Chapter Forty-Eight

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Chapter Forty-Eight

You can keep the necklace that I gave to you

I'll keep the shitty tattoos

It was nearly two hours later when I found myself laying in an operating room, Oliver's hand clenched in mine as several people crowded behind the small curtain they'd put up over my mid-section. Oliver was looking over the edge, his eyes wide as he did so. I was worried that he was going to pass out on me, he'd never been good around blood.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, looking up at him. Oliver nods, closing his eyes as he breathes through his nose.

"There's just a lot of blood... Are you okay?"

"As good as I can be..." I whisper, somewhat wishing that I could see what they were doing. Ever since the doctor had told us that E.J.'s heart beat was too slow... I had been worried. This had happened just a month earlier, and I had nearly lost him... What if I didn't get the chance to hold him? What if I actually lost him this time?

"Alright... We're making the final cut. Alexander, you're going to feel a small tug." The doctor says, his voice muffled by his face mask. I don't say anything, letting out a breath before looking up at the ceiling. I felt the tug after a minute and all was quiet before a somewhat strangled cry filled the room. Oliver is looking over the curtain, his eyes once again widening at the sight.

"Oh my god... That's him." Oliver says, his eyes looking at wherever they had E.J. I felt a little relieved at the fact that he'd cried, that meant he was okay... It had to mean he was okay. They took him out of the room almost instantly, leaving Oliver and I alone with one of the nurses who stitched me up. She took me back to my hospital room after that, leaving us without a word. Oliver brought a chair to my bedside, his hand gripping mine as he sat next to me.

"Did... Did he look okay? When you saw him?" I find myself asking, beyond worried.

"He cried... That's a good thing right?" Oliver looks just as worried as me, biting down hard on his bottom lip. We sit in the room for what felt like hours before a nurse finally came in to check on my pain medicine.

"How are you feeling? On a scale from one to ten, how high would you rate your pain?" She asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Probably a five... How's my baby?" I asked, biting my bottom lip as I waited for her answer. She just gives me an apologetic smile as she shakes her head.

"If I had any news, I would tell you." She says, leaving after that. Oliver lets out a sigh, rubbing at his face as he looks at me. 

"I'm sure he's fine..." He whispers, but I wasn't really sure who he was trying to reassure. I couldn't say find anything else to say, so instead I just held his hand. It was only a little while longer before my parents walked in, worried expression on their faces. 

"How is he?" Was the first thing Mum said, somewhat out of breath.

"Don't know." Oliver whispers, looking at Mum. I wasn't really sure who was taking this harder, Oliver or myself... If you asked me, Oliver was. 

"Did he at least cry?" Mum asks, walking over to my bed. Oliver and I both nodded, but we didn't really feel like talking at that moment in time. Dad stayed by the door, a sad look on his face as he looks at us. 

"They told us that his heart beat was too slow... and that was why they had to get him out. They didn't want to run the risk of his heart stopping." I whisper, looking at my mum as I slowly started to cry again. I was beyond terrified, the not knowing was driving me crazy. Mum rubs my arm before pulling me into a small side hug. 

"They made the right choice bean... I'm sure they're doing everything they can to help him, and it's probably for the best that he came early so they could help him. It's going to be alright." Mum says, but I didn't really feel all that reassured by what he was saying. I just wanted someone to tell me if my son was okay, that's all I wanted. It felt like an eternity before the doctor who delivered E.J. came in, a small smile on his face this time instead of the frown he'd worn just hours earlier. Oliver stood up as soon as he walked in, a hopeful expression on his face as he looks at the doctor. 

"How is he?" Oliver asks, beating everyone to the punch. 

"He's breathing, which for babies as premature as him is a really good thing. His lungs are almost completely developed, so he's getting some assistance from a machine to breathe... Our main concern was his heart rate, which is still a little too slow for our liking. We're going to have to keep a close eye on him for the next little while, but besides that he seems to be doing just fine." The doctor finishes, a smile still on his face as he finishes. Oliver lets out a relieved breath before turning towards me. 

"I told you he'd be fine." He whispers, his voice cracking a little as he starts to cry. I can only manage a sad laugh as I nodded. Oliver kisses my forehead, resting his head against mine after he did.

"I love you. So f ucking much." 


E.J. is finally here!

And he's okay!


I've never said that before in my life... maybe I'll start saying it lol

Anyways, there's about two or three more chapters left... I haven't decided yet.

We will see.




Connie xx 

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