Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter Forty-Four

  And every night I miss you, I can just look up

And know the stars are holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you tonight

"So, tell me Mr. Rock Star... Do I get backstage passes to tonight's concert?" I asked Oliver on the third day of my stay. For the past two we had just been running all around, interview after interview... Oliver was really good at them and I just couldn't wait until I got the chance to hear him sing. It had been quite some time since the last time Oliver had sang in front of me... so it was safe to say I was looking forward to it.

"Depends, are you going to stop calling me rock star??" Oliver teases, propping himself up with his elbow. He was smiling softly, his hair falling in front of his eyes as he looks at me. I was standing in front of the bathroom, having just gotten out of the shower.

"Only when you stop being such a huge cheese ball."

"I'm only a cheese ball for you babe, you know that." Oliver winks before getting up off the bed. He grabs a shirt out of his bag, throwing it over his head as he walks over to where I'm standing.

"Cheese ball."

"Stop calling me cheese ball." Oliver laughs out, bopping my nose before kissing my cheek and walking into the bathroom.

"What am I supposed to call you then? You keep shooting down all my nicknames." I asked him, turning around so I could look at him. Oliver just shrugs, grabbing his tooth brush along with the tooth paste.

"Not my fault you come up with lame ass nicknames."

"They're better than yours. Babe is so overused."

"Would you prefer baby momma?" Oliver asks, arching his eyebrows as I nearly choke.

"What the f uck?" I splutter, looking at Oliver like he'd gone crazy. Oliver just shrugs again, smiling a little.

"You walked right into that one."

"I did not... and besides, what kind of nickname is baby momma?"

"Well, technially... you're my baby momma."

"I'm a boy. If anything, I'm your baby daddy." I argued, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked at Oliver. Oliver just laughs, shaking his head at me.

"That's not how it works babe. You're carrying the baby, you're the mum."

"I am not the mum. I'm the dad." I pointed at myself, almost as if that was going to emphasizes my point.

"No. I'm the dad."

"I'm not going to be called mum."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to be called mum." I said, almost like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Fine, but I call dibs on Daddy." Oliver says, effectively ending the conversation by finally brushing his teeth.


"Are you sure you're going to be okay backstage? I'm sure Tracy can find someone to stand out in the crowd with you if that's something you wanna do?" Oliver says later that night. We were at some small club, waiting for Oliver to go out on stage... of course he wasn't ready to go, too busy worrying about me to actually go onstage. I tried not to roll my eyes, finding his overprotective nature a little overbearing. If I needed someone to hover over me, I would've just stayed home with my parents.

"I'm positive. Backstage is just fine. Now go before I drag you out there myself." I said, pushing at him as he tried to fret over me some more.

"Are you sure?" He tries one more time and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, now get the f uck out there you idiot." I practically yelled, giving him a small shove towards the stage. Oliver stumbles onto it, looking at me one last time before he faces the crowd. It was a pretty decent sized one, and it amazed me that so many people supported Oliver and the other boys. Oliver gives an awkward wave at the crowd, grabbing the microphone off the stand as he smiles.

"Sorry for that... I had something I had to take care of backstage. It was a real pain in the ass if I'm quite honest." Oliver says, earning shouts from the crowd and chuckles from those around me. I could only smile, rolling my eyes at him. Oliver clears his throat before picking up the guitar that sat on the speaker next to him.

"So, before we begin... I would like to just thank you all for everything you've done for us. This band was literally formed in my parents garage on a Friday morning back when I thought that tattoos were stupid. That was four years ago, and to be honest if you told seventeen year old me that I'd be playing in front of actual people.... or that I had tattoos.... I would've laughed and called you crazy. Mainly about the tattoo part." Oliver laughs, shaking his head as he pulls the guitar strap over his head.

"But on a serious note, none of this would be real without you guys... and for that I can't thank you enough. Now, with that out of the way... I've got a song for you guys, you should know it... If not, you will cause it's gonna be our first single I guess... I wrote this song a few months back when I was in a pretty rough place... Anyways, this is Tonight and I hope you like it." Oliver looks at me after he finishes, a bright smile on his face before he plays the first note.

I remember the times we spent together all those drives, we had a million questions all about our lives.



This chapter was super cute and like super fluffy.

You guys have no idea how tempted I am to make this the last chapter and move onto the second book lol.

Cause it's seriously a good ending in my opinion...

Anyways, the song in the multimedia is the one that Oliver sings. I do not own the song. All rights go to FM Static.

I just feel like that song is literally Oliver and A.J.'s song.... so yeah.




Connie xx

UPDATE: on the app you can't watch the video, but if you wanna listen to the song it's Tonight by FM Static

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