Chapter 18

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Here's a chappy! Another will follow #soon 😘

I went home with Kirstie last night and slept over at her place. I told my parents we would be hanging out together all day, but little did they know that I would actually be hanging out with Scott.

The other good thing about sleeping over at Kirstie's was that she could help me get ready for my "date" with Scott. She kept calling it that and I kept telling her-

"It's not a date!" I groaned, after she'd called it that for the millionth time this morning.

"Oh, just shut up and come out."

I walked out of the bathroom from where I was getting dressed in an outfit that Kirstie picked out for me from my closet the evening before. It was ripped black skinny jeans and a cute vetements top paired with my vetements sneakers.

I attempted a little twirl but it was awkward with my crutches.

Kirstie gasped. "I'm thoroughly gagged! You look so amazing!"

I smiled shyly. "Aww. Thank you."

"No, really! Scott is going to fall in love with you."

"Stop that please" I pleaded. "It's not a date, but you're making me nervous..."

She frowned then. "I'm sorry Mitch. I didn't mean to make you get all nervous, just... I'm happy for you."


"Because Scott is your first crush since like, me from back when we dated in middle school!"

"Don't remind me... We were so cute."

"Yeah, but now I've got Jeremy and you've got Scott!" She smiled.

"I hate to break it to you, but we're both single, so..."

"Whatever. Says the guy who has a date in 30 minutes..."


Scott knew I was at Kirstie's and she gave me permission to give him her address. He showed up right on time and when he knocked Kirstie answered by practically shoving me out the door. "Have fun you two!"

I waved goodbye and Scott walked with me down Kirstie's porch.

"I want him home by 6!" She yelled from the front door, staring at Scott with her arms crossed over her chest.

Scott looked back and chuckled. "Yes ma'am..."

Kirstie... I'm gonna kill you. I glared back at her.

We walked silently together to Scott's motorcycle as I continued to worry about how I would ride with my ankle and crutches. I thought about it last night as I was trying to fall asleep along with how I would hold a conversation and not make things too awkward. I admitted my feelings for Scott to Kirstie and I couldn't even admit them to myself until then. Would my feelings affect the way I interact with him? What if I'm more awkward now that I can admit it to myself that I like him?

We suddenly stopped walking when we reached the sidewalk, Scott opening the passengers side door of a car for me. Only then did I realize that we weren't taking his motorcycle today, instead taking a very new looking grey mustang.

"This is your car?" I asked still standing there like an idiot.

Stupid Mitch! Just sit down and thank him. What's wrong with you?

Scott scratched the back of his head and smiled. "Yes, it is. I thought it would be awkward for you if we took my baby because of your ankle, so... Yeah."

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