Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty

We drink and we fight and we love just because we are numb

"Everything seems to be in check, just sign these release forms and you'll be good to go."  The nurse said, smiling at me as she hands some papers over to me. I returned her smile half heartedly, signing my name on the paper before handing them back to her. She walked out after that and Oliver grabs my hand. 

"You alright?" Oliver asked as we walked out of the room. 

"Yeah... I'm okay." I whisper, giving his hand a small squeeze. We walked down to the NICU, stopping just outside the doors. Oliver pulls me back a little, a sad look on his face as he does so. 

"I just want you to be prepared for what you're gonna see in there. He's connected to a couple of machines and it's kind of scary at first... but the doctor says they're all helping him. It's mostly just wires now cause they took him off his breathing machine... but it's still pretty overwhelming. So just be prepared alright?" 

"Okay..." I nodded and with that Oliver and I walked into the NICU. Oliver's grip on my hand got tighter the closer we got to where E.J. was, and it wasn't until we got there that I understood what he meant. I nearly burst into to tears as I saw him, he looked so small and fragile... 

"He's so small..." 

"He's actually pretty big for a preemie according to the doctor..." Oliver whispers, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he holds me closer. I can only nod, unable to take my eyes off of E.J. as he slept. He was so close, right there in front of me... and I couldn't even touch him. 

"They say he's a pretty healthy baby... It's just his heart rate that's causing some concern. He told me they ran an x-ray but there wasn't any blockages... So they don't know what's going on. They've been monitoring him for the past couple days to see if they could find anything out."

"And have they? Found anything out I mean?" I asked, trying to get a better look at E.J. as a nurse walked in front of our view. 

"They haven't said anything to me about it. I'm sure we could ask them though." Oliver says, walking over to the door of the NICU. 

"Can I help you boys?" A nurse asks, a small smile on her face as she stands outside the door. Oliver and I both nod, but Oliver was the only one to speak.

"We were just wondering if there were any updates on our son... His name is Elijah, he was born just the other day..." 

"Ah yes... He's the one with the slow heartbeat. He's actually doing much better than he was the first day he came in, he's breathing on his own completely and his heart rate is slowly starting to pick up. We're hoping with in the next week or so that he'll be able to be taken off the heart monitor." She said, her smile growing a little more as she believed it was exciting news... It was beginning to bug me how they weren't telling me what was wrong.

"Do you know what's causing his heart to be so slow?" Oliver asked, his voice quiet as he speaks. The nurse's smile falls as she shakes her head. 

"We're still not sure on that, we're starting to believe that it was just a slow heart rate. Normally we would say it was bradycardia, but your son has no signs pointing to sleep apena which is one of the main causes for bradycardia. But as I said earlier, his heart is picking up pace which is a very good thing. You should be able to take him home before you know it." 

"Do you... Do you think we could see him?" I find myself whispering, really hoping that there was a chance that I could finally meet him. The nurses smile grows as she nods, opening the door for us to come in. 

"You'll need to sanitize your hands before you touch him, but you should be allowed to. He's not at risk for infection anymore, but it's better to be safe." She says, waiting for Oliver and I as we washed out hands. She led us through the NICU, weaving between machines and wires until she reached a small cot labeled ELIJAH JACE MALIK in bold letters. 

"I'll leave the three of you alone for a few... If you need anything, I'll just be over there." The nurse said, leaving after that. Oliver lets go of my hand before carefully reaching into the cot where Elijah was fast asleep. I could only watch as Oliver's fingers brushed Elijah's arm, the sight something I never thought I would love so much. I stood a little closer to Oliver before reaching into the cot as well, my index finger just barely touching Elijah's cheek before he let out a small whimper. The noise surprised both of us as we hadn't really been expecting him to wake up. Oliver moved his hand away, but when I went to do the same Elijah grabbed my hand. His grip on my finger wasn't a tight one, but it was enough for me to break into a new set of tears. Oliver wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me as close as he could. I rested my head on his shoulder as we both looked down at E.J. 

"This where you're supposed to say something cheesy... Like welcome to the family bear, or something like that..." I find myself whispering, making Oliver chuckle a little as he shakes his head. 

"Welcome to the family bear. Your mum and I are very happy to meet you." Oliver whispers, completely ignoring the fact that I rolled my eyes at him. A small smile found its way onto my face though as I watched Oliver interact with E.J.

It was a sight that I knew I would never grow used to... and it was one that I would never want to forget.



That's probably the end of this book. I might do one more chapter which would be them taking E.J. home or something cause like... the next book is gonna skip forward a few months cause lol.

At least it's not three years ;)

Anyways, it's up to you guys. Do you want that chapter or will you live without it?

Let me knoooooow




Connie xx 

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