Chapter Thirty-One (O.M.)

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Chapter Thirty-One

And we both go down together 

"Olly!" I was greeted by my twelve year old sister the second I walked out of the baggage claim, her small arms wrapping around my waist as I let out a chuckle. I smiled down at her as I ruffled her hair, picking her up and swaying her around in a circle. 

"How is my Liv?" I asked her, already feeling better just at the sight of my sister. God knows how I'll feel once I see my parents. 

"I'm good. Missed you." She said, still smiling as she kisses my cheek. I carried her with little difficultly as we walked to where Dad and Pa were, our smiles fading a little as Dad seemed to be yelling at Pa about something. 

".... Of course we can't tell him. Do you have any idea how pissed he'd be?" Dad throws his hands up in the air, shaking his head as if it was the stupidest thing he'd heard all day. 

"Liam, he has a right to know. Harry and I both agreed that it would be best if he knew." Pa tries to justify, biting his bottom lip as he speaks softly. You could just tell that he was trying not to fight with Dad. 

"Well Harry is an idiot and so are you." Dad finally says, turning his back on Pa before seeing me. His frown instantly turned into a smile and he walked right up to me. He pulled me into a hug which I only returned halfheartedly. It wasn't that I wasn't glad to see him... I just didn't like to be around my parents when they were fighting.... You would think it was something I would've gotten used to being since the first ten years of my life was just filled with it... but I don't think I would ever get used to it. 

"We've missed you Olly." Dad says, hugging me a little tighter before finally pulling away. Pa gave me a half smile before hugging me too, his hug wasn't as long nor was it as tight... an obvious sign that Pa wasn't doing too great today. 

"I'm glad to be home... It feels like ages." I said, trying to smile in hopes that it would help lighten up the mood a little. Dad smiles back before grabbing my bags from and turns to Pa who's looking at the ground.

"Let's go home... I'm sure Oliver here is missing his bed." Dad says, not even bothering to wait for an answer or not. We all followed him and got into the car, the ride home was completely silence... and it sucked. I didn't come home just to get thrown back into a shit load of drama... I came home to see my family... and possibly get my other family back. 

Not that Dad and Pa knew that... Dad and Pa didn't exactly care though... They didn't hate A.J. or anything, to be quite honest I wasn't sure what their opinion on our relationship was... They never really seemed upset that we broke up. 

But then again, my parents didn't really show their emotions around me. 

When we finally got home, I couldn't have been more relieved. I literally jumped out of the car, grabbing my suitcase from the back and almost ran to the front door. I couldn't take the awkward silence anymore... It reminded me of my childhood a little too much. As soon as we were inside, Dad and Pa seemed to get over whatever the hell it was they were arguing about. 

"What does everyone want for dinner? We can go out if you want to, or we can stay in." Dad asks, shutting the front door behind him. 

"I vote we stay in, we haven't gotten a chance to eat dinner as a family for four months." Pa says, walking into the kitchen. Liv and I both say words of agreement. Dad arched an eyebrow at that, looking at the both of us. 

"You kids used to jump at the opportunity to go out..." 

"That was before Olly got old." Olivia said without any hesitation in her voice and I turned to look at her. She shrank back a little, a small smile on her face as she shrugs.

"What? It's true." She said, giggling a little as I started to walk towards her. 

"I'm not old. You're old." I said, sticking out my arms and wiggling my fingers as if I was going to tickle her. Olivia let out a squeal before taking off in a sprint towards the backyard, I didn't follow her though. I turned towards my dad who was watching with a fond smile, one that I hadn't seen for a little while. 

"Are you and Pa okay? You guys didn't seem very happy at the airport." I asked him, watching Dad as he lets out a sigh and forces a smile.

"Everything's fine Oliver, there's just a few things your father and I don't agree on right now. There's nothing to worry about though, it's nothing." Dad says, but he doesn't seem all that convincing. 

"It didn't really seem like nothing to me..." 

"You don't need to worry about your father and me. We've been through a lot worse than just a little disagreement Olly, trust me... Now how about you go get some rest and I'll come get you when dinners ready." Dad said, effectively ending the conversation. He walked out of the room before I got the chance to protest, so I did as I was told and went up to my room. I sighed as I fell down onto my bed, my eyes looking up at the ceiling. 

"Home sweet home." I whispered to myself, somewhat bitterly. 

This place didn't really feel like home anymore.


Well there's the next chapter.

I like writing Oliver chapters more than A.J. ones right now...

Mainly due the fact that Oliver is a lot more fun to write lol




Connie xx 

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