Chapter Twenty (O.M.)

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Chapter Twenty

And we both know I loved you more

To: My Everything 😘 Sent: 8:38 am

A.J., I'm sorry about last night. Please just pick up your phone.

I sigh before placing my phone back down on my bed. I ran a hand through my hair, laying my head down on the bed as I stared up at the ceiling. I knew I had messed up last night, I knew he was pissed at me.

I knew this wasn't going to be fixed with just a few text messages and a phone call.

But it was worth a shot.

To: My Everything 😘 Sent: 8:40 am

I know I was a dick. I promise that I didn't mean it... I trust you A.J., you know I do. I just really don't trust him.

Still nothing.

I was really starting to get frustrated. I didn't get why it was so hard for him to understand that. I know that I didn't exactly let him know last night that I did trust him...

I trusted Alex. I trusted him with my life... but when it came to Ray it was really hard to trust him.

To: My Everything 😘 Sent: 8:49 am

Alex, please just talk to me about this.

"Oliver, you ready to go?" Dean walked in, a tired expression on his face. I sighed before locking my phone, nodding as I looked back at Dean.

"I guess so."

"Well even if you weren't, we're still leaving in like five minutes." Dean said, shrugging as he leaned against the doorway.

"I thought we weren't leaving till nine..."

"It's almost nine. Now get your ass out of bed before Tracy drags you out."

"She couldn't if she wanted to."

"Maybe not, but I can. So stop sulking and get up." Dean was growing impatient, much like he always did on days that we had to travel. He didn't like to be late, but he was stuck with three other guys who overslept and didn't give a shit about being on time.

"I'm not sulking." I mumbled, doing as he asked though. I bent down to my suit case before grabbing what appeared to be a clean shirt and a pair of pants. My phone vibrated at that moment, my heart fluttering and my chest clenching as I figured it was A.J.

Maybe he wasn't as mad at me as I originally thought.

"Your dad texted you." Dean said, tossing my phone over to me. I tried not to show how disappointed I really was, giving Dean a tight smile before thanking him. I didn't even bother reading the text message from Dad, knowing that it was probably just him wishing me luck or something.

"Don't look too disappointed or anything. What's gotten into you?" Dean asked, arching his eyebrows at me.

"Alex is mad at me. I did something pretty stupid last night." I admitted, sighing for what already felt like the millionth time today. At the rate I'm going, I wouldn't be surprised if I did reach a million.

"What'd you do?" Dean asked, even though I was pretty sure he didn't even care.

"Well.... I kinda told him that I didn't trust him. I mean I didn't say it exactly... I just... I don't know. All I know is that I screwed up and now he won't even talk to me." Dean scoffs as soon as I was done talking to him, shaking his head when I arched my eyebrows at him.

"You're an ass."

"Excuse me?"

"You're an ass, and honestly I would like to smack you. I may not be close to Alex, but he's a nice kid and he could do better than you if he wanted to. You're lucky to have him Oliver, but if you keep doing stupid shit like that... He's probably not gonna stick around for much longer." I wanted to get mad at him, I wanted to tell him that he was wrong...

But he was right. There was no denying the fact that he was.

"I know..." I whispered in defeat, biting my bottom lip as I looked at my phone again. There was still no messages from A.J.

"Now this is where you tell me what you're gonna do to fix it." Dean said, earning a confused look from me.

"There really isn't anything that I can do... We're leaving for America in a week. We have a show tomorrow night. Tracy's still pissed at me for the last time I left." I said bitterly.

"So? Those are all a bunch of excuses. I can convince Tracy to let you leave for a couple days, unlike you she actually enjoys my company. As long as you're back by the time our plane leaves Friday, we won't have any problems."

"You're forgetting our show..."

"That was the other reason why I came in... Chad sprained his wrist last night while doing God knows what... Doc said he can't play for at least a week, so there you go. Shows canceled. Now get your sorry ass out of this room and back home." Dean shrugs, almost like none of this was as convenient as it appeared to be. I arched my eyebrows at him, wondering why he was doing all this.

"Why d-"

"If you're gonna ask why I care, I can honestly say I don't. I just know that sharing a hotel room with you is far more pleasant when you're on good terms with your boyfriend." Dean said before moving to walk out of the bedroom.

"Thanks..." I said, not really knowing if he'd acknowledge what I had said. Dean didn't, instead he walked out of the room without another word. I checked my phone one more time, biting my bottom lip when it didn't show any messages from A.J. yet again.

To: My Everything 😘 Sent: 9:01 am

I love you. I'm sorry. I'm coming home.





I'm still on vacation haha. Got about two more days and then I'm home again. It's been a great trip so far. I love California but the struggle to find wifi is real.

I've finally got wifi again so here I am haha. I'll be gone again for the next two days though.

Love you all xx




Connie xx

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