Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

Throw it away, forget yesterday

We'll make the great escape

"It was Professor Plum, in the conservatory with the candle stick." Jonah says, slamming his cards down onto the table as we all arch our eyebrows. We weren't even playing clue, hell we weren't even playing a card game. Jemma and I were playing a game of battleship... I had no idea what Jonah was doing.

"Jo... We aren't playing Clue." Jemma says softly, not even bothering to look up from her board.

"Why not?" Jonah asks, crossing his arms over his chest. He wasn't looking at Jemma of course, his glare was actually directed towards me.

"Because Clue is stupid and we don't want to play it."

"That's a stupid reason."

"You're a stupid reason." Jemma retorts and Jonah sticks out his tongue. I went to intervene, mainly due to the fact that I didn't want to deal with my siblings arguing today... but Aiden came running in with Jaiden hot on his heals. Audrey walked in too, her phone in her hands as she texted one of her friends. Mum and Dad were out, therefore leaving me in charge of my five younger siblings... They could easily take care of themselves, but I guess Mum needed the reassurance that I would be the one to break up any fights between them. I really wasn't all that reassuring though, with being almost seven months pregnant now and all...

"Guys, let's go outside or something." I said, standing up from my chair with a small groan. Jemma arches her eyebrows at me, shaking her head.

"It's raining you idiot."

"So? That means it'll be even more fun."

"Not happening. Besides, isn't Oliver supposed to come over today?"

"He is, but that doesn't mean we can't go outside."

"It's not happening."

"You're no fun."

"Not my problem."

"Girls, you're both pretty." Jonah chimes in, grinning when we both fell silent.

"A.J. isn't a girl." Aiden points out, rolling his eyes when Jonah let out a small laugh.

"He sure does bitch like one." Jemma grumbles, earning a glare from me. She didn't even seem apologetic, in fact she even got up from the table and walked out of the room. Jonah let out a whistle before shaking his head.

"Women." Jonah says, earning a look from me. I couldn't help but laugh after a minute, finding my brother to be quite entertaining.

"Just wait till you start dating Jo, that's when things get really complicated." I said, smiling at Jo as he rolls his eyes.

"Like anyone would want to date a blind kid. I'll take my chances with the cats." Jonah chuckles as he shakes his head, a sad look on his face though. I went to sag something else, something that would make him feel better, but the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Aiden screams, already running to the front door before I even had the chance to tell him to wait.

"You gonna be alright by yourself for a few minutes?" I asked, patting Jonah's shoulder. He snorted a little before nodding his head.

"I'm going to need your help changing my diaper later though, being since you seem to think I'm a baby." Jonah grumbles as I start to walk out of the room. I stopped for a second, a sad expression on my face as I looked at him. I knew Jonah didn't like being treated like a baby, and truly I tired not to... but sometimes I had to. I knew better than to apologize at this point, so I walked out of the room towards the door. Aiden was smiling brightly at Oliver and Olivia. Olivia gave me a small wave, smiling just as bright as Aiden at me.

"Hey." I greeted Oliver with a smile myself, to which he returned.

"Hi, sorry I wasn't here sooner. My parents needed me to watch Liv for a couple hours, but I had to pick her up from ballet."

"It's okay. We were just play a game of battleship." I said, feeling somewhat awkward around him all the sudden. I wasn't sure why though.

"Who was winning?" Oliver asks, shutting the door behind him as he finally walked inside. Olivia and Aiden ran off at that point, Jaiden following them.

"Jonah apparently. He's the only one who accused Professor Plum." I said, shrugging as we stood in the front room. Audrey walked by at that point, nearly running into us.

"Get a room." She grumbled as she glared at us, walking away after that. I rolled my eyes at her retreating back before sticking my tongue out. Oliver arched his eyebrows at that, looking at me curiously. I felt my cheeks heat up a little.

"So... It was Professor Plum in the dining room with the lead pipe?"Oliver changes the subject, a small grin on his face.

"It was Professor Plum in the conservatory with the candle stick! Get it right goddammit!" Jonah yells from the kitchen and Oliver lets out a chuckle. It falls quiet after that, but Oliver smile was still there. He takes my hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze.

"Why don't we head outside and talk?" He asks. I bite my bottom lip before nodding.

"Yeah, let's do that. Escape the craziness for a few minutes."

"Every moment with you is crazy." Oliver says, making me laugh a little as I shake my head.

"You are such a sap."


This chapter was supposed to be funny.

Hence why Jonah was in it cause he's our comedic relief now and my spirit animal.

Like dammit. I want a Jonah Styles in my life. Please and thank you.






Connie xx

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