Chapter Twenty-Nine (O.M.)

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

We were smoking with strangers

We were dancing with the lights on

Four Months Later

"Come on Oliver, we're gonna be late." Dean sticks his head into the dressing room, making me jump a little as I quickly shove the sonogram into my back pocket.

"Alright... I'm coming." I said, standing up before grabbing my phone and following Dean out of the room. He gave me a sympathetic smile before throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"You alright?" Dean asked, earning nothing more than just a shrug from me. Was I okay? Physically I was, emotionally no. It had been four months, four long and difficult months without him... Ever since I let him walk out that door, I hadn't heard anything from him. I had tried to talk to him, I had left him countless voice mails and text messages... I had even gone as far to try and see him at his house... unfortunately for me that had been a day he'd decided to go visit his grandma. I missed him like hell and I wanted more than anything to get him back... but he wasn't going to let me back into his life.

It was almost like he hated me... but what had I ever done to cause that? I knew I was an idiot when I said I didn't trust him, and I spend more nights than not wondering if that was the reason... but something told me it was more than just that.

And I wasn't going to get the chance to find out what.

"Look, I know that you're still upset about what happened with Alex... but Oliver, we're finally releasing our album... We've already hit the charts, and this is the next step to the greatest era of our lives... so maybe... try not to be so sad tonight? You deserve to be happy and not hung up on him." Dean says, earning a small smile from me this time.

"Thanks Dean... I'll try." I whispered. Dean smiles at that and goes to say something else but is interrupted by one of the crew members of the talk show we were about to go on. A nice girl about my age came up to me, a small microphone on hand.

"Oliver right?" She asks, handing me the microphone. I nodded and she smiled, a faint blush on her cheeks as she does so.

"My name's Faith.. I'm a huge fan of the band... Been there since day one really." She says quickly, helping me hook the microphone to my shirt.

"It's nice to meet you Faith." I said, offering her my best my smile but I just wasn't feeling like myself today... but really I hadn't felt like myself since he left. Faith was talking about god knows what, but I wasn't really listening... I just kept thinking about him.... I wonder what he's doing right now...

Was he thinking about me too?

"You boys are on in two." Some random guy shouted at us, making Chad jump a little and shoot a glare at him.

"You boys are on in two," Chad mocked, still glaring in the general location of the guy. Zack arched his eyebrows at Chad before shaking his head.

"Grow up."

"Bitch make me."

"Let's not swear Chandler. We're about to go on live television." Dean warns, glaring at Chad who glared right back.

"My name isn't Chandler, asshole." Chad grumbles and Dean just rolls his eyes. Faith said her goodbye before running off, and next thing I knew we were all sitting on a couch with an overly happy woman. Her smile almost seemed to break her face, and on a normal day I would've made a joke about how she looked like The Joker off of Batman...

"So, you boys are becoming the next big thing... That must be pretty exciting!" She said, her voice also overly excited... I wanted to hit her... No one should be this happy.

"Yeah, we've been waiting for this since we were what... Seventeen? We always knew we had it in us, but it still blows our mind that we're at where we're at. It's all thanks to our families and our great fans who have supported us since day one... They're seriously the reason why we're here." Dean says, waving at the crowd a little.

"I agree with Dean... Our families and fans are seriously what have made this possible. Never in a million years did I think we'd get the chance to produce an album, let alone make it to the top ten before even hit the shelf... It's just amazing." Zack smiles, looking at Chad as he nods.

"And you boys wrote all your songs by yourself? That's absolutely amazing... I mean, they all have such deep meanings to them... They're just beautiful." The interviewer puts a hand over her heart and I try not to roll my eyes. I honestly couldn't tell you why it annoyed me.

"Oliver wrote most of them. He had some great inspiration over the past couple months." Dean says and I let out a nervous chuckle as the interviewer looks at me.

"Do you mind sharing your inspiration?" She asks, sneaking a glance at the crowd for just a second. I didn't really know what I wanted to say, mainly due to the fact that I didn't want to think about my inspiration right now. I was supposed to be happy... How could I be happy when my inspiration was him?

When every song was about him?

"A musician never shares his secrets." I ended up saying, winking a little.

But it still hurt.

It was always going to hurt.


Yes, I jumped four months.

Yes, they really did break up and haven't fixed it yet.

Yes, I will update again tomorrow.




Connie xx

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