Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I swear I didn't mean for it to feel like this

Like every inch of me is bruised

I was in my room, the clock on my nightstand reading just past eleven. I was waiting for Oliver to call me, and the longer he took the more worried I became.

What if he didn't call me?

What if he forgot?

What then?

I had in front of my my phone and the sonogram was right next to me... It seems that with each time I looked at the sonogram, the more accustomed to the idea of having a baby I became.

Maybe a baby wouldn't be too bad... sure its way earlier than I had planned.

But I had always wanted to have kids with Olly.

Just not right now.

God what was Oliver going to think?

I didn't even know if he wanted kids.

The nerves were driving me mad, my hands beginning to shake. I had finally stopped crying though, my eyes nearly closing for I was emotionally spent for the day.

Just when I was about to call it a night, Oliver's name and picture appeared on my phone. I answered it without even missing a beat. He wasn't facing the camera when the picture showed up. His back was facing me and I could just make out the shadow of someone else in the room.

"Gonna get you some ass toniiiiiight?!" The other person yelled and Oliver threw something at them.

It might've been a shoe, I wasn't really sure.

"Chad, go away!" Oliver yelled at one of his band mates. Chad was a nice guy, we had only met a couple times though. Instead of going away like Oliver asked, Chads face appeared on the computer screen.

"Well if it isn't the boyfriend! Hello Olly's boyfriend!" Chad greets me with a smile, one that I only half heartedly returned. I waved, chuckling a little as Oliver pushed Chad away.

"I want to talk to Alex though!" Chad whined. Oliver rolled his eyes before flashing me a smile and then he turned his attention back to Chad. Chad was in the background doing random hip thrusts and I arched my eyebrows at that. Chad ducked as Oliver threw another shoe at him.

"Dude what the hell?!" Chad yelled, looking at Oliver like he had lost his mind.

"Go away!" Oliver yelled again, and I actually smiled for the first time today. It was amazing how even just the sight of Oliver made me feel better.

No matter what.

Chad eventually did leave and Oliver locked the door behind him. It took him a second before he was sitting down in front of his computer again, a smile on his face.

"Hey babe."

"Hi..." I whispered, biting my bottom lip.

"So what's wrong? You really scared the shit out of me earlier." Oliver chuckled a little, shaking his head as he looked at me.

"You have to promise me that you're not going to hate me Oliver..."

"I won't. A.J. you're really freaking me out by not telling me." Oliver sighed, worry now clear on his face. I closed my eyes before letting out a long breath. My hand grabbed the sonogram and I shakily held it up to the camera.

"What's that supposed to be?" Oliver asked, a mask of pure confusion on his face.

"It's... Its a sonogram." I whispered, pulling the picture away before putting it back on my bed. Oliver was still looking at me like I was crazy.

"Isn't that what you get when you're pregnant? Is your mum pregnant again?"

"Not exactly." I said slowly, really not knowing how to tell him.

It was easier with my parents. They had to love me unconditionally.

Oliver could leave without a word.

"Okay? Can you please just tell me what the hell is going on Alex?" Oliver sighed, running his hand over his face as he waited somewhat impatiently. I took a deep breath, biting on my bottom lip hard enough to where it almost drew blood. I started to play with the bottom of my shirt, looking away from the screen for just a second. When I finally gained enough courage, I looked Oliver straight in the eyes.

"I'm pregnant Olly." I whispered, my voice cracking. Oliver looks at me with disbelief, a surprised laugh escaping his lips as he did so. He shook his head, running a hand through his hair before pursing his lips.

"What?" He asked, still looking at me like I had lost my mind. I couldn't blame him though.

I didn't believe it at first either.

"I'm the one who's pregnant. I... I've been sick for the past week and Mum took me to the doctor this morning... and I guess I'm pregnant." I explained, hoping that maybe if I talked it would give him courage to talk to me...

I need him to say something.

But he didn't say anything.

He just stared at me, almost as if I had lost my kind or something.

"Olly please say something..." He still doesn't say a word.

He's not even moving right now.

"Oliver?" I start to cry, looking at my phone disbelief as I wait for him to say something.

He never does.

CALL DISCONNECTED flashed across the screen instead.

"You asshole." I cried, grabbing my phone and throwing it across the room.

I didn't even care if it was in a shattered mess.

My heart was in far worse shape right now.


Double update. No surprise there.

Might even do a triple update lol.

Emma Stone plays Laci. Yes I know her eyes are blue in the pictures I used, but she's always been how I pictured grown up Laci lol.




Connie xx

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