Chapter Forty-Six

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Chapter Forty-Six

So won't someone just come and take my heart

And tear it apart?

I woke up the next morning to Oliver quietly talking. I let out a small groan, blinking my eyes open as I looked around for him. He was about halfway down the bed, his ear against my stomach which was a sight I didn't realize I was missing. I smiled softly at him, enjoying the view as he talks to E.J. I could feel him moving around, which was always a nice thing to wake up to.

"Morning." Oliver whispers after he sees that I'm awake, a small smile on his face as he looks at me.

"Morning." I whispered back, wincing a little when E.J. kicked a little too hard. The ache remained for a moment before slowly fading.

"You alright?" Oliver asked, a concerned expression on his face. I just rolled my eyes before nodding.

"Yes, now get off me. I need to pee." I groan, pushing Oliver away from me as I unsuccessfully try to get off the bed. Oliver was quick to help me there too, which in turn just made me roll my eyes.

"You don't need to fret over me, if I wanted that I would've just stayed home." I say, walking past Oliver and into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry... But you can't exactly blame me." Oliver calls after me, his voice somewhat muffled as I shut the bathroom door. I winced again as yet another dull ache went across my middle. It was a little strange but it disappeared after a minute just like the first one. I finished up in the bathroom, washing my hands before grabbing my tooth brush.

"Are you mad at me or something?" Oliver asks, his voice a little closer this time. I rolled my eyes before unlocking the door and opening it.

"I'm brushing my teeth, did you want to do that for me or something?" I asked him, a sassy tone to my voice as I waited for his response. Oliver just rolls his eyes before grabbing his own tooth brush, having to reach over my head though. We brushed our teeth together before I let out a small whimper. The pain was a little worse now, and I couldn't just pass it off as a kick anymore... maybe it was just muscle cramps. It had to be muscle cramps.

"Alex, what's wrong?" Oliver asks, putting his tooth brush back as he looks at me.

"I don't know... It feels like he's either kicking me really hard... or I've just got extreme muscle cramps." I said, wincing as the pain slowly starts to fade. Oliver doesn't look too convinced though, a very worried expression on his face as he continues to look at me.

"Are you sure?" I can only nod, honestly not knowing if I was sure or not.

"If it happens again, I'm taking you to the hospital."

"That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?" I asked him, looking at him as if he'd lost his mind. Oliver shakes his head, his lips pressed in a hard line as he looks at me.

"Not when it involves my family. I'm serious, if it happens again."

"Okay... If it happens again." I agreed, also a little nervous about what was going on. It wasn't long before I let Oliver take me to the hospital though, the pain coming back and this time it was even worse. Oliver didn't even bother telling Tracy, grabbing the keys from the car we used last night off the nightstand. He practically dragged me out of the room, rushing me to the elevator and out to the car.

"Promise me you won't kill us?" I asked him as soon as I got into the car. Oliver didn't answer, running over to his side and climbing in. Oliver practically whips out of the parking lot, making me grab onto the door out of reflex. Oliver sped down the streets, luckily not running through any red lights though. We arrived at the hospital in a matter of minutes, I wasn't sure if it was just because we were close or if he was going faster than I thought. Oliver helps me out of the car, once again dragging me towards the hospital. Everything was a blur at that point as another rather painful cramp went through my mid section. I let out a scream, nearly falling to the ground as several pairs of hands started to fuss around me. I wasn't even sure how long it had been, but before I knew it, I was laying in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV and in a hospital gown. Oliver held my hand tightly as we waited for the doctor to walk in. It felt like he was more worried than I was, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. The doctor came in after a few more minutes, a small frown on his face.

"Mr. Styles, it appears as if you've gone into premature labor... We're going to need to preform an ultrasound to find out how developed you baby is but we might be delivering your baby a lot sooner than you thought." The doctor said, already walking out of the room before we even had a chance to say anything. I looked at Oliver with wide eyes, a sick feeling in my stomach at the thought of Elijah coming this early.

"Olly... can you call my parents?"



Don't fret my dears, there will be a double update tonight.

It's just a matter of when I finish the next chapter lol.




Connie xx

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