Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Take my love and run

Oliver and I were both sitting at the kitchen table when Dad finally woke up. He walked in with a tired look on his face, completely walking past both of us. I arched my eyebrows at that, Dad was usually pretty observant.

"Morning Dad." I said, earning a quiet grunt from him as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"If you don't want me to punch your boyfriend in the face Alexander, I would suggest you get him out of my house." Dad said, surprising both Oliver and I. Oliver looked absolutely terrified for a second, something I didn't see often... mainly due the fact that Oliver could take anyone in a fight.

Except for my dad it seemed.

"What?" I said, somewhat shocked that he had said that.

"You heard me. He can come back after I've had my coffee." Dad grumbles, glaring at Oliver who instantly shrank back a little.

"I'm just gonna go upstairs." Oliver whispered before leaving the kitchen table. I looked at Dad with a confused expression.

"What was that?" I asked, arching my eyebrows as Dad just shrugs.

"I may not be mad at you Alexander Jace, but I'm beyond pissed with him. It's best that I wake up a little before I tear him to shreds." Dad says honestly, smiling softly as he finally take a sip of his coffee. I didn't know what to say at that point, in complete awe with my father.

"It's not just his fault Dad..." I say, not wanting my dad just to be angry at Oliver.

It really wasn't just his fault.

"I know it's not. But the difference between you and him is that you're my son. I have to love you unconditionally, I can hate him." Dad shrugs. It falls silent in the kitchen for about ten minutes before Mum comes in with a confused expression.

"Is there a reason why Oliver is passed out on the stairs?" He asks, walking over to the coffee pot. Dad laughs, shaking his head. Mum looks at him like he's lost his kind.

At this point in time it wouldn't come as a surprise.

"Dad threatened to hit him if he didn't leave the room." Mum arches his eyebrows, looking at Dad accusingly.

"What?" Dad asks, returning the look that Mum was giving him.

"We talked about this."

"Just because we talked about it, doesn't mean I agree with it. I should be allowed to hate someone!" Dad tries to justify, earning nothing more than an eye roll from Mum.

"Don't be an idiot Harry."

"But I'm your idiot." I internally gagged at that, finding my parents flirting extremely gross.

"I'm going back to bed." I said, standing up from the table and walking out of the room.

"Whatever you do Alexander, don't get pregnant!" Dad yells after me, earning an eye roll from me and by the sounds of it a smack from Mum. I walked up the stairs to see Oliver at the top, fast asleep.

"Olly. Babe. Wake up." I whispered, bending down to shake him awake.

"Five more minutes. Please just give me five more minutes." He mumbles, moving just a little. I shake my head fondly before kissing his cheek.

"Cmon babe, the floor can't be that comfortable."

"Zack likes the floor. Nothing wrong with the floor."

"I'm sure there isn't, but I know you're not going to like it when you wake up with a sore back. Now c'mon..." I stood up, grabbing his arm. I was half tempted to just drag him to my room, but I wasn't exactly the strongest man out there. Luckily for both Oliver and myself he decided to get up. I helped him into my room before he fell onto my bed.

"Floor was better." He whispers, earning a chuckle from me before I climbed into bed next to him. His arms wrapped around me almost instantly, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you Alex."

"Love you too... now get some sleep."


"So... if we go downstairs what are the chances of me making it back alive?" Oliver asks a few hours later.


"No. Please lie to me. I would like to have a false sense of security." Oliver says sarcastically, earning an eye roll from me before I opened my bedroom door.

"He won't kill you." I said, walking out of my room. Oliver walked closely behind me, his hands resting on my shoulders as we walked to the kitchen again.

"Is the coast clear?" Oliver asked, refusing to walk into the kitchen until I gave him the all clear. I tried not to roll my eyes at him, but he was being a little ridiculous.

My dad wasn't that scary.

"Stop being a pansy."

"Are you the one who's life is at stake? No. I didn't think so." Oliver sassed, glaring at me as I arched my eyebrows. I was almost tempted to tell him that Dad was in there, just to see what he'd do.

Probably run out of the kitchen like a little girl.

"Don't be sassy."

"I'm not being sassy. My life is on the line here." Oliver whined, grabbing my hand as I rolled my eyes.

"Since when were you so dramatic?" I asked, honestly wanting to know the answer.

"It all started this morning when your dad told me that he was going to hit me."


Ziam chapter is next.

We get to see how crazy Zayns gotten lol. Yay.




Connie xx

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