Chapter 87

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Mitch's  Pov:

I greet Genevieve as I enter Scott's home. 

"Mitch! Hi! Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" She asks, grabbing her purse. 

She was on her way out. I shake my head no. "I am ok, thank you. Have you seen Scott?"

She smiles. "He said something about a writing session around an hour ago, so I would check his office."

I thank her, hug her goodnight, and make my way to Scott's music room. As expected, I hear the beautiful sounds of his voice and the piano ringing out into the hallway. I take a moment to just stand there and admire the music before proceeding to disrupt it. Scott took his writing sessions very seriously and I didn't want to interrupt. 

I lean against the doorframe of his office and close my eyes in bliss. This is just what I needed after my disastrous meeting with Candice's designer. 

Suddenly, I hear a cluster of notes as Scott groans. "Fuck! Ow!"

I gasp, quickly bursting through the door. Scott is grasping his left hand in pain.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I ask, sitting beside him on the bench to inspect his hand.

"Yeah, just frustrated," he replies casually. "Hey. I didn't know you were here."

His hand looks visibly unharmed. "What did you do? Be careful!" I scold.

He shrugs it off. "Sort of got carried away with this song I'm working on. It's currently falling apart, so I had to take it out on something. Anyway, enough about me. Tell me about your meeting with that fancy designer. He seemed... charming."

I sigh, kissing Scott's injured hand before letting go. I then roll my eyes and stare down at my lap. "So, imagine you finally got an opportunity to collab with Arianna Grande... but she's completely disinterested in your work and just hits on you the entire time."

He doesn't respond for a moment and I get nervous,  so I look up at his face. "Well?"

"Well, first of all, I would be over the moon if Arianna hit on me... no offense. And second of all, I'm so sorry. Do you wanna talk about it? Explain to me what he did?"

I could tell that he was trying hard to keep it cool on top of already being pissed off over his songwriting session.

I clear my throat cautiously. "Well, I would rather not. It was just really uncomfortable and I want to forget about it. He's an asshole and I can't believe I have to work with him for the next four months."

He looks shocked. "Four months?! Do you have to? Candice will understand, she can just get him a different model." 

I quickly shake my head. "No, Scott. I was selected as one of four models to premiere his line. This could be a big opportunity to get my name out there internationally, and I can't pass on that just because he's flirty. Women have to deal with this all of the time in the industry. Trust me, I have heard the horror stories."

"Okay?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "Did you just come over tonight to piss me off? Mitch, you can't let people step all over you when-"

"-Piss you off?" I scoff. "Are you even listening to me? You always make everything about you. I can take care of myself."

He groans in disbelief. " Really? You know what I mean, Mitch. You don't have to be treated like shit just to make it. You're talented, smart, and beautiful. You don't need some asshole foreign dude to pressure you."

I chuckle in amusement. "Oh, my god. He didn't pressure me into doing anything, Scott. How are you going to call me smart but imply that I'm stupid?" 

"I never said-"

"-You didn't have to! You implied it!"

"But when did I- you know what? Never mind. Just relax, okay? I'm sorry for questioning you when you said you didn't want to talk about it. I just wanted to make sure he didn't take advantage of you."

"Don't fucking tell me to relax, goddamit." I snap.

"Mitchy," he cautions. 

I stand up from the bench. "I think I'm gonna head home now."

He frowns. "Stay, Mitchy. Please? I've barely seen you all week."

"Sorry, but today has just been so stressful and I don't need, well... this." I gesture to the atmosphere in the room.

He walks up behind me and places a hand around my waist while the other massages one side of my neck/shoulder. His chin rests on my other shoulder blade. "We're both stressed, Mitchy. Why don't we take a week off; go on a little vacation? The renovations on my property in Florida are complete and we can spend a few days down there. You can meet some of my friends that live there, or it can just be us together. Whatever you want. Would that be good, honey?"

Scott is too good for me. Why do I treat him so badly when he's just looking out for me? Maybe I'm not ready to be in a serious relationship. I have a lot of growing up to do and Scott is older and more experienced than I am. Maybe we're just in two different places in life.

"Hm? What do you say, my love?" He asks again.

I just nod, turning around to face him. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face into his chest.

"I'm sorry," I admit.

He hugs me tightly. 

"What for?" He asks. "You really don't need to do that. I know you're stressed, getting used to LA is hard and most of the people here in the business industry are dicks. Just promise me that you would tell me if somebody ever tries to do you wrong in any way."

"I promise," I respond quickly. "Really."

"Hey," he says, gently pushing me away from his chest. "I am serious. Do you swear?"

"Of course, honey." I point my toes up, inching my body toward his mouth in an attempt to reach him. I carefully place a kiss to his lips once he is leaned down close enough to meet me. 

"I love you, Mitchell."

I flinch at him saying my full name, knowing he only used it because he's mad at me. "I love you too. Sorry that we fought. Do you want to play your song for me? It was nice. I listened in the hall for a bit."

"What?! Why?" He asks, eyes wide.

"Uh, sorry. Should I have not done that? You're making me feel guilty." 

He bites his lip nervously. "No, no. It's fine. Maybe I'll play it some other time... I am tired. I was only up because I was waiting for you to get here."

I frown. "I didn't mean to keep you up."

"It's okay, I'm about to get ready for bed. Join me for a bath?"

"Relaxing with an angel? Now that sounds like heaven."

He giggles, kissing the side of my ear before whispering "I love when you get all flirty and blushy." 


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