Chapter Thirty-Two (O.M.)

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Chapter Thirty-Two

But I set fire to the rain

Watched it pour as I touched your face

"You still up kiddo?" Pa poked his head into my room, a tired look on his face as he looks at me. I look up from my laptop, a smile of my own as I nod.

"Jet lag. I probably won't be sleeping tonight... What's up?" I shut my computer before placing it down at the foot of my bed. Pa walked into the room at that, shutting the door behind him quietly as he did so. He bit his bottom lip as he looked at me nervously, which in turn kind of made me nervous. 

"Your dad is going to kick my ass for telling you this." Pa sighs, running a hand through his hair. I looked at him curiously now, wondering why it was such a big deal to Dad. 

"For telling me what?" 

"I know that you and Alex broke up a few months back... and I know that you guys haven't really talked so much since... but I personally think that you have the right to know what's going on with your baby." Pa is looking at me, waiting for some reaction but I wasn't really giving him one. I didn't really get where he was going... I didn't understand what on earth could be so bad that Dad didn't want me to know. 

"Well? What's going on then?" I asked, feeling a little bit of dread start to fill my stomach as Pa bites his bottom lip for a second. 

"Alex almost miscarried a few days ago... They went in to see the doctor and apparently the heartbeat of the baby was very weak... There's a strong possibility that Alex will give birth to a stillborn, and I just want you to be prepared for that in case it does happen." Pa trails off, looking down at his hands as I start to feel sick to my stomach. I wasn't even really apart of my baby's life yet, nor did I really think that A.J. was going to let me... but I still cared for our baby, even if I wasn't going to get the chance to be it's father. 

"Why didn't Dad want me to know?" I asked after a minute, still trying to grasp the fact that my kid could already be dead and it hadn't even been born yet. 

"Because he knows what it's like to lose a child... we both do, but your dad took it a lot harder. That's why we used to fight all the time when you were a kid... Your dad wasn't happy and I couldn't figure out a way to make him happy... He always blamed himself, no matter what I told him. He's gotten a lot better about it, especially after Olivia was born... but I know he still hurts from time to time." Pa looks at the bedroom door, almost as if he was waiting for Dad to walk in with an angry expression or maybe a sad one... I couldn't really tell what Pa was thinking, but it obviously wasn't something very happy. He wiped away the few stray tears that had escaped his eyes before turning to look at me once more, a sad smile on his face. 

"I didn't know that... I honestly thought you guys just wanted Liv and me..." I whispered, not sure what else to say. I felt a little sorry for my parents now, but I couldn't get over the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach as I thought of my own kid. 

"Your dad wanted a large family, much like Harry and Niall's but probably with a bigger age gap and not so many... Maybe only four kids versus six. He was happy with just you for a while, hell I'm sure if we didn't have Liv he would've been okay... He just... He wanted more, and when the doctors told him he couldn't... It nearly destroyed him... You never really realize how badly you want something until you're told that you can't have it anymore..." Pa trails off again, probably realizing now that all of what he was saying was kind of off subject in a way... I didn't care though, because he was making sense to me. 

"Do you think... Do you think if I went over to the hospital, Alex would still be there?" 

"More than likely. They wanted to keep him there for a little while to monitor the baby." Pa says, sighing before standing up off my bed. He starts to walk towards the bedroom door before turning to look at me. He glances over at the keys on my dresser before looking back at me, almost as if he was trying to suggest something. 

"I won't tell Dad if you don't." He smirks at that, winking before walking out of my room. I didn't need to be told twice before climbing off my bed, grabbing an old shirt off the ground along with my car keys off the dresser. I didn't really care if Alex got mad at me for coming... Something told me that he was going to need me there, even if he didn't want me to be. 

Because this wasn't just his baby.

It wasn't just his family.

It was mine too

And I was going to fight for them, no matter how hard it got. 


Yeah. I don't even know either.

This chapter is a filler, but it's not at the same time.

I still like Oliver more than Alex.

Such a sad day when you dislike one of your own characters.





Connie xx 

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