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"This food is hot, just like me

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"This food is hot, just like me."


You and Hitoshi both finished at 28th and 27th place. When you got back to the arena, you collapsed onto the floor, out of breath.

"Y/N, you didn't even run," Hitoshi deadpanned, lightly kicking your body on the ground. "You were literally carried the entire time."

"I'm exhausted from excitement!" You complained, groaning as you lifted your head and caught Hitoshi holding back laughter. "Don't laugh at me!"

After a few more minutes, the rest of the students filled the stadium, watching as Midnight spun the wheel and explained the next event.

"We need a team, huh?" Hitoshi hummed, glancing to you with a mischievous look. "Team Brain-over-Brawn?"

"Of course, idiot," you snickered, bumping his fist with your's before observing the area. "People are already picking teams."

Glancing around, you looked at the green-haired boy, who had gotten first place. "That poor kid. Nobody wants to be on his team.."

You gasped, turning to Hitoshi and leaning on his shoulder.

"Can we keep him?"

"No," Hitoshi growled, shoving you off of him and glancing around with a serious glare. "He's just some over-privileged hero kid."

"Let me go brainwash some help." Before he left, Hitoshi grabbed your shoulders and shook them. "Stay here and don't move an inch, you absent-minded child!"

"Are you sure you don't just want to go find Kaminari..?"

You stuck your tongue out as Hitoshi walked away and ignored your comment, looking around boredly once he left.

Your eyes caught onto the green-haired boy. Before you could stop yourself, you wandered over, eager to engage a conversation.

"Hey!" You yelled, making the freckled boy flinch. "You won the obstacle course, right?"

"Uh yeah.. that's me!" He laughed, a blush overtaking his features. "I'm Izuku Midoriya."

"Nice to meet you!" With a grin, you shook his hand. You noticed small scars littering his arm, but you decided not to mention it. "I'm Y/N K—!"

delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now