Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

The first kiss stole the breath from my lips

Why did the last one tear us apart?

"A.J., are you staying for dinner?" Uncle Liam asks, poking his head out the back door. Oliver and I were sitting on the porch as we watched Olivia run around and play.

"If that's okay with you?" I replied, smiling as Uncle Liam nodded. He walked back into the house leaving us alone again. Oliver let out a sigh before grabbing my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine. It was then that I noticed he was staring at me.

"What?" I asked, arching my eyebrows at him. Oliver just chuckles as he shakes his head.

"Nothing. I'm just really happy." He says, looking over at Olivia with a smile.

"Well that's good." I laughed, leaning my head on his shoulder. He places his head on top of mine, his hand still holding mine tightly.

"You should come with me." He suddenly says, and I move my head off his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" I asked, arching my eyebrows.

"When I head back... I want you to come with me."

"Olly... I can't do that and you know why." I sighed, taking my hand away from his before placing them in my lap.

"I don't want you to go through this on your own... I should be by your side every step of the way."

"And you still will be."

"How? A.J. I'm supposed to be leaving for America in less than a month, and God knows how long I'll be there."

"We will work something out. We've been doing fine before..." I try to justify but even I knew that it wasn't going to be that simple. It was never going to be simple.

"I wasn't in a different country before. I'm not comfortable leaving you to do this on your own." He whispers, biting his bottom lip as he looks at me sadly. I take in a shaky breath, honestly having no idea what to say at this point. I didn't want him to leave, but I wasn't going to be selfish.

I wasn't going to be the reason why he gave up on his dream.

"I won't be alone in this... I've got my parents and yours. I'm not entirely alone."

"I'll be missing out on a lot..."

"I'll keep you updated on everything that happens. We're going to make this work Olly." I tried to assure him, but to be quite honest I didn't feel that great about it myself. I was scared beyond belief, but Oliver was just as scared.

One of us had to be the stronger of the two.

And today that just so happened to be me.

"I love you Alex."

"Love you too."


Oliver took me home after we had dinner with his family. He took his sweet time driving back to my house, softly singing along to the radio as he did. It was completely silent though when we got to my house, mainly because Olly had turned off the radio. He took a deep sigh before turning off the car completely.

"Well this is your stop." He said, smiling softly.

"Yeah... you gonna walk me up to my door?" I asked, opening my car door as Oliver chuckled.

"Depends... is your dad going to try and kill me?"

"He's inside. He won't even know you're here." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head before climbing out of the car. Oliver followed me though, walking to my side and grabbing my hand. We walked up to the door slowly, our hands swaying between the both of us as we did.

"I guess this is goodbye for a little while." Oliver says sadly, his fingers brushing my cheek.

"We could always try and sneak you into the house." I whispered, only half joking. Oliver chuckles before kissing me, holding my face between both his hands.

"How about we don't and say we did." Oliver and I both jumped at the sound of my dads voice, pulling apart completely. He was sitting on the front porch, a newspaper in his hands. He had been here the whole time...

How had I not seen him?

"Shit... Sorry Mr. Styles."Oliver stutters, looking at my dad with wide and terrified eyes. Dad arched an eyebrow, folding the newspaper.

"Did you just call me Mr. Styles?"

"Uh... yeah. Sorry sir." Oliver looked absolutely terrified at this point, to be honest I didn't know if I should laugh or feel bad for him.

My dad really wasn't that scary. He was probably about as threatening as a kitten.

"How old do you think I am? Jesus Christ." Dad shook his head, running a hand through his hair before walking to the front door.

"You don't look a day over forty-five sir." Oliver said and Dad stopped walking. He turned around with his eyebrows raised and Oliver shrank back a little, almost using me as a human shield.

"I'm forty-four you little shit." Dad glared at Oliver and I took that as my queue to take my dad inside.

"Cmon Dad... lets go inside.." I said, walking over to my dad and grabbing his arm. Oliver looked like he was about to shit his pants. I smiled at him before pulling my dad into the house.

"Do I really look like I'm forty-five?" Dad asked as soon as the door closed, obviously bothered by the fact.

"Physically? Maybe. Mentally? You're probably about twelve." I said, shrugging before walking out of the room.

"But if you minus twelve from forty-four you get thirty-two!" Dad yells after me, but I simply ignore. I head upstairs, smiling as I see I have a text from Oliver.

From: Oliver 😘😍 Received: 9:01 pm

I love you babe. See you in a couple weeks xx

It'll probably have to be at my place though. Pretty sure I'm on your dads hit list.



It's been like two days.

I don't regret it




Connie xx

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