Chapter Forty-Two (O.M.)

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Chapter Forty-Two

Cue all the love to leave my heart

It's time for me to fall apart

"You don't have to go to the airport with me... I can go myself." I said, throwing some of my clothes into my suitcase. I wasn't really paying attention to if my clothes were clean or not, knowing full well I wouldn't wash them anyways. 

"Yeah, I know you can. But, I want to go. You're leaving and this might be the last time I see you for a while." A.J. says, standing in the doorway of my bedroom with a tired expression. He smiled at me before walking over to my bed, sitting down next to my suitcase as I continued to pack. I sigh, shaking my head at him before closing the bag and zipping it up.

"You make it sound like I'm going to war." 

"Well you're going to be out of the country for the next few months... You can't blame me for wanting to spend time with you." A.J. shrugs which in turn just made me roll my eyes. I let out another sigh, throwing my bag down onto the ground before falling onto the bed. I placed my head on A.J.'s lap, my ear against his belly. A.J. starts to play with my hair 

"You sure you don't want to come with me?" 

"I can't." 

"Or you just don't want to... A.J., it's not like your abandoning anything here. You're taking online classes so you're not ditching school... You don't have a job... All that's here is your family and I come back for at least a few months every year... We'd still see them... So why won't you just come with me?" I finally asked, looking up at him when he gives a small sigh. 

"Because I don't want my life to be that unstable. Call me selfish or whatever Olly... but I don't want Elijah growing up like that, constantly on the move... I want him to have a stable place to grow up, and if that means staying here while you're out living your dream... then so be it." A.J. says, biting his bottom lip as he looks down at me.

"I get that... I do... but it'll be quite some time before we have to worry about that. You guys can come with me for a couple years, and when it's time for him to start school.... We come back. You don't have to make the choice now Alex... You can come with me still." I whisper, still looking up at him with a hopeful expression. I don't think he realizes how badly I wanted him to come... how badly I needed him to come. A.J. lets out another sigh, grimacing a little when he moved. 

"Maybe next time, can we agree on that? Next time you're here... E.J. will be born and we can talk about it then. I just... I don't think I can go this time." A.J. says, moving his hand away from my hair. I nodded, biting my bottom lip as I sat up. I tried not to look disappointed, I understood that this wasn't an easy thing for him. It was never easy for me either. 

"We should probably get going... You're going to miss your flight..." A.J. whispers after a moment, slowly standing up off the bed. 

"Yeah... Okay." I said, getting up myself and grabbing my bag. I helped A.J. downstairs, saying goodbye to my parents and Liv before walking out the front door. The car ride to the airport was almost completely silent, the only sound was coming from the radio. I kept thinking of things to say, in hopes that maybe I could convince A.J. to come with me... but I knew better than to say them. Even if it hurt to leave again, to leave him again... I knew that pressuring him into coming with me would make things worse. It wasn't until we arrived at the airport that I finally decided to say something. 

"You sure you don't want to come with me?" I asked, looking at him somewhat hopefully. A.J. just chuckles shaking his head before climbing out of the car. I followed him, walking to the back side of the car where he was waiting. He helped me get my suitcase out, smiling at me softly before kissing my cheek. 

"I'll see you in a couple months." He whispers.

"This is your last chance to tag along." 

"Stop trying to convince me." He chuckles again, wrapping his arms around my neck. I just smiled at him, wrapping my arms around his waist. Normally I would pull him close, but E.J. made it impossible... not that I minded. He was just giving me another reason not to go. 

"Then I guess I'll just stay here." I whisper, smiling a little as E.J. stared to move around. I could only faintly feel him though. 

"No you won't." A.J. said, his voice taking a serious tone as he looks at me. 

"What's stopping me?" I teased, knowing full well he wasn't going to let me stay. 

"Me. Now go." A.J. pushes me back, pointing at the airport as I just continued to stand there. 

"Only if you go with me." 

"You're not being fair." 

"You're the one who's not being fair. Alex, I have never asked for anything from you... So please? Just this once... Come with me." A.J. lets out a sigh, rubbing a hand over his belly. He doesn't look at me for a minute, biting his bottom lip. 

"Fine. I'll come with you, but only for a few days... I want to be home before I can't travel anymore, okay?" A.J. finally says, looking at me again. I couldn't help the grin on my face, nor could I help but pull him into my arms. I buried my face into his neck for a moment, enjoying the fact that I wasn't going to have to leave him just yet. 

"You know you're my everything, right?" I whispered, holding him as close as I could. 

"I know." 


Lol. Fluffy chapters are just so damn fluffy. I cry cause Oliver and A.J. are cute af and I can't wait till E.J. gets here. 

Which will be eventually lol.

Anyways, you guys are the best.




Connie xx 

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