Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

We came so close

But I keep following the feeling that scares me most

And just like that Oliver was gone again. Life went back to normal and a month went by without Oliver by my side. We talked as much as we could, often texting each other and if we were lucky we could FaceTime for a little while. Today was just a normal day, well I guess if you call waking up with the biggest headache and the want to throw up everything in my stomach a normal day. I rushed to the bathroom before throwing up whatever it was we had for dinner last night into the toilet.

"F uck." I groaned, resting my back against the wall. The sick feeling in my stomach still didn't go away, so it was only a minute or so before I was hunched over the toilet again. I was crying at this point, clutching my stomach as it churned again.

"A.J.? Are you in there?" Mum's voice sounded through the door which I didn't realize was closed until that point.

"I don't feel good Mummy." I cried when he opened the door. Mum knelt down next to me, frowning when he felt my forehead.

"You're not warm... How about you go lay down though. It'll help you feel better." Mum gave me a reassuring smile before helping me up. I grimaced before brushing my teeth, needing the rancid taste to go away. Mum flushed the toilet before telling me to lay down again, which I did.

I climbed into my bed, trying to ignore my stomach churning. I took deep breathes through my nose, closing my eyes.


This went on for about a week. I would wake up every morning and puke the contents of my stomach into the toilet. It had gotten to the point where I was terrified to eat, mainly due to the fact that even the littlest of things set me off. It was a Friday morning when Mum finally had enough.

"I'm taking you to the doctor. This isn't the stomach flu." He sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm fine Mum. It's just a stomach bug." I tried, but I knew there was no convincing him otherwise.

So at exactly 11:10 that morning I was sitting in a hospital room with Mum by my side. The nurse had already drawn some blood and I had just finished peeing in a cup.

We were just waiting for the results.

"You okay?" Mum asked, looking at me with a soft smile on my face.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?"

"Just worried."

"It's probably just a stomach bug Mum."

"A stomach bug you've had for a week." I rolled my eyes, kind of annoyed with the overbearing parent at this moment. I loved Mum. I really did, but sometimes he freaked out over the little things.

"I'm fine." I said after a minute. Mum went to reply but the doctor walked in, a clipboard in hand.

"You must be Alexander. I'm Doctor Carter." He says, sticking out his hand for me to shake. After we did that he sits down on his little stool.

"So I just have a few questions for you Alexander, and then we will go over your test results." He clicked his pen before looking at me.

"Describe your symptoms for me."

"I've been waking up with some sort of stomach bug. I've been puking for like a week straight." Doctor Carter nods before writing something down.

"Do you smoke?"

"Not since yesterday." I smirked, earning a glare from Mum.

"I don't smoke." I say honestly.

"Do you drink?"

"I could use a drink. Got any vodka?" Another glare from Mum.

"I don't drink."

"Are you sexually active?" And then I took it seriously.

"Yes." Mum glares at me, his eyebrows arched.

He doesn't know.

"Alexander." Mum says, almost like he's warning me.

"I'm telling the truth." And Mum becomes serious, his face paling as he looks at Doctor Carter.

"Alright. Thank you Alexander. Now let's go over your test results shall we?" Doctor Carter clicks his tongue as he shifts through the papers. After a minute of awkward silence he looks up.

"Well I guess congratulations are in order Alexander, it appears as if you are pregnant." I let out a laugh, probably out of shock but that was impossible.

I was on birth control.

Olly always used protection.

Except for that one time right before he....

"This is a joke right?" I ask, my throat suddenly raw and the sick feeling in my stomach almost overwhelming again. Doctor Carter shook his head, a smile still on his face.

Mum still didn't say anything.

"The blood and urine test both came back positive for pregnancy. We will of course preform an ultrasound to make sure. I'll actually go set that up for you guys, I'll be right back." Doctor Carter left with that, the awkward silence in the room almost suffocating me.


I can't be pregnant.

I can't be.

"Mummy." I bursted into tears at that point and Mum pulled me into his arms.

"It's okay baby. You're gonna be okay." He whispered, holding my close as I cried.

"Mummy I'm sorry." I cried, holding onto his shirt. Mum just shushed me as he repeated that I was going to be okay.

I wasn't so sure though.

I was pregnant.


*ignores my other stories that I haven't update for a month*

*prewrites two more chapters for this story*

*cries for an eternity*





Connie xx

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