Chapter 88

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A/N: I'm back! If you're still around reading my story, thank you. I love reading your comments and messages. Sorry for being gone so long. Please enjoy this new chapter!


Mitch's POV:

I inhale the oceanside fresh air in-between slow kisses, my heart thrumming against my chest as Scott presses a hand firmly into my thigh.

"Is this okay?" He asks gently with his mouth against my ear.

I shiver at the ocean breeze and the sensations of hands and lips roaming my skin.

I nod lazily, raking my hand through his luscious blond hair.

His hands still and he pulls away.

I groan in protest. "Don't stop."

He chuckles. "We should head back inside, it's getting late."

We had just watched the sunset together, commemorating the end of our third day on vacation in Miami.

It felt nice to get away, even though rearranging our schedules was stressful.

Still, the memories we made together in just three short days made it all worthwhile.

We had to head back to LA in the morning, and neither of us was ready to break the perfect bubble we were currently occupying.

Although our vacation was full of great memories like morning jogs on the beach, meeting up with some of Scott's college friends, and staying up talking about our dreams and fears, I still felt an ounce of disappointment eating away at me. And it was my own fault, stemming from the second night of our trip.

On the first night, we were both jet-lagged and irritable from hunger. We had a nice dinner at a high-end restaurant near the ocean with several bottles of wine and passed out as soon as we got back to Scott's property.

The second night we stayed in to cook dinner and watch a movie on the flatscreen in the living room. Halfway through the film, we'd ended up abandoning our movie night, much more invested in exploring each other's mouths on the couch.

Scott at one point had slipped a hand under my shirt, and I stiffened at the touch of his fingers rotating around my nipple.

He broke away from the kiss, panting. "Are you okay?"

I chuckled breathily. Nervously. "Mmhmm."

He raised a skeptical brow, raising his body off of mine from where he'd had me caged beneath him.

"You sure?" He challenged.

I sat up, clearing my throat as my eyes traveled down his body. My face flushed a deeper shade of red at the realization that we were both physically excited.

"Yeah!" I replied, my voice cracking and giving away my nervousness. "Why?"

Hi sighed. "You seem... on edge? I just want to make sure you're feeling comfortable. The point of this trip is to relax. If you don't feel comfortable, you have to tell me so I can know and respect your boundaries. Promise you'll tell me if you're uncomfortable?"

I felt tears prickling my eyes. I was embarrassed. Scott probably thought I was immature, naive, and unable to speak up for myself when I was uncomfortable. He probably wanted to be with an experienced and confident man that could communicate their boundaries. In my last relationships, I had gotten so used to just doing whatever my partners wanted. Scott was different. He respected me and made me feel safe. Loved.

Blinking away my tears before Scott would notice, I felt frustrated. I had already been wanting to improve our physical connection for weeks, and messing things up just as we were making progress was not in the plan. We had been physical several times before, but I almost always got shy and timid, which would cause Scott to worry and pull back. Why couldn't I just give all of myself to him? It shouldn't be this difficult with someone you're in love with. I could blame my anxiety, but sometimes I wasn't so sure that it was the only thing holding me back.

"Hey, don't worry." Scott cooed. "I'm not mad. I just don't want to do anything that you don't want. I'm sorry if I escalated things or pressured you."

I wanted to scream, let him know that I also wanted him and that he did nothing wrong, but my anxiety wouldn't let me get a single word out. So I just nodded lamely.

"Do you want to keep watching the movie?" He asked, placing his hands on his lap. The distance between us felt foreign after literally being on top of each other. I wanted to cry at how far away he felt.

I shook my head no, offering an awkward smile. I ruined the moment with my stupid anxiety, and Scott was so sweet when he should be annoyed at me for acting like a kid.

He studied my face for a couple of seconds. "Do you want to cuddle?" He offered. It was as though he could read my mind. We had both grown since our high school days, but some things never change. 

I nodded eagerly, anxious to continue any form of physical contact.

After the second night, Scott had been cautious when initiating touches and kisses, always asking for my permission or hesitating. It had gone on for the entire last day of our trip until I took matters into my own hands, placing my mouth to Scott's as we enjoyed the sunset from the comfort of a private beach, my anxiety at last feeling under control for the first time since we'd left LA.

Traveling always seemed to trigger my anxiety, and on top of that I couldn't stop thinking about my work emails unread since Scott and I decided we would be spending our trip "unplugged" — Meaning no emails, social media, or work-related phone calls.

As Scott and I continued exchanging kisses for some time, I felt his body relax. That's when he asked if he could touch me, hands roaming from my chest to my thighs after I had verbally given him the green light.

I was practically floating in bliss, drowning in the crashing tides of loving and being loved by Scott.

Once we made our way back inside of Scott's beach house, he closed the front door and pressed me against it seemingly in one swift motion.

My heart rate instantly began to increase and I felt the chill from the air conditioning on my chest, contrasted by Scott's warm hands, as my shirt lay discarded on the ground.

I reached for the hem of Scott's polo and he breaks away from my body, removing his shirt.

He takes my hand, leading me to the couch and laying me down. We ended up in a position similar to the night before, Scott's body hovering above mine.

When he presses his body against mine, my body reacts with short movements as I chase the warmth and pressure of his groin against mine.

Suddenly it's not enough, the fabric of his jean shorts making my head dizzy as I reach for his zipper.

After removing the remainder of our clothing, I feel vulnerable. But I know I'm safe with Scott, so I sigh in contentment and relax against his touch. 

The sounds of our pleasured voices fill the air like a duet, and I swear my heart sang along. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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