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"Ninja... go!"


"Thank you again!" You grinned, your feet dangling off the edge of the cliff.

After the girls had left the cabin, you snuck out and asked Sosaki for a plate of food. From there, you saw Kota and requested to join him where he usually hangs out; totally willingly and not at all by constant begging.

"Whatever," Kota glared at you, "...just don't tell anybody about this place..."

Noticing his apprehension, you put your fork down and raised a pinky. "Dude, I pinky promise to never ever tell a living soul about your super secret brooding spot!"

Great! Now, I just have to find a ghost to tell, you thought mischievously, giving Kota an innocent smile.

The boy scoffed to himself, taking his small pinky in yours. "...Fine."

You grinned, opting to return to gobbling your food. You paused, blinking down at the plate. "Wow! This is... horrible!"

"Hey," Kota looked over, "don't insult Auntie's cooking like that!"

You rolled your eyes, shoveling down the last bit of food before placing the plate aside. "Fine, fine... it was actually—"

The sound of rustling made you shriek, turning your head over to where the sound was. "Oi! Whoever's there should know that I totally know Spinjitzu!"

After a few moments, a familiar Midoriya poked his head out from some bushes, confused. "...W-What is Spinjitzu?"

"Oh," you blink in embarrassment, "it doesn't exist."

"W-Wait... isn't that from Lego N—"

Kota stood up from his formerly relaxed position, glaring at the green-haired boy with hunched shoulders. "You! How'd you find out about this place!?"

Midoriya bristled at the yelling, but ultimately offered Kota a sheepish smile. "...I'm sorry. I followed you and Y/N's footsteps over here..."

"W-Well," Kota seemed to struggle for a moment, giving Midoriya an unreadable expression. He sat back down, glaring at the ground. "...Go away. I only tolerate her here because she's annoying and won't leave me alone."

delusions ✩ momo x jirou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now