Chapter Forty (O.M.)

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Chapter Forty

And I swear I'll stay with you

But I just can't forgive you

And I'll never be whole again

"Look mate, I'm just as upset as you are about this... but Tracy said this is nonnegotiable... We're leaving this Friday." Dean sighs on the other end of the phone, his voice tired. 

"We just got home Dean..." I whisper, mindful of A.J. who was fast asleep in my bed. I had brought him home with me yesterday, and he hadn't left since. It was nice having him close again, I hadn't realized how badly I'd missed having him around until last night. 

"I know, but like I said... Tracy doesn't seem to care. She wants us on the next plane to the states so we can kick of the next promotional tour. I tried to convince her to hold off on it, but apparently she thinks we can't wait. My hands are tied on this, she won't listen to anything I say." I let out a sigh of my own at that point, shaking my head before running a hand through my hair. I glanced over at A.J., my heart already aching at the idea of leaving him... He wasn't going to be too happy... I could already tell. 

"Alright... I get it. I'll be there... Thanks Dean." I find myself saying.

"I'm sorry Oliver. I know you miss being home and what not... I really did try." 

"I know. Like I said... Thanks." 

"It's no problem... I'll see you in a couple days." Dean says his goodbye, hanging up afterwards. I let out another sigh before laying back down next to A.J. He curled up into my side almost instantly and I wasn't really complaining. I wrapped my arms around him before burying my face into his hair, breathing in quietly and closing my eyes. I just laid like that for what felt like hours, the dull ache in my chest only getting worse the longer I did. I didn't want to go... I didn't want to leave him... but I knew that he'd want me to go... He'd be so angry with me if I stayed... 

And I was tired of him always being angry at me. 

A.J. wakes up after a while, turning so that he was looking at me now. A tired smile found its way onto his face, and he cuddles up into my chest. I couldn't help but smile too, especially when I felt E.J. give a small kick between us. It was a short lived smile though, the ache in my chest starting to become more of a throb... How was I going to tell A.J. I was leaving again? 

"Morning." A.J. whispers, kissing my cheek. 

"Morning... How'd you sleep?" I asked him, holding him as close as I could. 

"Pretty good, what about you?" 

"I slept fine... A.J.?" It's now or never... I have to tell him. If I don't tell him, he'll just be angrier at me later.... 


"I... I love you." Goddammit Oliver, you're a f ucking chicken. It's three words. "I'm leaving Friday." It's that simple you stupid f uck. A.J. looks at me curiously for a second, almost as if he was surprised to hear me say that... It shouldn't be, I told him yesterday plenty of times. 

"I love you too... Are you alright?" No. I'm not alright. 

"Yeah. Just thought I'd tell you." I shrug, internally cursing myself out. I couldn't tell him... Why couldn't I tell him? 

"Okay..." A.J. seems to leave it at that, sitting up now. He grimaces a little as he does so, rolling his eyes when I reach out a hand to help him. 

"I'm fine. He's just on my bladder... I gotta pee." A.J. says, slowly but surely climbing up off the bed. I only watch as he somewhat waddles to the bathroom, a fond smile on my face as he does so. He looked absolutely adorable... Not that I would say that out loud... He would kick my ass, even if he was pregnant.

"I'm just gonna have to tell Tracy I can't come... She'll understand... She has to understand." I whisper to myself after A.J. left the room, biting my bottom lip as I tried to convince myself that she would actually listen to me... 

She didn't exactly know A.J. was pregnant... so maybe that would help my case. I can't just leave my pregnant boyfriend... 

Who am I kidding? She doesn't care... 

"Okay, you're starting to scare me now." A.J. comes back into the room, a concerned expression on his face as he looks at me. I blink for a second, having not realized he was talking to me for a second. 

"Sorry... I just... I have a lot on my mind for some reason." I whisper, running a hand through my hair before standing up off the bed. I walked over to where he was standing, wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" A.J. asks, looking up at me as I shake my head. 

"It's nothing you need to worry about..." 

"Are you sure?" 

"I'm positive... Now, what do you say to you and me going on a date? It's been a while, hasn't it?" A.J. didn't seem all that convinced for a moment, but when I kissed his forehead he seemed to relax a little. 

"Yeah... It has been." A.J. says quietly, a small smile forming. 

"How about I take you home, and we can go out tonight? How does that sound?" I whisper, smiling softly but it was a little forced. I felt guilty for not telling him... but I couldn't just randomly say it... I would have to tell him tonight.

I'd tell him tonight. 


This chapter was supposed to be somewhat fluffy... and they've only been back together for one chapter and there's already drama

dammit Connie

Anyways, so like I made an Instagram account for my Wattpad account. I'm gonna use it so that I can socialize with you guys more and so that I can keep you guys more up to date with what I'm doing. The user is ConWeCallLove (.... I'm a creature of habit, sue me.) I'm following back anyone who follows the account for the time being haha. I'm pretty much using it as an update account, along with sneak previews of chapters... and the occasional funny picture I find cause I like funny pictures. 

So yeah... If you wanna go follow it, by all means, please do!

Love you guys!




Connie xx 

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