Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Can you feel my love?

Bombs away

The car ride home was completely silent. I sat in complete disbelief as I looked down at the printed sonograms of my 6 week old baby.

I didn't want to believe it.

It seemed like it was all some sort of joke.

Dad probably planned it so I would stop hooking up with Oliver every time he came back...

Yeah. Dad would do that.

Who am I kidding? Dad wouldn't do that.

F uck.

"What are you thinking Alexander?" Mum finally broke the silence, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I took in a shaky breath as I thought about how I could answer this.

"That this is some sort of joke. Mum... I.. im only eighteen. I can't have a baby!" And I started to cry again, the overwhelming feeling that everything was about to come crashing down on me taking over. Mum pulled the car over before pulling me into his arms. I cried softly into his chest, holding onto him as tightly as I could.

It was like he was all that was keeping me from falling completely apart right now.

"You're going to be okay A.J." Mum said, running his fingers through my hair as he tried to help me calm down.

"How are you so sure?" I asked after I finally did, looking up at him with tear filled eyes.

"Because you've got a great support system for one. You've got your Dad and I... you've got Oliver. You're not alone in this."

"Are you mad?" I asked after a minute, biting my bottom lip. Mum just shrugged.

"You're old enough to make your own choices A.J., I can't get mad at you for something that I couldn't control." Mum gave me a reassuring smile.

"Do you think Dad will be?"

"Probably, but you can't take it personally. Your father doesn't handle surprises very well. The sooner we tell him the better." Mum said before pulling back onto the road. The entire ride I was silently freaking out.

I didn't want Dad to be mad.

I didn't want Oliver to hate me either.

This was just a huge mess.

And I was stuck right in the middle of it.


"Your dad is in his office... You should probably go tell him now Alexander." Mum said as soon as we got home.

"Come with me?" I felt so vulnerable. Mum just nodded before following me to Dads office. Dad was sitting at his desk, a phone to his ear as he talked to one of his clients. He smiled at us both when he saw us, saying a quick goodbye.

"How'd the appointment go?" He asked almost immediately. I felt like I needed to throw up again, but I needed to tell him.

"Good... We uh... We found out what was wrong." I said quietly, fiddling with the sonogram I held in my hand.

"Well?" Dad asked, his face falling as I walked closer to him. With a shaky hand I gave him the sonogram. He looked at me confused before turning it over, his face falling.

"Y-You're pregnant?" He whispered, looking at me. I nodded before bursting into tears for what felt like the millionth time that day.

And then Dad surprised me by pulling me in for a hug. He held me tightly as I cried.

"Squirt. Hey it's gonna be okay." He whispered, kissing the top of my head as I cried.

"Y-You're not m-mad?" I asked, still crying.

"I am a little... I mean you're a little young to be having a baby and you're still in high school... but you're gonna be okay." Dad gave me a reassuring squeeze, and I looked up to see he was crying too.

"I'm sorry Dad."

"It's gonna be alright squirt."


Oliver was next, but it wasn't going to be as easy as telling my parents.

He was busy traveling the country... and this was something I needed to tell him in person.

Skype was going to have to work.

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 4:31 pm

Are you busy right now?

From: Oliver 😍😘 Received: 4:33 pm

Kinda. Just finished up rehearsals for our concert tonight. Why?

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 4:35 pm

I really need to talk to you.

From: Oliver 😍😘 Received: 4:40 pm

Okay? What about?

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 4:42 pm

It's not something I want to tell you over text.

From: Oliver 😍😘 Received: 4:45 pm

Are you breaking up with me?!

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 4:47 pm

no! I promise I'm not! It's just something I would prefer to tell you physically. Can you skype tonight?

From: Oliver 😍😘 Received: 4:50 pm

Dammit Alex! Don't scare me like that.

And I can make time. It'll be after the concert though. Is that okay?

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 4:51 pm

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.

And that should be fine.

From: Oliver 😍😘 Received: 4:53 pm

Are you okay?

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 4:55 pm

Just promise me that you won't hate me?

From: Oliver 😍😘 Received: 5:01 pm

I could never hate you. You know that Alex....

What's going on? You're really scaring me.

To: Oliver 😍😘 Sent: 5:04 pm

I'll tell you tonight. I love you Oliver.

More than anything.

From: Oliver 😍😘 Received: 5:05 pm

I love you too.... I'll talk to you tonight.


Well Harry wasn't too mad...

That's good right lol


Anyways. Selina Gomez plays Olivia. If you don't remember who that is, its Oliver's little sister.

But obviously she isn't like Selina's age right now hahaha. It's just hard to find young Selina photos!




Connie xx

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