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"Girls are really pretty

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"Girls are really pretty."


"Who took the test papers I had on my desk?"

The junior high class turned to the teacher, who stood angrily at the front of the room. In her hands, was an empty folder.

"Well?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at the eerily silent students. "Somebody better fess up."

"Miss!" A student exclaimed, pointing to the two kids in the back. "I saw Shinso and Y/N at your desk earlier!"

The supposedly thieving girl in question let out a sigh, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. How was she supposed to respond to that?

Meanwhile, the accused boy had no reaction, almost as if he were used to it. He didn't even try to argue with the result.

It's not as if anyone would believe them anyway.

"Obviously," another student scoffed, glaring at the two with a hostile expression. "The two villains stealing? Go figure.."

The two walked to the front of the class in silence, taking their slips to the principal's office and leaving the class.

It was fairly lonely, being cast out by your peers solely based on your quirks. After a few moments of walking, the girl cleared her throat.

"We both know we're innocent, right?" She tilted her head at the tired boy, who sighed and ruffled his own purple locks.

"Of course we are.." he murmured, a bitter look of anger on his face. "The kid who accused us probably did it."

"Well that was obvious," the girl laughed, awkwardly holding out her hand. "I'm Y/N."

Taking her hand in his, the boy couldn't resist a small smile.

"I'm Hitoshi Shinso."

A few months later..

You sighed, stepping out of the cramped car and stretching your arms to the sky. Beside you, your tired best friend did the same.

"How excited are you!?" You beamed, glancing at Hitoshi Shinso with a smile. "We're here taking the U.A. Entrance Exam..!"

"I'm absolutely thrilled," the boy said, voice devoid of any emotion besides sarcasm. You elbowed his side, causing you both to laugh.

"Hey, good luck you two!"

You glanced behind you, grinning when you spotted your moms in the car. "If you see your brother, tell him to make sure he drinks lots of water!"

"I think he already knows that," you sighed, leaning an arm on the car roof. "I'll tell him though."

You didn't want to feel bad, especially because both your Mom and Ma were so encouraging and supportive of you, but you couldn't help but feel slightly jealous.

Shaking away from those thoughts, you plastered on a smile.

"Thanks for driving us on your way to work," you thanked, glancing to Hitoshi and patting his back roughly as a hint.

He coughed, lifting a hand to his neck. "Yeah.. thank you."

Your mom grinned sweetly, rolling her window back up before driving away with your ma. You let out an exasperated sigh, making Hitoshi scoff.

"You're never gonna confront your problems, are you?" He questioned, following you as you walked toward U.A. "It's really depressing to watch."

"Shut your mouth," you replied jokingly, locking an arm with the tired boy. "I'm handling everything just fine."

"Sure," Hitoshi retorted, pausing slightly. You stopped in your tracks, following his gaze to the exam list. "We should take the general education exam instead."

"What?" Letting out an indignant huff, you frowned. "We said we'd try the hero course exam!"

"That's just a stupid pipe dream," Hitoshi growled, flicking you in the forehead with a serious expression. "Neither of us have physical quirks. If we do the hero exam, we'll just get ourselves killed."

"You do always seem to be right about things.." Tightening your grip on Hitoshi's arm, you let out a disappointed sigh. "Besides, they'd probably just call us villains anyway."

Hitoshi stared at your downcast expression, his own face mirroring your's. It wasn't your guy's faults, at least that's what you told yourselves.

"It's okay. Maybe we'll have a chance during the Sports Festival."

You smiled softly, dragging Hitoshi to where the General Education exam was taking place.

"Here's to hopeful thinking?" You stuck out a pinky finger, staring at Hitoshi meaningfully. "Come on, I know you want to!"

"You're so cheesy.." Hitoshi huffed, trying to cover up the smile on his lips. He intertwined a pinky with your's.

"Here's to hopeful thinking."

(Word Count: 732)

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