Chapter 53

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Please enjoy this chapter!


I'm sat across the booth from Kirstie at the food court in the mall. She's deep in thought  as she sips on her mango smoothie.

"So let me get this straight..." She finally starts after a moment.

"You're worried that Scott is somehow going to want to break up with you, because you haven't said "I love you" back to him yet?"

I nod regretfully, because it sounds silly hearing someone else say my thoughts out loud.

"Honey... That isn't going to happen, okay? I know I overreacted when you told me that Scott had already confessed his love for you, but he did confess his love to you. That must mean something, yeah? And he's not going to break up with you just because you haven't said it back."

I hear Kirstie's words but they don't make me feel any less anxious than I have the past couple weeks.

It all started the night that Scott met my parents and we all had dinner together. He had kissed me goodnight after I walked him out and he told me he loved me. When I didn't say it back I felt his disappointment and heard an audible sigh of annoyance.

I knew I was overreacting or probably over-analyzing things, but it hurt me to feel like I was constantly annoying my own boyfriend.

And then Scott started to notice my anxiety whenever I was around him. We even had a serious talk where Scott asked if I'm unhappy in our relationship.

Of course I wasn't! In fact, I'm happiest when I'm with Scott. He makes my fears melt away and I can speak from my heart without fear of being judged when I'm with him.

No one else could make me feel that way. Not even Kirstie.

And that's scary to me. Scary to me because Kirstie is my best friend and I should be most comfortable around her. Scary because I'm putting so much trust into someone I've only been with for a couple of months. Scary because I'm slowly, but surely, falling in love with Scott Hoying.

I haven't fallen in love with him yet, but I think I will. Someday soon.

And I wish that I could scream it at the top of lungs from the top of the highest mountain, but I couldn't. Not yet.

"I'm scared." I breathe out.

"I know, and It's okay." Kirst says calmly, reaching her hand across the table to hold mine. "I was scared too when I first told Jeremy I loved him."

I gasp a little. "You've... already told Jeremy you love him?"

They had only been together for three weeks and that was definitely not enough time to fall in love... Right?

She giggles. "Yeah, I have... But everyone's different and you shouldn't feel rushed or upset about not wanting to say it to Scott yet."

I nod and take a sip of my berry smoothie.

"He said it back to me, by the way." Kirst adds with a blush.

I give a weak smile in response because I don't know what to say to that.

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