Chapter Forty-Seven (O.M.)

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Chapter Forty-Seven

I'm waiting for my sun to shine

"Is he alright?" Niall asks on the other end, worry clear in his voice as he does so. I run a hand through my hair as I look into the hospital room, not really sure how I was going to answer that question. A.J. hadn't said a word since the doc told him that Elijah wasn't going to allow them to wait till he was fully developed. 

"For the most part... I think... I think he's just scared right now, and I can't really blame him." I whisper, feeling that was the best way to explain it. I felt the same way... so I was sure A.J. was feeling that way too. 

"Harry's booking our flight as we speak... We should be there in a couple of hours." 

"He'll be happy to see you... I gotta go check on him... I'll let him know you're on your way." 

"Alright... You keep him company until I get there. Tell him I love him and that everything's going to be just fine." Niall says quietly before hanging up. I let out a shaky breath before walking back into the hospital room. A.J. was playing with the ends of his blanket, silent tears falling down his face as he did so. 

"I uh... I just got off the phone with your mum... He said that your dad and him are on their way... He wanted me to let you know that he loves you... and that everything is going to be just fine." I said, a little rushed though as I wasn't sure if I could get it all out before bursting into tears. 

"Do you think they will be?" A.J. asks, saying the first thing since we found out. I looked at him, a little shocked that he'd actually said something before I nodded. 

"Everything's okay in the end... He's going to be just fine Alex." 

"He's two months early, Olly. That's not a good thing." Alex says, his voice completely emotionless as he refuses to look at me. I bite my bottom lip, unsure of what to say next because he was right... two months early wasn't a good thing. 

"Jonah and Jemma were early..." 

"Jonah's blind." 

"Yeah, but Jemma's just fine... He's going to be fine." 

"Stop saying that!" A.J. yells, throwing his hands over his ears before he bursts into tears. I just sit there, completely dumbfounded and unsure of what to do. 


"Can you please just leave? I want to be alone right now." He whispers, still refusing to look at me. 

"I can't just leave... This is my son too." 

"Then fine, stay. I don't care, just stop talking." 

"Okay..." I find myself whispering before sitting down on the couch. I didn't want to make him any angrier at me than he already was, so I just stayed quiet. I didn't find it very fair that he was angry at me, I had only been trying to make him feel better... but I guess this was just one of those things where words wouldn't help. I let out a sigh as I placed my head in my hands, not really knowing what to do at this point. We sat there for what felt like hours, neither of us saying anything and it was slowly starting to drive me crazy. 

"This isn't  easy for me either..." I say after a while, looking at him as I waited for him to say something. A.J. just continues to ignore me, which I guess I should've seen coming. He was in no mood to talk. 

"Ignoring me isn't going to make it better, Alex. In fact I'm finding it really immature and inconsiderate. I get that you're scared, I get that you're upset... but dammit, so am I. So maybe you can do me a favor... and just talk to me. I'm kinda freaking out right now and you ignoring me isn't helping." I say in a rush, my hands shaking as I struggle to breathe for a moment. I wasn't one to show how I was feeling, learning that from a young age from my parents... A.J. finally looks at me though, an apologetic expression on his face as he does so. His cheeks are tear stained, his eyes bloodshot and he looked like absolute hell... I wasn't really sure if I looked much better. 

"I'm sorry... I'm just... I'm really scared Olly, and I don't know how to handle it. I didn't mean to push you away... I'm sorry." He whispers, biting his bottom lip. I went to say something else but the doctor walked in at that point, his face still completely emotionless as he did. 

"Alright Alexander, we're going to start prepping you for a c-section. Your baby's heartbeat is slower than we'd like and we're afraid that if we wait... It'll be too late." The doctor says, a sad look on his face as he pats A.J.'s leg.

"Is he going to be alright?" A.J. whispered, looking at me completely terrified. I walked over to the bed, grabbing his hand in hopes that would help reassure him. 

"Our biggest concern is his heart beat and that his lungs might be underdeveloped. There isn't much we can do about either of those things until he's out... Normally we would do some sort of steroid shot, but with how slow his heart beat is... We don't have time to wait." With that he left. A.J. took in a shaky breath, looking at me with a sad expression. 

"I guess we get to meet our bear..." He whispers, letting out a choked laugh as he started to cry. I just kissed the top of his head, hoping that would help make him feel somewhat better.

"Everything... Everything's going to be okay." 









Connie xx 

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