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"I can't be functional for more than two hours a day

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"I can't be functional for more than two hours a day."


Even after Aizawa's harsh training, you weren't the most athletic. Not in the slightest.

"Oh god," you breathed out, placing your hands on your knees. "...I gotta work on my stamina!"

Wiping the sweat from your brow, you straightened back up, looking around the mall area with a confused frown. Only then had you realized that you had no idea where you were.


"Y/N, is that you...!?"

Whipping your head in the direction of the voice, you widened your eyes at the sight of Mina.

And behind her...

"—Nope!" You yelled, sprinting into the opposite direction. You could hear Mina yell something else, followed by pounding footsteps. When you turned your head, you yelped.

The entirety of the girls from Class 1-A were chasing after you. Well, as far as you could tell, Uraraka wasn't there.

Regardless, you turned the corner, nearly running over a couple in the process. "Oops, sorry...!"

The chase continued for a few minutes, your breath getting shorter the more you ran. With a start, you realized that they were plotting on cutting you off somewhere in the mall when you saw a familiar set of floating clothing lurking at the end of the hall you were in.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You screeched, taking a quick glance behind you to find Mina and Tsuyu hot on your trail. Turning back around, you hurriedly searched for a distraction. "Uh... uh—"

You skidded to a near stop in front of a group of young kids, plastering on your friendliest smile. "Hey kids!" You greeted, immediately turning to point toward the confused duo behind you. "...Look! Are those the hero course students from the Sports Festival...!?"

With a devious smile, you watched their eyes light up in glee and their small feet carry them toward where Mina and Tsuyu stood with impatiently polite smiles.

"—Dang it Y/N!" Mina whined, pointing straight at you. "...You wont get far!"

"Suck my—" you shut yourself up, remembering that there were kids within earshot. "...I-I mean—uh, sucks to suck!"

Booking it in the other direction, you found yourself coming up to where Hagakure stood menacingly at the end of the hallway. You came to a stop a few feet in front of her, your eyes narrowed. "Well, well, well!"

The clothes shifted into a wider stance. "Y/N... this town ain't big enough for all of us," she chuckled, mimicking a country accent.

"I see we have ourselves and ol' fashioned stare-down..." you replied.

It was only a few more seconds before you charged forward, feigning a charge at Hagakure but banking a quick left last second so you could avoid her. You heard an oomph and the sound of Hagakure tripping on the ground. "...Sorry about that!"

You turned back, a smile on your face. You weren't sorry.

Finally, you could see the mall exit in sight; just at the end of a large three-way indoor plaza. You briefly thought of Hitoshi and your rice ball, who you had left alone in the food court.

Oh well, you mentally shrugged. I'll just text him later for that delicious


You screamed as two people rushed you from the side, both grabbing one of your arms as you struggled. "Ah fuck! No fair! You were hiding behind the corner...!"

"Well, we needed to talk to you."

Oh. You visibly gulped, turning to look at your captors. I recognize those voices.

You found yourself standing in front of Yaoyorozu and Jirou, the very people you were trying to avoid. You visibly sunk under their gazes of disappointment, fiddling with strands of your dyed hair.

"Oh..." you mumbled, casting your glance aside. "F...Fancy seeing you two here..."

"Y/N, you ran at the first sight of us," Jirou deadpanned, gently reaching up to rub your shoulder with a frown. "...Did we do something wrong?"

Yaoyorozu tilted her head, looking down at you with a soft expression on her face. "Is it about the—?"

"Attention mall-goers!"

Both Yaoyorozu and Jirou glanced up at the mall speaker, a puzzled look plastered on both their faces.

"Due to a dangerous accident, we'll be shutting the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall for the next few days. Please head to the nearest exit and we hope to see you again soon!"

Turning her head, Yaoyorozu sighed. "Y/N, Kyoka. We should head toward the—"

"Uh... Momo?"

Jirou pointed to where you were—or at least—where you used to be.

All that was left was an empty space and two confused lesbians to search for where you were.

You let out a sigh, ruffling your hair in the brisk wind. In the quick moment that they were distracted, you escaped Yaoyorozu and Jirou's grasps and ran outside into the parking lot.

"Oh, that was close!" You exasperatingly sighed to yourself, taking a risky glance behind you. "...Wait, is that—?"

There, in all his tired and angered glory, was Hitoshi himself. "You little fucker!"

You plastered on a friendly smile, oblivious to Hitoshi's enraged demeanor. "Ah, there you are!" You chirped, glancing at the bags in the boy's hands. "...Where's my rice ball, dude?"

He narrowed his eyes, tossing you the bag that you bought from the wilderness store. "Fuck off, you ditched me!"

"But what happened to my rice ball!?" You whined, following after him.

Hitoshi gave you a devilish smile.

"I ate it."

"Wha—!? No, my poor rice ball...!"

(Word Count: 923)

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delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now