Chapter 37

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"Nothing would make me prouder than to call you my boyfriend. So will you be mine?"

My heart was pounding as I waiting for Mitch to say something, anything.

He scrunched his eyes shut and shook his head before taking his hands from mine and placing them on his face.

When he let out a small sob I knew that wasn't a good sign. "Mitchy? Please say something." 

I got up to sit beside him on the couch and just wait for him to answer me.

Finally, he let out a long breath. 

"I'm so so so sorry Scotty, but I just can't." Came his broken reply.

I felt my heart shatter

Why did I think that Mitch Grassi would want to be my boyfriend? He's way out of my league.

"I-It's okay." I whispered, trying to keep myself composed. 

It shouldn't have been shocking that Mitch didn't want me. I had too much baggage and I was stupid for asking him. However, I couldn't decide what would have made me felt more idiotic; Asking and getting rejected or not asking and never knowing whether or not I could ever end up with that beautiful boy. 

I was happy that I found the courage to ask him, but getting rejected felt like crap.

Mitch sobbed again and the sound of him being hurt was more heartbreaking than being rejected.

"Hey, don't cry babe." I said, gently removing his hands off of his face.

I held both of his hands between my larger ones. 

"I f-feel so bad. I'm s-s-so sorry." He wept, avoiding eye contact.

I gave a large exasperated sigh. "Look. I'll be okay, Mitchy. I-I'm not gonna lie, I want to- to be with you... and getting rejected isn't fun...  but you have the right to say no and I don't want you to be upset over this." 

Mitch nodded sadly. "I'm sorry."

He finally looked me in the eyes and I could see the sadness in his brown orbs.

"Please don't feel like you need to apologize to me. It's was an honor to be rejected by Mitch Grassi."

He made a tiny gasping noise as his sobs quickly turned into full-on crying. 

Great going Scott, you just made everything worse.

"Mitchy, please stop crying. I'm just trying to say that I can respect the fact that you don't want to be with me." 

"What?!" Mitch shouted.

I just stared at him wide-eyed. I'd never really heard him shout like that before.

"You think that I don't want to be with you?!" His crying turned into laughter and he pulled his hands from between mine to wipe at his eyes.

"I mean, I just assu-"

"-Okay, well maybe you are a little stupid then." He sassed. "I'm just kidding, I don't think you're stupid... But really? Of course I want to be with you."

A stupid grin plastered onto my face. He does want to be with you... Then why did he say no?

"Then why did you say no? If you want to be with me then that's all that matters."

He sighed, wiping away more tears that silently fell. "I just... can't. I'm so young, Scott. A-And I'm scared, and I'm not ready... Also if my dad found out, I-I don't know what I would do. I can't risk losing my father completely. Not right now. I'm just not ready, okay? I'm not even sixteen yet!" 

So he was scared. Thank god, I thought he just didn't want to be with me. I was selfish for thinking that it was because of me.

"Oh, that's it? Thank god. Mitch... Mitchy. Look, you don't have to be scared. I'll be there for you. We're in this together, that's how relationships work. We want to be together so we should be together. I mean, not that I'm forcing you... You have a right to say no and-"

"-Scott, slow down. I really can't take that all in right now... I obviously want to be with you, but I'm just not in the position to commit. I'm only fifteen years old."

I sighed, getting slightly frustrated. Did he not realize how mature he was for his age? Even the fact that he's willing to say no for a relationship speaks volumes of his level of maturity.

"Mitchell, you are the most mature person I've ever-"

"-Oh my god, you sound like my parents. Don't "Mitchell" me, Mr. Hoying." Mitch sassed with a cute giggle.

Mitch's giggle made me smile a little. "Okay. Well, I think this has been the most peaceful rejection I've ever had in my life."

His face immediately fell stoic. "I'm just not ready yet... I'm sorry."

"I know, I know. Just... I think we would work out. You're so mature for your age and I honestly think that relationships aren't difficult if you really want to be with the person."

"Relationships aren't difficult? That's easy for you to say. You're almost an adult and you've had experience with relationships..."

I had almost forgotten that Mitch still thinks I'm seventeen. I probably should have told him, but in the moment of trying to convince him to date me, I figured mentioning that I'd been lying about my age wouldn't be the best move.

I just chuckled nervously and scratched at the back of my neck.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked. "You're doing your nervous tick thing."

"Nervous tick thing?" I asked, intrigued.

"Yeah, you scratch the back of your head when you're nervous."

I smirked. "Nice of you to notice, pretty boy."

"I'm just observant..." He winked.

I laughed. Mitch always managed to make me laugh, even in sucky situations such as just being rejected by him. He really is my best friend.


"Hmm?" He hummed, gazing into my eyes.

"You're my best friend," I said, placing a hand to his cheek and wiping away some wetness from his tears. "I will wait for you, you know. Until you're ready to be with me."

Mitch looked concerned. "But Scott, that could take years. You'll be graduating soon, and don't say you won't be, so I don't know if you'll be able to wai-"

"-Mitch." I said firmly. "I will wait for you. I promise."


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