Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

Try to think back to a time when

You loved what you loved because you loved him

"And you boys wrote all your songs by yourself? That's absolutely amazing. I mean, they all have such deep meanings to them... They're just beautiful." I narrow my eyes at the TV, deciding right there and then that I didn't like this interviewer, she kept looking at Oliver... But then again, Oliver was absolutely stunning today... I couldn't blame her.

"Oliver wrote most of them. He had some great inspiration over the past couple months." Dean looks over at Oliver and Oliver just chuckles, shaking his head before running a hand through his hair... the way he always did when he was nervous... He always did that when he was around me.

"Do you mind sharing your inspiration?" Me.

"A musician never shares his secrets." Oliver winks at the interviewer and I try to ignore the sudden pang of jealously that erupts inside of me. He wasn't mine anymore... He was allowed to wink at other people.

Remember A.J., you did this for him. You gave him the chance to be who he wanted to be, not what you needed him to be.

"Clever word play. So boys, how's the dating life? Anything gossip worthy?" She wiggles her eyebrows, almost as if she found it that scandalous that she actually asked that... Newsflash sweetheart, that's always the first question.

"I'm seeing someone." Dean says, smiling into the crowd where I was assuming Tracy was. Oliver had only told me briefly that the two of them were together...

"Single, possibly ready to mingle." Chad says, winking into the crowd and a bunch of girls went wild. Zack just shrugs and smiles, a certain look in his eyes that just told you he'd found the one. Oliver only looked sad though, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was missing me as much as I missed him.

Probably not.

Why would he?

I broke up with him.

"It's complicated." He says quietly, looking down at his hands as the crowd awes. I wanted to watch more but Mum walked in, arching his eyebrows at me when he saw what was on the TV.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked me and I was somewhat thankful that he didn't ask about the interview. I just gave him a tight smile before nodding, standing up from the couch and arching my back. I rested my hands onto the somewhat large baby bump, smiling again when I felt a small kick.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said, grabbing my jacket off the back of the couch and following Mum to the car. Mum doesn't say anything to me as we drive to the doctors office, but I could tell he was thinking about something. I didn't really care though, I liked the fact that it was quiet... It meant that I didn't have to pretend that I was happy for a little while. When we pulled up to the hospital, Mum let out a long sigh before looking over at me.

"Alex, you know that I support you in all of your choices right?" Mum asks, looking a little worried as he does. I arch my eyebrows at that, not really sure why he'd just suddenly asked that.

"Yeah... Why?"

"I think you should talk to Oliver again... I... I personally feel like you're being very unfair to him by not allowing him to be in your son's life... I know that you don't want to hear that... but I feel like you need him." Mum whispers, gauging my reaction as I myself let out a small sigh.

"I'm doing it for him Mum... He doesn't want the baby, he may not have said it but I know him... He doesn't need one either... He's not going to have time for a baby right now." I said, getting ready to get out of the car when Mum lets out another sigh. I really wasn't understanding where this was all coming from.... all I did was watch a stupid ass interview.

"Alex, he has the right to be in that baby's life. I don't care if you don't think he wants the baby... He's still his father... He deserves the chance to decide if he wants to be in your life or not..."

"He could've stopped me from leaving Mum. He hasn't even talked to me since we broke up."

"You're the one who broke up with him Alexander. He's waiting for you to make the first move, and you're not going to make it. I get that you're scared, hell when I found I was pregnant with you I was terrified.... And don't even get me started on your dad. The thing is, I had your dad to help me through it... and whether or not you want to admit it or not, you need Oliver."

"I don't need him. I've been great. I've been doing just fine on my own for the past four months. I don't need him Mum, and he certainly doesn't need me." I nearly shouted, climbing out of the car before slamming the door shut behind me. I didn't care if Mum was mad at me now, all I wanted to do was get this appointment over with so I could go home.

Mum didn't know what he was talking about.

I didn't need Oliver.

I didn't need anyone.


I don't even know with this chapter.

It's a filler. I don't know haha.




Connie xx

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