 😘😍 Received: 12:42 pm

If anyone's lucky, it's me. He's been by my side for as long as I can remember. He always gives me a reason to smile even on my worst of days. He's my everything and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him and our little bear. I can't wait to be with my family.

You're so damn stubborn. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

To: Oliver 😘😍 Sent: 12:44 pm

I can't wait till we spend forever together either.

I love you Oliver, so damn much.

From: Oliver 😘😍 Received: 12:44 pm

I know you do... and I love you too A.J.

You and bear are my everything. Forever.


What kind of nickname is bear?

Wtf Connie.

You suck at nicknames.


Anyways, updates are gonna be a little slow due to the fact that it's my last official week of school right now.

I have a lot senior stuff to do cause I'm a senior lol.

Hopefully I'll be able to slip in a few more updates haha. Usually when I say there will be less updates, i update more.


Oh well haha

Brenna is in the multimedia. If you can't remember who that is, its Luke and Michaels love child basically lol. She's played by Sasha Pieterse. She's from Pretty Little Liars :3




Connie xx

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