Chapter 21

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Good morning queens! 😊 Welcome to Scotty's POV! The next 20 chapters will be in Scott's head before we switch back to the next 20 being in Mitch's. Tell me what you think below! This chapter is on the more sad side, but I don't think I'll be giving trigger warnings in this story (Although I kinda just did? Oops). Now without further ado, please enjoy Scott's POV. ❤️


I thankfully dropped Mitch back at Kirstie's house just a few minutes before his 6:00 "curfew". I didn't know what would happen if I got him back late, but I didn't want to find out. He told me Kirstie was like his big sister or something, which I found pretty adorable.

Today had been amazing and It felt great to finally get a chance to tell Mitch how I felt about him. I planned on doing it today, using that stupid green tea frappuccino (it wasn't even THAT good!) as an excuse to get him to hang out with me. Thank god it worked, but let me tell you, that boy has ruled my thoughts ever since I first laid eyes on him. Just getting to be near him and talk (not by text) was enough to do it for me and I just had to ask him on a legitimate date and admit my feelings to him after today.

I couldn't wait to tell Esther about it once I got home.

I followed a route in the car's GPS from Kirstie's house all the way back home and parked the car in the driveway beside my baby (motorcycle) upon arrival.

When I opened the front door, Esther hopped off of the couch. It looked like she had been waiting on me to get back.

I laughed "Eager aren't we?"

Esther ran up to me and started shaking my shoulders. "DID HE SAY YES?!" She shouted into my face.

"Esth, get off me." I shoved her off. "Let's go to my room and talk about it."

"Okay!" She exclaimed, running down the hall and into my room. I shook my head at her endearingly.

I locked the front door and went by the Kitchen where Shelly was preparing dinner. "Hey Shelly, I'm home. It smells delicious in here."

She smiled at me. "How was your day Scott?"

"It was good. This person I like likes me back and we're gonna have a second date."

"That's wonderful, Scott! Dinner will be ready shortly if you're hungry. Did you two eat on your date?"

"I could go for some dinner, we really only had lunch. Thanks Shelly!"

"No problem, hun. Michael is in the den, go say hello to him."

"Yes ma'am." I went down to the tv room where Michael was watching some Sci-Fi movie. "Hey Michael, I'm home."

"Scott! How was your date?" He smiled, turning down the television.

Esther must have gone around the house blabbering with her loud mouth.

"Why is everyone in this house calling it a date?!"

Michael raised his hands in surrender. "Sorry, just saying what Esther told me."

"Well, it kinda was a date..." I trailed.

"Did it go okay? Any more dates in your future?"

"Yeah, he agreed to go on a second one with me."

Michael clapped his hands. "Fantastic! Congratulations, Scott. You truly are a Kaplan. We always get second dates."

I laughed. "Thank god. He's so amazing, Michael..."

"When will we get to meet this boy I keep hearing of?"

I sat down on the couch next to him. "I don't know, he kinda doesn't know about y'all yet."

"Oh, I see. Are you going to tell him?"

I sighed. "Eventually... Maybe if we progress a bit more. I feel like I can trust him but it's way too early, we aren't even together yet. I mean, how do you go about telling someone that your mom died your freshman year of high school and that your dad left you for being gay?" I chuckled nervously, running a hand through my hair as I rambled. "How do you begin to tell somebody that the rest of your extended family doesn't even want you either because you're such a fuck-up? Do I even call them my family anymore?"

"Scott, we're your family now. You know we want to adopt y-"

"-Wanting and doing are two very different things." I said, standing up from the couch.

"It's a long process, Scotty. Don't think we aren't trying. We can't legally adopt you without your birthfather's permission. We are trying, very very hard."

"I need some air." I said, leaving the room.

I slipped out the back door into the yard where Avi and Esther's old swing-set stood. I attempt to sit down and it ended up being really awkward because of how tall I am. I sighed and sat on the grass.

"Dammit." I muttered. "Not today, Hoying. You've had a great day. Don't let them ruin it."

'Them' of course mean't my biological family, the ones that I haven't seen since my freshman year of high school. It was a tough year, my mother passing away from cancer which left me with my verbally abusive father. My mother was always the one who supported me when I came out to my parents in middle school and at the time my father just kind of went with it because she kept him in check. However, once she was gone there was no one to control him and he let his true colors show. He left me. Nobody wanted me... Except for the Kaplan's.

Avi and I met in elementary school and quickly became best friends. In middle school he was the first person I ever came out to and he supported me in everything. He was my shoulder to cry on when I lost my mom, he invited me over almost everyday after school to keep me away from my abusive father, he introduced me to his family, he was my big brother. My freshman year of high school Avi was already a Sophmore and had made other friends, yet he still opted to sit with me at lunch and help me get through the year. I spent most of my nights at his house where we played video games to distract me, or where I watched movies with Esther to distract myself.

My mom's death took a toll on me and before I knew it, I had stopped studying and trying in school. Avi was of course the one to help me stay on track with my homework, managing to do so whilst also helping his little sister with hers as well. Eventually Avi's help wasn't enough and I was failing my grade. The rumors are true, and now I'm on the verge of having to spend a sixth year in high school.

I sighed a shaky breath, closing my eyes and trying not to have a mental breakdown. Think good thoughts...

I thought about the day I first became a Kaplan-Hoying, the day my dad abandoned me. I had woken up to an empty house and when I checked his room, all of his things were gone. I of course called Avi after I found the note on the kitchen counter. Lazily sharpied on was:

Have a nice life, faggot.


Avi's parents immediately arranged to take me in and ever since I couldn't be happier...

Well, maybe I could be happier. Maybe if they'd adopt me.


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