Chapter 47

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Soon there were about 60 people all piled into the Kaplan's relatively large living room, everyone cheering loudly as some kids that I remembered from choir belted out a fifth harmony song on the karaoke setup. 

It had been fun to watch different people trade off on karaoke as Kirstie and I judged them from the crowd of spectators; laughing our asses off when someone completely butchered one of our favorite songs. 

But it quickly began to get too noisy and too crowded, especially when Kirstie had gone off somewhere with Jeremy, leaving me alone to glance around the room full of complete strangers.

I had to get away from this crowd. I pushed my way through the sea of people and scanned the room for Scott.

When my eyes finally landed on him, he was chatting with some people I didn't recognize by the snack table with a wide grin on his face. His smile made me smile a little, although I was admittedly feeling a little on edge.

Scott had a lot of friends, and they were all so good-looking and social. I felt like a complete outcast. 

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and immediately swung around.

"Hey Alex!" I grinned widely, not expecting to see my best friend.

Alex never seemed to particularly like Scott and likewise, I had to practically beg Scott to invite Alex to the party. 

All it took were my best puppy dog eyes for Scott to finally give in, assuring me that Alex hated him but he would invite him to his party anyway, only because of me. To which I of course, kissed him thankfully. 

"Hey Mitchy! Wow, you look really fucking cute!" Alex spoke loudly over the music. "I didn't expect to see you here!"

"Yeah... same." I responded with a forced smile. It sucked not being able to tell one of my best friends that I'm dating Scott out of fear that they might judge me. 

"I was so surprised when Scott invited me! I texted Kirst and when she told me he invited her too, I just had to come. I didn't think that you would be here though?" He said, almost like a question, with a raised brow. 

I bit my lip nervously. "I just like, came because my friend Esther invited me."

"Well I'm glad you came! I've missed you, and this party seems pretty fun. Maybe it's because you're here."

I blushed a little. "That's sweet."

Alex grinned. "Wanna dance?"

"Oh, I don't know. I was about to-"

"-Please?" Alex pouted. "Just one dance?"

"Alex, you know that I don't dance." I said shyly.

"What? You're gonna have to speak louder, I can't hear you over the music!" Alex responded, grabbing my are and dragging me out to the 'dance floor', which was just a section in the living room where lots of people and couples were dancing. 

I cringed at the sight of some girls in a short skirt grinding on who I assumed was her boyfriend.

"Alex, I don't wanna-"

"-Come on!" Alex exclaimed, pulling on my arms in an effort to get me to start dancing with him.

He was embarrassing me. 

I shouldn't have looked around the room, but when I did I was met with skeptical glances and the sounds of snickering.

Everyone was watching me and I probably looked ridiculous and awkward. I was so out of everyone's league.

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