Chapter Forty-Three (O.M.)

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Chapter Forty-Three 

I never meant for you to fix yourself  

"So... This is the life of a rock star?" A.J. asks as soon as we got to the hotel room, a small smile on his face as he placed his bag onto the bed. I just chuckled before doing the same.

"Not quite, normally I don't have my beautiful boyfriend with me." I said, winking as A.J. rolls his eyes.

"Stop being so cheesy." A.J. points at me, shaking his head as I started to walk towards him. I placed my hands on his hips, smiling before resting my forehead against his. 

"Only when you stop being so beautiful." I whispered, earning yet another eye roll. He was smiling like an idiot though, and that was something I lived for. I had missed seeing him smile, I missed being the reason why. 

"What's on the agenda for the day?" A.J. breaks the small silence that fell between us and I let go of him. I walk over to the bed where I had placed my phone, clicking my tongue as I pulled up my most recent texts from Dean. 

"Just an interview. Although... We're gonna have to let Tracy know you're here." I said sheepishly, already knowing what Alex was going to say. He crosses his arms over his chest, arching his eyebrows as he looks at me. 

"You mean she doesn't know?" 

"Not exactly... I mean, I told her I was bringing someone... I just didn't tell her that I was bringing you..." 


"Well... she doesn't know that we're back together... or that you're pregnant." I whispered the last part, looking anywhere but at A.J. for a minute. I could already tell he was going to get angry with me, this was something I should've told Tracy months ago... but it wasn't that easy with her. If she had her way, I'm sure I would've been kicked out of the band the day we started. 

"Well shit." A.J. says, running a hand through his hair now. I bite my bottom lip, fully expecting Alex to blow up on me... but he didn't, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. 

"I'm sure it'll be fine... I mean, what's the worst she can do?" I find myself saying, but I already knew the answer to that. A.J. went to say something else, only to be interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the hotel door. 

"Oliver, I know you're in there mate. Open the door." Dean's voice sounds through the door, and A.J. lets out a relieved breath. It was a little too soon for that though, mainly due to the fact that when I opened the door Tracy was right next to Dean. She didn't even wait for an invitation, walking right into the room with a somewhat grumpy expression. Dean follows her, giving me a sympathetic look as he did so. 

"Glad you finally got your ass here." Tracy said, crossing her arms over her chest as she glares at me. Normally I would retort with some snarky comment, but I knew that wouldn't help my situation as soon as she saw A.J.

"Sorry... I missed my flight and had to get another one." I muttered, looking at Alex who was standing off to the side of the room. Tracy hadn't noticed him yet, which was a little odd because the room wasn't that big. 

"Whatever, just don't do it again. I had to reschedule your interview which was just a bigger pain in the ass than you. So, if you wanna get on my good side Malik... Don't do anything stupid while we're here, do I make myself clear?" Tracy looks at me expectantly, waiting for my response. I could only nod. 

"Good. Now why the hell is your ex-boyfriend here?" So she had noticed him... A.J. visibly stiffened, a terrified expression now covering his face as he looks at me. 

"We're back together... and we wanted to spend some time together. He's only here for a couple days." I whisper, really not wanting to get on Tracy's bad side... but in the next sixty seconds I was going to have to break the news to here. 

"Okay. If he's staying, he needs to stay out of the public's eye. As far as they're concerned, you're still on the market." Tracy says, her glare growing stronger the longer she looked at me. I begin to feel nervous, unsure what to say or what to do. In the year that Tracy had been our tour manager, I had learned to just do was you were told.. even if you didn't agree with it. 

So I can only nod, biting down hard on my bottom lip as I look at A.J. He smiles at me softly, almost as if he was trying to reassure me that it was okay. 

"Glad that's settled. Next item on the list is finding out how the hell I'm gonna deal with this." Tracy points at A.J.'s stomach and my heart instantly drops. 

"I can explain..." I started but she shook her head. 

"No need. I know what that is. I guess I should say congratulations." And then Tracy actually smiled, earning a weird look from not only me... but from Dean as well. 

"Y-You're okay with it?" I asked, completely taken aback by her reaction. I had expected her to scream, call me an idiot at least... but she just shrugs. 

"I can't control what you do with your personal life, that's all you. I'm just in charge of your public image, and as far as that's concerned... Well I guess we will just have to figure that out when the time comes. Now, your interview is in an hour. Get ready." Tracy leaves at that, grabbing Dean's arm as she drags him out of the room. The door shuts and both A.J and I let out breaths we didn't know we were holding. 

"Well... That went better than I thought it would." 


Idk man.

These are just filler chapters and they aren't even that great of filler chapters.

There's going to be about fifty chapters in this story...

So we're almost there... and then we get to move on to book two!






Connie xx 

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