Chapter 35

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I'm getting back into it! This will be a short chapter and I'm going to post more later today or tomorrow. I also have a new book idea that I'm going to post today so please stay tuned and comment if you like the idea and want me to write it! Also, I feel the need to note that I got inspiration to get back into this because of Mitchgrassihoying91. Thanks for supporting me!!❤


I texted Mitch first thing Sunday morning. I felt awful after what Kirstie told me.

Me: Do you still have your phone?

Future boyfriend: Hi. Yes.

Me: Please don't be mad at me. :( I didn't mean to get you in trouble.

Future boyfriend: I'm not mad at you Scotty. It's my fault for sneaking out... I knew the consequences but I didn't think my mom would actually take me out of choir. 

I sighed. I needed  to talk with him in person but there was probably no way he'd ever be allowed  to leave his house again.

Me: I'm still gonna feel like shit no matter what you say. I'm the one who pressured you into drinking alcohol and if I didn't she might not have been as mad about you sneaking out. 

Future boyfriend: I didn't drink that much, Scotty. I don't think I like beer all that much tbh...

Me: It's not for everyone... Are you okay? 

Future boyfriend: No.

I frowned and my heart hurt.

Me: What are you doing today? 

Future boyfriend: Pretending to be straight for church and probably "confessing" my sins so that my dad doesn't disown me.


Me: Damn.

Future boyfriend: Yeah, my dad is a preacher so he wasn't too happy when my mom told him I snuck out and drank. Although half a beer is hardly drinking... 

Me: That really sucks. I'm sorry that you and your father don't get along.

Future boyfriend: It's not too crazy. We can at least coexist. I just wish I could come out to him... 

Me: At least you have your mom. 

Future boyfriend: Scotty? Are you feeling bad for me because you can relate?

Future boyfriend: I mean, your situation is A LOT different from mine.

Future boyfriend: Nvm. I don't know what I'm trying to ask.

He was trying not to push my limits, it was sweet of him. 

Me: No, I know what you mean. And the answer is yes. I didn't really get along with my dad but I had my momma... you know the rest of the story, but I just feel bad for you because I don't want you to end up like me when you're older wishing that you had a better relationship with your father.

Future boyfriend: That's nice of you. I really hope that my dad and I can be close someday but I'll never know until I come out to him. 

Me: Are you gonna do it anytime soon?

Future boyfriend: I will if I ever have a reason to. 

Me: A reason to as in a boyfriend?

Future boyfriend: Bye Scott, gotta get ready for church. 

This boy is going to actually kill me.


I was playing mariokart with Avi in the den while Esther was in her room finishing up homework so she could join us. 

Avi had just beaten me for the 5th time. 

I groaned. "Ugh, Av! Why are you so much better than me at everything?"

Avi paused the game with a gasp. 

"Say that again and I'll whoop your-"

"-I'm being serious." 

"And so am I, Scott. What happened? Why are you talking down on yourself again? I keep telling you that you're an amazing singer."

"I know..."

"So, stop it! Mr. Best Male Baritone three years in a row! What's wrong?"

Avi put his remote on the coffee table and shifted his body on the couch to face me, giving me his full attention. He always knew when I was upset and would immediately go into "big brother mode."

"I don't know. I'm just stressed out because I seem to screw up everything for everyone and I- I don't know, Avi. Just let me be angry for once, okay?"

"No way. We need to talk because you haven't said stuff like this since- since a long time ago."

"A long time ago as in when Rick left m-"

"-Scott, stop self-destructing. Chill out and let me be here for you, okay? What happened? Was is that boy you took to that party last night?"

"What? No, what do you mean?"


"It's Mitch." 

Avi chuckled a little. "Okay, so boy drama? Alright then. Let's speak man-to-man. What happened?

Esther suddenly barged into the den. "Did somebody say boy drama?!"

I sighed and Avi smirked. "Yes, but I also said, and I repeat, man-to-man." 

Esther scoffed. "Well I'm a woMAN." She sassed, emphasizing the 'MAN'.

"Esther, you need to-" Avi started.

"-Oh fuck me, just sit down Esth." I interrupted. 

"Yay!" She cheered, plopping down on the couch in between me and Avi. "Now what happened with Mitch? Kirstie told me you went to the bathroom to help him."

Avi's eyes widened. "Woah, what the fu-"

"-Oh my god!" Esther squealed. "Not like THAT Avi, you perv! He was helping him because he was having  an anxiety attack. Well, according to Kirst."

Avi nodded. "Oh, okay good. Why was Mitchell-um, Mitch? having an anxiety attack?"

"Because I'm a royal fuck up who didn't protect him." I murmured.

"Oh my god, am I going to have to explain everything?" Esther asked before explaining to Avi what happened with Kyler from her own perspective. I just stopped listening and started thinking of ways to apologize to Mitch in person since he wasn't allowed to leave his house. 

Wait... Maybe he didn't have to leave his house at all.


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