Chapter 38

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Mitch and I spend the next hour watching tv, although we were mostly ignoring the television to just talk. 

We talked about life and I learned that Mitch believes his mother isn't really that upset with him and that she's only pretending because of his father.

"She just agrees with everything he says sometimes and I just wish that she would stick up for herself." Mitch spoke of his mother.

"You really think she's gonna take you out of choir?"

Mitch looked deep in thought for a moment. "I honestly don't think so."

"I really hope not."

We turned our attention back to our episode of Project Runway for a while until I broke the silence. 

"Wow that dress is so fierce, if I had Beyonce's body I would definitely wear it."

Mitch responded by rolling his eyes with a small giggle as he began scrolling through his phone.

He laughed out loud at something on his phone and I raised a brow.

"Whats so funny?"

"Your brother."

I paused as confusion made itself apparent on my face.

"My brother? Why are you talking to my brother?" I questioned.

Anyone would find it strange if their crush was secretly texting their brother. Why didn't he tell me?

"Why didn't you tell me you text my brother?" I asked possessively, immediately feeling embarrassed when Mitch laughed.

"I did tell you... just now." He chuckled. "And we're trying to arrange a recording session because I-well, I did agree to recording a video with him."


I was kind of hoping it was just something that they wouldn't ever really get around to filming.

Don't get me wrong, I think that Mitch has the best voice I've ever heard, but Avi's viewers can get a little crazy.

He's always getting hate from his youtube comments section and while he's more thick-skinned now, it was hard in the beginning to watch him go through the self-doubt and depression that inevitably comes with fame.

 I knew Mitch wanted this, so I would support him. It was just going to be hard because I've already experienced watching someone I lo- I mean,care about, get hurt from all of the hateful comments, and I couldn't bear to watch Mitch go through it.

But maybe he wouldn't get that many if any hate comments. After all, he is a literal angel.

I shook myself from my thoughts as I felt Mitch place his hand on my shoulder.



"Are you upset with me?" Mitch asked sadly.

I gave him a reassuring smile. "I promise I'm not. It's just... Look, I support you doing this if it's what you want. Not to scare you, but I just don't want you to end up getting hurt because trust me, it took Avi some getting used to when he first put himself on the internet and had thousands of people judging him." 

"Oh..." Mitch said, frowning slightly. "You think I'm weak."

"No, not at all Mitchy." I sighed. "I just... I just love it when you're happy and I don't want to ever see anybody hurt you."

He smiled a little at that. "That's sweet... But I'm actually thick-skinned. I go to church every Sunday, not including today obviously, and listen to some old bigoted man preach about how gays are going to hell, and then I come home to a lonely house where I have no siblings, no father figure, and a mother that's constantly threatening the little bit of freedom I have every time I try to express myself freely."

I gave him a sympathetic smile. "You're incredible, Mitchy. I'm just a little overprotective because-"

"-A little?" He smirked playfully. 

"Okay, I'm a lot protective." Mitch giggled and the sound made my heart feel lighter. "But it's because I had to watch Avi go through a lot, and I could only imagine what it was like to go through what he did."

"I'll be okay. You'll support me?"

"I don't know, Mi-"

"-Pretty please?" He pouted adorably.

"Hey, that's no fair."

"What's no fair?" He asked, as though he was oblivious to what he was doing.

"You're so coy." I scoffed.

He grinned and I felt something that I could only describe as my heart trying to burst out of my chest.

"Seriously though, I... I need your support on this Scotty. If you, Kirstie and Alex don't support this then I won't feel as excited about doing it."

I sighed, completely giving in. This was Mitch's choice to make and I wasn't the boss of him. I just needed to be his... his f-f-friend and support him. I wanted to be his boyfriend and support him, but I had to be patient.


"I support you." I mumbled. 

He grinned even wider and gasped. "Yay!" 

"I wasn't finished yet. I support you, but I'm still going to be protective... so don't like, get mad at me or anything If I say something stupid."

He nodded and pulled me into a hug. I immediately melted into his embrace. It felt like home, if ever I'd had one. I let out a sigh of relief as I thought. Maybe everything would end up okay... All of Avi's fans will love Mitch and their comments would give him confidence. It could even help him with his stage freight!

Mitch pulled away what seemed reluctantly and my skin burned in the parts he had been touching me.

"Thank you." He cooed. 

The sound of a notification bell interrupted our little moment as Mitch checked his phone again.

He gasped, his smile turning upside down.

"What?" I asked nervously, assuming it was his parents.

"Avi wants... He-he wants me to record today!"

"Okay, so what's wrong? Isn't this a good thing?" I asked, confused as to why he looked so upset. 

"You're upset, Mitch. What's wrong?" I tried again. 

"My parents... My parents, Scotty! They'd never let me go record today! I'm grounded! And Avi says that he's leaving in two days... Oh god."

I thought and thought until I could come up with a solution that would ease Mitch's anxiety. "You can use all of today to convince your parents to let you stay in choir and come over to my house with me after school to record with Avi. How does that sound? Good?"

It all sounded much simpler in my head, but it must have sounded crazy judging by Mitch's reaction.

"Scott, you don't understand. You have no clue. My parent's are so strict and-"

"-Hey, none of that. You'll at least try, okay?"

"Okay. But it's going to fail." He replied defeatedly. 


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