Chapter Thirteen (O.M.)

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Chapter Thirteen

Please take me anywhere but here

From: Dean Received: 12:09 pm

Tracy found out you left. She canceled tonight's show but she wants your ass back here by Sunday night.

To: Dean Sent: 12:11 pm

Okay. Thanks Dean.

From: Dean Received: 12:14 pm

You owe me.

To: Dean Sent: 12:15 pm

I know.


"Who are you talking to?" A.J. asks as he grabs something to eat.

"Dean. Tracy cancelled tonight's show." I said, locking my phone before smiling at A.J.

"Does that mean you're staying?" A.J.'s eyes lit up at just the thought, a bright smile on his face as I nodded.

"I have to be back tomorrow night though."

"That's still better than you leaving tonight." A.J. shrugs, still smiling before he sits down at the table.

"It gives us a chance to tell my parents." I said after a minute, watching A.J. as his face falls just a little. He bites his bottom lip before looking away from me for a second.

"Your dad is going to hate me." A.J. whispers, looking at me again. I arched my eyebrows at that, not exactly sure what he meant.

"My dad won't hate you. Why do you think everyone's going to hate you?" I asked, seriously not understanding why he thought that way. No one could hate A.J. even if they tried.

"I don't know Olly... I just feel like someone should be mad at me." He says honestly.

"Your dads pretty mad. I mean he flat out said he wanted to hit me." I pointed out, chuckling a little as A.J. rolls his eyes.

"I just feel like this has all been way to easy... usually there's at least one person who flips shit."

"You've been watching too many soap operas." I smiled fondly at him before kissing his cheek. A.J. rolled his eyes again, but he smiled nonetheless.

I loved it when he smiled.


"I can't do this." A.J. whispered as we walked up to the front door to my parents house. I sighed as I grabbed his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as I did so.

"Yes you can. The sooner we get this done, the better. No ones going to hate you Alex... I mean Dad might be surprised but Pa will probably throw a party. There's nothing to worry about."

"Promise?" He bites his lip, shuffling awkwardly on his feet. I smile at him before kissing him quickly

"I promise. Now cmon." A.J. didn't say anything else and allowed me to drag him to the front door. I walked right in, not when phased by the fact that Pa was chasing Olivia around with that gorilla mask. Dad was just sitting on the couch in the front room, reading the morning paper like he normally did.

"Daddy make him stop!" Liv squeals, but Dad doesn't make a move. He just turns the page, not even bothering to look up.

"And I thought my family was weird." A.J. mumbles.

"Just remember your dad calls your mum slut dresser."

"At least he's not running around in a gorilla mask."

"Olly! Save me!" Liv suddenly screams, running straight towards me. I let out a surprised gasp as she jumped into my arms, nearly knocking A.J. over.

"What are you doing home?" Dad asks, finally looking up from his paper.

"Had a free weekend." I said, shrugging as I hugged Olivia. She held onto me tightly, which in all honesty was a little hard. Dad smiled at me, putting his paper down before walking over to me.

"My favorite child!" Pa says, surprising everyone in the room as he hugs A.J.

"Hi Uncle Zee..." A.J. says awkwardly, hugging Pa softly.

"It's good to see you A.J." Dad smiles, but he doesn't hug A.J.

"You too..." A.J. forces a smile. I sigh knowing that this wasn't exactly going to be easy.

"We actually need to talk though. A.J. and I have some news." I said, shifting Olivia in my arms. I set her down after a minute, and almost instantly she ran out of the room. Dad arched his eyebrows while Pa took off the gorilla mask.

"Okay?" Dad says, looking at us somewhat concerned. A.J. looked at me with terrified eyes and for a second there I thought he was going to run.

Of course he didn't really have anywhere to go.

"Well... Um... A.J. and I... Were uh... Were gonna have a baby." I tried to say it with confidence, not wanting my parents to know that I was scared shitless.

A.J. wasn't the only one scared.

"What?" Dad asks, looking at us like we were crazy. Pa is frowning, a confused look on his face.

"A.J.'s pregnant." I said again, a little more clear this time. The room falls silent for a second before Pa let's out a yell. He stands up from the couch before throwing his gorilla mask on the floor.

"You guys couldn't have waited another year?! For Christ sake I was on a roll!" Pa yells, earning a confused look from A.J. and me. He pulls out his wallet before handing Dad a couple dollars.

"You guys bet on this?!" I honestly wish I could say I was surprised...

"We bet on everything." Dad shrugs. A.J. still looks confused, the terrified expression now gone.

"So you guys aren't mad?" He asks quietly. Dad lets out a laugh before smacking the back of my head.

"Ever heard of a condom?"


What even.

Zayns really not that different hahaha.

I mean Liam's a little less high strung.

I don't know haha.




Connie xx

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