Chapter 20

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Wow! 20 chapters! I feel so accomplished for making it here! We still have a long ways to go in this and I need y'all opinion. I want this to be a mixed POV story. The plan is that the first 20 chapters were in Mitch's POV and then the next 20 will be in Scott's, etc. How does that sound? If this ends up being 100 chapters you'll be in Mitch's head 3 times and Scott's 2 times. It'll be like 5 books in one, and I don't know if I'll make more books or more than 100 chapters but yeah, just wanted to know what y'all think so please comment below! I'm probably still going to do it even if anyone hates the idea because I like it. So the next chapter will be in Scott's POV! Questions will be answered and hearts will be broken! (Jk about that part but yeah). Anyway, let's continue sh'all we?

Oh, but first! Over 500 reads?! That's insane. I never imagined this happening so THANK YOU! Y'all motivate me to keep writing with your sweet comments. ❤️

Okay! Let's continue for real now!


After about less than an hour of driving back to Arlington from the gardens, Scott ended up taking me to a cold stone ice cream shop and I started freaking out, I had already payed for Starbucks AND lunch and didn't need my parents getting mad at me for spending all of their money. It's not like I had a job yet or anything.

"S-Scott? Sorry, but I um.... I-I-"

"-What's wrong?" He said, turning off the car after he parked into the lot. He turned to face me, giving me his full attention.

That's so sweet how he's worried about me...

"Mitchy? Talk to me."

"Oh, nothing's wrong. I just-I don't have any money left to spend for today..." I trailed off towards the end, speaking softer. I looked down at my lap, waiting for Scott to reply. When he didn't, I glanced back up at him and was met with a warm smile.

"Well you could've just said that, hun. You had me worried. The ice cream is on me, yeah? You can get as many scoops and different flavors as you want."

Oh my god, called me hun! But, focus Mitch.

"Yeah, okay. Thank you. I was just worried if I spent any more that my parents would-"

"-Mitchy, you don't have to explain anything to me. It really is no problem and I already know you have strict parents, I was listening when you told me. It's honestly my fault, I should have planned a less expensive date."

"No, it's not your-"

Wait... Did he just call this a DATE?

I gasped and the butterflies danced around in my stomach.

"What?" Scott asked, concern etched on his face. "Did you leave your phone at the garden? Because-"

"-Shh! No!" I exclaimed, cutting off Scott's (adorable) rambling.

"Th-this was a date?" I all but whispered.

His face softened and he chuckled breathily. "Only if you want it to be..."

My heart was quite literally slamming out of my chest.

We stared into each other's eyes and Scott unbuckled himself, shuffling in his seat to face me completely. He slowly leaned his body over the console, etching closer to my passengers side just as... his elbow hit a control and turned on the window wipers. I giggled but Scott's face remained neutral as he got dangerously close. I regretted what I did next.

"It's getting hot in here." I said.

He leaned away immediately. "Y-yeah.... Yeah, it is. You ready to go inside and cool off?"

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