Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

Band-aids don't fix bullet holes

You say sorry just for show

"So..." Oliver starts, only to trail off as we sit out on the back porch. We were quietly watching the rain as it fell, neither of us really knowing how to start this conversation.

"So..." I say back, laughing a little as I too trailed off. Oliver smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. He starts to play with his hands, biting his bottom lip as he looks out at the rain. My gaze is on him, wondering what he's thinking. I used to always know what he was thinking... but now it wasn't that easy.

"I'm sorry for saying that I didn't trust you. You gave me no reason to believe you'd ever cheat on me, and I was an idiot." Oliver says, but he still refuses to look at me. He starts to play with the bracelets that hung on his wrists, tugging at them. A small smile formed on my face when I saw the familiar bracelet from when we were little, my initials still woven into it. I had mine upstairs in my room, kept safe inside a box filled with things I had gotten from Oliver over the years. It brought me some comfort in seeing it though, maybe because it meant that Oliver wasn't ready to give up on us... and I wasn't either.

Maybe we could fix this.

Maybe we could finally be the family we were supposed to be...

"I'm sorry for leaving that day... I'm sorry for never picking up your calls... I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you. Oliver, all you've ever done is love me... and I took that for granted. I was scared and I guess I was being selfish by making your choices for you. I shouldn't have left, I should've let you decide if you wanted to be Elijah's life... and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whisper, biting my bottom lip as I felt incredibly vulnerable for a moment. I didn't like to cry in front of people, not even my own family... so when the stinging of tears started, I felt weak in front of Oliver.

"I guess we both messed up, didn't we?" Oliver whispers, looking at me finally. I choke back a sob before nodding, not really able to speak quite yet. We fell into a silence again, neither of us wanting to be the one to break it... or really we just didn't know how. Things with Oliver used to be so easy... but now they were so goddamn complicated.

"Do... Do you think we'll ever go back to being... us?" I find myself asking, looking away from Oliver and out at the yard. The rain seemed to be getting worse now, coming down like there was no tomorrow. I was half tempted to go running in it.... but Oliver and I needed to have this conversation.

"I don't know Alex, I don't think we can ever really go back to the way we were before all this shit happened. I mean, if we do... who's to say we won't make the same stupid ass mistakes again? It's not just about us anymore... We've got a kid coming in like two months... We can't just runaway from our problems this time." Oliver says after a minute or two, his voice quiet and barely over a whisper.

"Is that your way of saying you don't want to get back together?" I ask, my voice now taking a bitter tone to it. I wasn't really sure where this conversation was going at this point, mainly due to the fact that it felt like it was going in circles. I hated it, I hated this....

"No, that's not what I'm saying." Oliver sighs and I can see him shaking his head out of the corner of my eye.

"Then what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that things are going to be different this time around. We aren't going to be the same people we were, and we're not going to deal with our problems the same way. I'm more than willing to give us another shot Alex, but the only way we're going to work is if we grow up. We can't keep acting like kids, especially with bear coming. It's time we grow up." I finally look back at him, his chocolate brown eyes connecting with my ocean blue ones. He smiles at me softly, moving closer to me. He leans in at that moment, kissing me softly as he always used to. I didn't even hesitate in kissing him back, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pulled him closer. He only kissed me for a few seconds before pulling way.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" I ask, letting out a teary laugh.

"I might have to kiss you again, but yeah... I forgive you, do you forgive me?" Oliver bites his bottom lip again, looking at me hopefully. I chuckled a little before leaning in again, kissing Oliver's cheek softly. He grins at that, his smile reaching his eyes. I always loved it when he smiled... especially when I was the reason behind it.

"I love you." I find myself whispering, resting my head against his shoulder. Oliver rests his head on top of mine, grabbing my hand as we sat on the back porch.

"I love you too... I'm always going to." Oliver whispers back and I smile softly.

And for the first time in four months... I felt complete again.


It took me far too long to write this chapter. Smh at myself.

Anyways, I'm sure you guys have seen the pictures in the multimedia and you're wondering what they're for.

Well basically, it's the cover for the sequel of this story. I know it seems kinda weird that I'm doing a sequel to a spin off... but the reason why I decided to do a sequel is because I get stressed out when I have stories with too many chapters... I know that's silly and stuff, but when I have a story with like forty chapters... the more chapters I add to it past the fortieth chapter makes me feel like I'm dragging the story on... hence why I do sequels haha.

So with that out of the way... There's gonna be a sequel.

And I need your help picking which cover to use. They're not finished yet, I still have to add a subtitle and my user... but yeah.

Comment which one you like,





So yeah... that was a long authors note lol




Connie xx

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