New book idea! (Please read.)

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Must Be Love On The Plane- Scomiche fanfic (If you don't get the pun, 1) Who are you? and 2) Go listen to "Love on the Brain" by queen Rihanna.)


Hour 6-

Scott and Mitch smiled at each other as they swung their hands that were linked together, the whole gang strolling along a market center in Bangkok together.

"Thailand is so beautiful! I just love the people!" Kevin said cheerily.

"The people are great," Avi agreed. "but I love the food! They have amazing barbecue... I love a good barbecue."

Scott chuckled. "Really? Do you love dragons, too?"

Mitch smiled, joining in on the fun. "Do you like sing bass or something?"

Kevin broke out into a fit of laughter as Avi rolled his eyes. "Please calm down!" He exclaimed, causing Scott and Mitch to both start laughing too.

Nichole and Carissa were giggling about something Kirstie was saying as Michael pointed out some ancient looking building to Esther, who gasped and stopped to take a picture.

Everyone was happy and enjoying each other's company. Mitch smiled to himself, feeling content as he listened to Kevin and Avi playfully taunt each other.

"Someone's smiley." Scott said, poking a dimple that graced Mitch's features.

Mitch hummed contently in response. "Just happy, and hanging out with my boyfriend in Bangkok."

Scott flashed him a toothy grin as he stared at him in awe. "You're so cute, I love y-"

"-Passengers!" The pilot's voice rang out through the cockpit, startling Mitch from his slumber. "We've run into a bit of a storm system, please remain seated and buckled while the seat belt sign is on."

Mitch's eyes widened and he jerked his head to his righthand side where Scott was sat beside him. Scott was already looking at him and placed a hand on Mitch's knee. "Hey, you're okay."

The plane jolted harshly to the right and Mitch felt his throat fall into his chest. His natural reaction was to grab onto Scott's forearm and bury his face into It.

"It's okay Mitchy, just a bit of turbulence." Scott reassured, pulling Mitch into a side hug and pecking his temple.

"A bit?!" Mitch scoffed, shutting his eyes tightly as the plane began to steady itself.

Kirstie looked over from where she was seated with Nichole in the aisle across from the two boys. She gave Scott a sympathetic smile and mouthed 'is he okay?'

Scott nodded and pressed another kiss to Mitch's head. "Just breathe, I've got you. Don't you trust me?"

"Of cour-"

Suddenly the cabin lights went out as the plane thrashed violently to the side, causing Mitch to swear. "Fuck!"

Esther and Nichole squealed, Kevin woke from his sleep, Avi just looked out a window and Kirstie placed a hand over her heart as her breathing got heavier. Michael and Carissa held hands and began whispering to one another, and Scott didn't really have any reaction other than to hug Mitch impossibly tighter.

"Sorry about that folks, just a bit of turbulence. We've rebooted the power and it should come back momentarily."

Everyone began to calm down except for Mitch, whose lip began to tremble.

"Shh, I've got you. You're okay." Scott whispered into his ear. "Please don't cry honey."

Mitch tried to hold it together, focusing on the gentle fingertips running through his hair.



Pentatonix is traveling to Thailand for the Asia leg of their world tour with Us the Duo.

Sounds like fun, right? Traveling with some of your best friends in the world to make music together and bring happiness to others? Not for Mitchell Grassi, who has major social anxiety and a fear of flying. 

This minimal length story will follow Mitch, Scott and the whole gang along their 18-hour flight to (And adventures in) Thailand. 




(P.S. If you know how to make a good book cover and would like to do one for me please message me!)


Hope y'all like this idea because I really would like to do it. Cheers! :)- xx

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